

Young Men in Poor Areas Difficult to Choose Marriage Research

【作者】 胡春晓

【导师】 郝苏民;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 社会学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 城市化的不断发展使得农村也受到了很大的影响,不仅打破了原有农村的生产方式,同时也对农村的生活产生了巨大的冲击和影响,尤其是地理条件较差经济较落后的贫困地区,不仅使得当地的村民生活贫困,同时也由生活贫困而带来了较大的影响,尤其在男青年择偶方面由此而带来的非常大的影响,本文以甘肃马坝村为例,在城市化的冲击下使得原来因“柴方水便”的好地方的马坝村而现在变成了“穷山恶水”,邻村的女性不再以为马坝村是可以解放劳动力的好地方,本村的女性也因在城市打工看到了外面的世界后而思想转变,不再把自己嫁到马坝村附近而是想方设法的往自然条件比较好的村子嫁,这样就使得马坝村的男青年在择偶方面出现了择偶范围窄、择偶途径少的情况。但马坝村村民为了生活和婚姻的变通,只得采取“交换亲”、“入赘”以及不得已的“骗婚”等不正常的择偶渠道。当然,这样的择偶也对马坝村村民以及社会产生了对应的负面影响。比如:对马坝村村民的心理产生了较大的伤害、马坝村的人口出现了断层、马坝村现在的老人的养老以及结不了婚的男青年未来的养老问题还有马坝村以及周边村子的社会稳定等。所以,看似农村简单的择偶问题,其中却蕴藏着极大的社会问题,要想解决好贫困地区男择偶困难问题,只有抓住其造成择偶困难的原因并解决好这些问题,才能彻底的解决好其择偶问题。其实这也反映出农村建设中的不合理,这与党中央提倡的建设新农村、建设和谐社会相背驰的。所以,只有把农村建设和城市建设共同发展起来,才能真正完成构建和谐社会的目标。

【Abstract】 Town makes the continuous development of the rural areas have also been greatly affected, not only breaking the old modes of production in rural areas, but also the livelihood of the rural areas had a tremendous impact and implications, particularly poor geographical conditions of poverty more economically backward areas , not only made the local villagers living in poverty, but also by the people living in poverty and bring a greater impact on, especially in young men and choose which aspects of the great influence, this paper Gansu Ma Village as an example, Under the impact of urbanization made by the original "Chai, water will have to be" a good place to Ma Village and now has become a "Qiongshaneshui" that the village women no longer Ma Village is a good place for the liberation of labor, the villagers women working in the city because of the outside world to see after thinking changes, no longer married to their own ways but Ma Village near to the natural conditions are relatively good village married, and this makes the Village Ma choose young men in there choose a narrow scope, choose means few cases. Tajima Village villagers to the modifications life and marriage, only to take "pro-exchange", "Ruzhui" and the last resort "Pianhun" do not choose the normal channels. Of course, this also choose Ma Village villagers and the community had a corresponding negative impact. For example: Ma Village villagers had a big psychological harm, MA Village fault of the population there, Ma Village now the pension for the elderly can not be married and marrying young men future pension problem that the village and there? surrounding the village social stability.Therefore, the seemingly simple choose rural areas, which has a vast reservoir of social issues, in order to solve the poverty-stricken areas men choose the problems caused choose only seize the reasons for the difficulties and solve these problems, we can be completely resolved choose their good question. In fact, this also reflected in the construction of rural unreasonable, with the Party Central Committee to promote the construction of new rural areas, the building of a harmonious society run in the opposite direction. Therefore, the only building in the rural areas common development and urban construction, we can really complete the building of a harmonious society.


