

【作者】 李颖智

【导师】 许广明;

【作者基本信息】 石家庄经济学院 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 安徽开发矿业有限公司李楼铁矿位于安徽省霍邱县境内,铁矿资源储量27624.82万吨。矿区基建开始于2003年10月,由于地质、水文地质研究程度较低,给安全生产带来拉隐患。研究该矿区的地下水系统特征,预测矿坑涌水量,为矿坑生产规划的制订提供了科学合理的依据,并为防止矿井突水、淹井等矿山恶性事故的发生提出了一些可行性建议。本论文深入分析了矿区水文地质条件,详细论述了矿区地下水系统基本特征,研究了矿床充水水源、充水通道以及影响充水强度的各种因素,建立了研究区水文地质概念模型和数学模型;依据有限差分法,利用Modflow数值模拟软件建立了地下水数值模型,并运用该模型预测了-200m深度开采的矿坑涌水量,提出了矿山防治水措施,为矿山建设提供了科学依据。研究表明:(1)区内地下水运动以垂向交替运动为主,矿山开发,排水系统置于深部-200m,第四系地下水为矿床充水来源,基岩构造裂隙带为矿床充水通道,第四系底部厚度小、透水性强砾石层为影响矿坑充水强度的主要因素,地下水疏干流场为三维空间流场,垂向上存在很大的水头梯度;(2)采用数值法预测了矿井-200m水平开采的矿坑涌水量:基建开拓期矿坑涌水量平均为18924m~3/d;开采期矿坑涌水量平均为12563m~3/d。预测结果可以作为矿山设计依据。本论文通过对李楼铁矿地下水系统数值模拟的研究,在地下水三维流数值模拟方面做出了有意义的尝试,不但为矿区建设提供了科学依据,也为对类似矿区的地下水系统研究提供参考模式。

【Abstract】 Lilou iron ore of Mining Development Co. Ltd. in Anhui is in Huoqiu county , Iron ore reserves 276.2482 million tons. Mine infrastructure began in October 2003. Because the geological and hydro-geological study of mine is poor ,so it bring hidden dangers to safety production of mine. Studying the characteristics of the groundwater system of the mine area and forecasting mine discharge is provide a scientific and rational baisis for the planning of mine production development, made some feasible suggestions for preventing mines vicious incidents ,for examle mine water burst, submerged wells and ect.This paper depthly analysised the hydrogeological conditions of the mine area, detailed the basic characteristics of groundwater system of the mine area ,researched the reasons of deposits of water-filled ,water-filled channel and the impact of water-filled intensity of the various factors, established the model of hydro-geological study area concept models and mathematical models;based on the finite difference method ,used the numerical simulation software of modflwow to establish numerical model of groundwater system and calculated the mine discharge of -200 meter mining in mine area , put forward the prevention and cure water measure that ground mine.Research shows :①The main movement of groundwater of mine is alternationg vertical movement.The depth of mine drainage system is -200 meters .The water of deposits comes from groundwater of quaternary. Bedrock construction fracture zone is the channel of Water-filled. At the bottom of quaternary impacts water-filled of deposits. The movement of groundwater of mine is the three-dimensinonal movement. Vertical pressure of groundwater system is very tremendously.②Forecasting mine discharge of -200 meter mining by the mothed of numerical : the average of mine discharge in the period of infrastructure development is 18924m~3/d ; the average of mine discharge in the period of mining is 18924m~3/d . The result of forecasting can be used to the basis of mine design.The paper has made a meaningful attempt on the numerical simulation of groundwater three-dimensional flow by researching the numerical simulation of groundwater system of Liulou iron ore .It not only provides the scientific basis for building of mingning area , but also provides the reference model for researching groundwater system of similar mining area.


