

Research of Legal Countermeasures on Pollution Prevention and Treatment of Basic Farmland in Our Country

【作者】 梁海燕

【导师】 张谦元;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 基本农田是耕地中的精华,是我国实现粮食基本自给目标的安全底线,保护基本农田是耕地保护的重中之重。而在过去几年中,伴随着工业化和城市化的推进,我国基本农田在数量和质量上都有很大的下降,表现为基本农田被大量征占和基本农田土壤受到污染,其中基本农田土壤污染成为一个新的严重问题,土壤污染造成了农田地力下降或丧失地力,进而影响到农作物的生长并危害人体健康,这使我们不得不面对基本农田污染的严峻现状并对造成污染的原因进行分析。造成基本农田污染的原因除了滥施农药化肥、污水灌溉、废弃物堆存占地等原因外,还与缺乏基本农田污染防治的专门的法律法规有关。我国目前没有防治基本农田污染的专门法律法规,有关防治基本农田的规定散见于各个法律法规中,且规定比较原则,可操作性低,这种现状不利于对基本农田污染的防治,因此,有必要制定基本农田污染防治的专门法律法规。本文在剖析现行的与基本农田保护相关的法律法规所存在的问题的基础上,结合国内外预防和治理农业用地土壤污染的经验,提出了我国基本农田污染防治的法律对策,即通过制定基本农田污染防治的专门法律,明确规定防治基本农田污染的法律原则和行政管理体制,并对防治基本农田的基本法律制度如调查和监测制度,许可制度,标准控制制度和绿色补贴制度、公众参与制度做出明确规定,同时通过立法对相关的法律责任做出规定,以期通过这些制度的实施,预防基本农田的污染,治理已经发生的污染,从而实现基本农田的地力维护和提高,保证农产品的无污染供应。

【Abstract】 Being the best farmland, the basic farmland is the safety baseline to realize the target of food self-supporting, so the stress of farmland protection is to protect basic farmland. But in the past several years, with the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization in china, the basic farmland fell both in quantity and in quality, which manifests that the basic farmland has been expropriated largely and the soil of basic farmland has been polluted, among this, the pollution of basic farmland is a new serious problem, because the soil pollution caused the decline of the fertility of farmland, moreover, it will affect the crop and the people’s health, therefore, we have to face the serious actuality and analyze the reasons.Besides lavishment of pesticide and chemical fertilizer, sewage flooding, castoff stack occupy farmland and so on, the reasons caused the basic farmland pollution still because the lack of special law and regulations about the prevention and treatment to the basic farmland. Now there are no specific laws and regulations relating to the prevention and treatment of basic farmland in our country. Some regulations about the prevention and treatment of basic farmland are contained in various laws and regulations, which are very abstract and lacking of operability, this condition is negative to the protection of the basic farmland, so it is the necessary to constitute the specific laws and regulations about the pollution prevention and treatment of the basic farmland.This paper based on the analysis of reasons and the problems of the existed laws and regulations related the basic farmland protection, combined the experiences of prevention and treatment to the basic farmland pollution in and abroad the home, bring forward the legal countermeasures to prevent and treatment basic farmland pollution, which namely, according to enact the special laws to definitely regulate legal principals in prevention and treatment of basic farmland pollution and administrative management system, at the same time, it should definitely regulate the basic legal system just as investigation and inspection system, admission system, standard control system and green allowance system, public participation system, at the same time, the law should regulate related legal liability. We hope according to the implement of these systems, the basic farmland pollution can been prevented and treated, as a result, the fertility of farmland can been maintained and boosted, and the pollution-free agricultural products supply can been ensured.


