

"Paganini" in Flute Circles

【作者】 王春蕾

【导师】 钱亦平;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 阿尔伯特·弗朗兹·多普勒(Albert Franz Doppler)是浪漫主义时期著名的长笛作曲家和演奏家,他的弟弟卡尔·多普勒(Karl Doppler)也是一位著名的长笛演奏家、作曲家。阿尔伯特·弗朗兹·多普勒创作了很多长笛独奏作品,并在音乐会中演奏这些作品。重奏作品则是和他的弟弟卡尔·多普勒共同完成。阿尔伯特·弗朗兹·多普勒的长笛作品充满了匈牙利民族音乐特点以及炫技性,很多作品至今仍是各国长笛演奏家音乐会保留曲目。本文的主要研究对象是阿尔伯特·弗朗兹·多普勒(在文中简称多普勒)的长笛作品技巧、风格及结构,同时还包括他与弟弟创作的富有个性的长笛重奏作品。本文的绪论部分主要是多普勒的生平简介,从他的生平经历来获取其创作作品的时代背景。第一章是对多普勒作品的体裁和曲式进行分析,力求对他的作品进行全面整体的介绍。第二章和第三章是本文的重点,从炫技性与音乐性对多普勒的长笛音乐作品进行系统的分析。第二章从技术与旋律的角度对作品的炫技技巧以及复调性旋律特点进行分析;第三章是从音乐特点角度分析,包括民族性的风格特点、多源性的主题特点以及对长笛技术与形式的开创性特点。本文的结论对多普勒的长笛创作进行了总结并谈到他的作品对长笛音乐与长笛技巧方面的影响。笔者希望通过本文的研究,更多地展现多普勒在长笛音乐上的价值,并期许能对长笛演奏人士从各个角度理解多普勒的作品有所助益。

【Abstract】 Albert Franz Doppler,together with his brother Karl Doppler,was a world famous flute composer and performer in Romantic period.He played flute solo compositions out of almost all of his own creation and all his duet compositions were co-creations with his brother Karl Doppler.His compositions are full of Hungarian folk music features and virtuosity.Many of them still remain to be repertoires in flute concerts across the world.The aim here is to conduct a comprehensive analysis on Franz Doppler’s(Hereafter called Doppler) flute skills,styles and structures,including his innovative co-creations with his brother Karl.The preface of this paper is Doppler Biography,from his life experiences to the background of his creations.The first chapter is to conduct an overall presentation of his compositions through an analysis of style and form.Being the focuses of this paper,ChapterⅡandⅢserve as a systematic analysis of his creations in terms of musicality and virtuosity.The second chapter details the features of polyphony and virtuosity from the point of view of skill and melody.ChapterⅢis an analysis from the perspective of music features,including national features of the style, multi-derived features of the themes and features of innovative technology and forms.In conclusion,the writer draws a conclusion on Doppler’s creations and points out what impacts his creations have brought to later flute composers.The writer hopes that through this research one can be more aware of Doppler’s value in flute circles and those professional flautists can have a better understanding of Doppler’s creations from all angles.

【关键词】 多普勒长笛炫技性民族性自由曲式
【Key words】 DopplerFluteVirtuosityNationalityFree form
  • 【分类号】J621.1
  • 【下载频次】502

