

Oriental Element of Debussy’s Orchestral Music ’La Mer’

【作者】 单琳

【导师】 钱亦平;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 德彪西的音乐创作是吸收多种艺术美学思想、融合东西方文化精神的典型代表。《大海》是其作品中规模最大的一部管弦乐曲,包含了他众多的个性音乐特征,是德彪西创作成熟期的代表作品。本文以《大海》为例,主要论述了德彪西把东方绘画的艺术美学思想与其音乐创作相互融合的个人特色,分析了《大海》中融入的东方加美兰音乐元素及其它要素。《大海》中体现了东方文化中的中国古典美学思想,尤其是与中国古代文人画家们在表现自然景观上所体现山的美学思想的一致性,即“天人和一”、“弦外之音”以及“以象立意”等;它在众多方面都体现山了加美兰的创作技巧,如持续音、固定音型的使用,织体对位的模仿,调式、和声的相似性等,在对《大海》音乐本体的分析中可以看出,德彪西对爪哇加美兰的音乐曾进行过深入的研究:作品出版时德彪西选择了日本版画家葛饰北斋的《神奈川冲浪里》作为封面,一是表现出他对日本浮世绘的浓厚兴趣,二是表达了他作品中具有的绘画性因素。文章对以上三方面尔方因素在《大海》中的具体体现进行了论述,从文化和技术角度进行了分析,并试图找山德彪西受尔方因素影响的内因和外因。德彪西在东西方文化的融合及兄弟艺术的融合方面是一个成功的典范,文章也着力从这方面给人以启示和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Debussy’s music creation was the typical representative work that absorbed many kinds of artistic aesthetic ideology, and fused the East and West culture spirit. ’La Mer’ was his most large-scale orchestral music, which contained many musical personality characteristics. And it was the representative work during Debussy’s creation maturity. The paper taked ’La Mer’ for example, and discussed the personal characteristic that Debussy fused the artistic aesthetic ideology of the oriental painting art and music creation, and analyzed oriental gamelan music elements and other factors of ’La Mer’.’La Mer’ reflected China classical aesthetic ideology, especially the aesthetic ideology consistency that China ancient scholars and painters reflected on the performance of natural landscape ,which was ’harmony between the heaven and human ’, ’Sound outside what the string is making between the lines ’ and ’approach determined by figure’. Its music reflected gamelan creative skills in many aspects, for example, the use of continuous tone and fixed voice type, the texture counterpoint imitation, the similarity of pitch and the harmony, etc. It could be seen that Debussy once studied Javanese gamelan music thoroughly on the analysis of ’La Mer’ music ontology. Debussy choosed Japanese printer—Katsushika Hokusai’s ’surfing in Kanagawa’ as cover on the publication of ’La Mer’, it was reflected that on the one hand he liked Japan Ukiyoe, on the other hand his work had painting factors. The paper discussed the reflection of ’La Mer’ above three aspects of oriental elements, and analyzed it from the cultural and technical perspective, and tried to find internal and external factors influenced by oriental elements.It was a successful model that Debussy fused eastern and western culture and brother art. The inspiration could be given from the paper.

  • 【分类号】J605
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】489

