

Status of Soil Nutrients at Different Altitudes and Distribution of Selenium Contents in Soil and Tobacco Leaves in Southwest Hubei Tobacco-Growing Areas

【作者】 焦敬华

【导师】 许自成;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 采用野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,对鄂西南烟区8个县市的431个土壤样品的各项指标进行了测定分析,系统研究了鄂西南烟区土壤主要养分含量的丰缺状况,并划分了鄂西南烟区植烟土壤养分等级;以宣恩烟区为例,计算了不同海拔高度土壤样品的肥力综合指标值,对各海拔土壤肥力质量进行了综合评价;以宣恩和咸丰两个县为例,对不同海拔、不同土层的土壤硒含量,大田不同生育期的烤烟杀青样及不同品种、不同海拔的烤后烟叶样品硒含量进行了系统研究。主要结论如下:1、以鄂西南烟区8个县市的431个土壤样品为材料,系统研究了鄂西南烟区土壤主要养分含量的丰缺状况。结果表明:鄂西南烟区植烟土壤有机质含量较丰富,平均为32.04g·kg-1;土壤pH值适宜,平均为6.17;全氮含量丰富,为2.37g·kg-1,碱解氮含量适宜,平均为157.05mg·kg-1;全磷和速效磷含量适宜,平均分别为1.10g·kg-1和14.37mg·kg-1;全钾含量适宜,而速效钾含量偏低,平均分别为17.79 g·kg-1、148.59 mg·kg-1;交换性钙含量适宜,平均为10.25cmol·kg-1,而交换性镁含量偏低,平均为0.37cmol·kg-1;有效硼和有效锌含量中等偏低,分别为0.34mg·kg-1和1.03 mg·kg-1;有效铁、有效铜和有效锰含量较丰富,平均分别为21.53mg·kg-1、1.19 mg·kg-1和26.99mg·kg-1;有效硫和有效钼含量极丰富,平均分别为65.11mg·kg-1和0.41mg·kg-1;水溶性氯含量极低,平均仅为3.19 mg·kg-1。2、以宣恩烟区为例,对231个不同海拔高度的植烟土壤样品的主要养分含量状况作了分析及综合评价,结果表明:(1)该产区土壤养分总体适宜优质烟叶生产,其中高海拔地区土壤有机质、碱解氮及速效钾含量丰富,但磷素普遍缺乏;(2)土壤有机质、全N、碱解氮、速效钾含量在高海拔与中、低海拔间的差异达到了显著水平,而其它养分含量在不同海拔间的差异均不显著;(3)不同海拔间的土壤综合肥力指标值大小分别为:高海拔﹥中海拔﹥低海拔,且在高海拔与低海拔间的差异达到了显著水平,而高海拔与中海拔及中、低海拔间的差异不显著。3、以宣恩和咸丰两个县为例,对90个土壤样品、204个不同生育期的烟叶杀青样品和58个烤后烟叶样品硒含量进行了系统研究。结果表明:(1)该地区全部土壤均属于足硒和富硒土壤,有16.7%属过量硒土壤,最高达70.48 mg·kg-1;但在不同地点间存在着较大的差异,变异系数最高达到189.7%。(2)恩施地区土壤硒含量表现出了明显的表聚性,两地中海拔(960m和1004m)土壤的硒含量均高于其它两海拔,而中、高海拔各土层硒含量都明显高于低海拔土壤硒含量。(3)不同生育期烟叶中硒累积量随生育期延长而明显升高,各部位烟叶硒含量大致呈上部叶>中部叶>下部叶的趋势。恩施地区成熟期不同海拔高度各部位烟叶全硒含量随海拔升高呈双峰变化,在海拔715m和10041228m出现两个峰值。(4)烤后烟叶硒含量普遍较高,但变异系数较大,各部位烟叶硒含量呈上部叶>下部叶>中部叶的趋势,上部叶可达11.03 mg·kg-1;上部叶和下部叶硒含量均与中部烟叶硒含量差异达到0.05显著水平;各部位烟叶硒含量均与海拔高度呈正相关关系,但相关性不明显。(5)不同品种烤烟硒含量状况分析表明,三个品种烟叶硒含量大致呈云烟87>云烟85>K326的趋势,其烤后烟叶硒含量差异不显著;从变异性分析看,烤烟品种云烟85硒含量稳定性较好,而K326则较差。

【Abstract】 Serial field survey and laboratory analyses were conducted by this investigation to test the nutrients content in 431 soil samples in 8 countries in southwest of Hubei tobacco-growing areas. The grading of soil nutrients was plotted in southwest Hubei tobacco-growing areas; the comprehensive evaluation of soil fertility at different altitudes of Xuanen tobacco-growing areas was conducted for all the samples. In Xuanen and Xianfeng tobacco-growing areas, contents of selenium in soils of different altitudes and different layers were analyzed, and they were also analyzed in growing leaves of different periods and different cultivars and grades of flue-cured tobacco leaves. The main results were as follows:1. Based on 431 soil samples in 8 countries from southwest of Hubei tobacco-growing areas, the soil nutrients contents and fertility status were analyzed systemically. The results indicated that the content of soil organic matter was rich, with the mean of 32.04 g·kg-1; the content of soil pH 6.17 was suitable in southwest Hubei tobacco-growing areas; the content of soil total N was rich, with the mean of 2.37 g·kg-1, the contents of soil hydrolysis N, total P, available P, total K and exchangeable Ca were suitable, with the mean of 157.05 mg·kg-1, 1.10 g·kg-1, 14.37 mg·kg-1, 17.79 g·kg-1 and 10.25 cmol·kg-1; the contents of soil available K and exchangeable Mg were low, with the mean of 148.59 mg·kg-1and 0.37 cmol·kg-1; the contents of soil available B and available Zn were medium low, with the mean of 0.34 mg·kg-1and 1.03 mg·kg-1; the contents of soil available Fe, available Cu and available Mn were richer, with the mean of 21.53 mg·kg-1, 1.19mg·kg-1 and 26.99 mg·kg-1; the contents of soil available S and available Mo were very high, with the mean of 65.11 mg·kg-1 and 0.14 mg·kg-1; the content of soil water-soluble Cl was very low, with the mean of only 3.19 mg·kg-1.2. Take Xuanen tobacco-growing areas for an example, status of soil fertility of 231 soil samples at different altitudes were analyzed and evaluated, and the results showed that: (1) The condition of soil fertility was suitable for high quality tobacco-growing in general, the contents of organic matter, total N, hydrolysis N and available K were rich at higher altitude areas, the content of P was deficient. (2) The contents of organic matter, total N, hydrolysis N, available P, available K and total P reached to significant level between higher altitude and medium altitude, lower altitude. (3)The integrated fertility index of soil fertility at different altitudes was: higher altitude > medium altitude > lower altitude, which reached to significant level between higher altitude and medium altitude.3. The contents of Se in 90 soil samples,58 flue-cured tobacco leaves samples and 204 deenzymed tobacco samples collected during the vigorous growing period were analyzed in Xuanen and Xianfeng tobacco-growing areas. The results indicated that: (1) The soil of this region belonged to Se-rich soil, and 16.7 percent of the soil samples were excessive soil, the highest content of Se upped to 70.84 mg·kg-1; but there were larger differences in different locations, the coefficient of variation upped to 198.7 percent. (2) In this region, the content of Se in surface soil layers was higher clearly than other layers, and they were higher at middle altitudes (960m and 1004m) than other two altitudes in Xuanen and Xianfeng region; the content of Se at low altitude was lower clearly than middle and high altitudes in all soil layers. (3) The amount of Se accumulation in tobacco leaves increased clearly with the tobacco growth stages extending, highest Se was detected in upper leaves, while lowest showed in lower ones. The Se accumulation of mature stage tobacco leaves appeared as a bimodal curve with the elevation higher, and there were two peaks at the altitudes of 715m and 10041228m. (4) The content of Se in flue-cured tobacco leaves was generally in higher levels, but they had quite large coefficient o f variation. Se in tobacco leaves was changed in the sequence: upper leaves > lower leaves > middle leaves, and Se in upper leaves upped to 11.03 mg·kg-1. Significant differences in the 0.05 level were found for the content of Se between middle leaves and other sites leaves. The Se content in flue-cured tobacco leaves had positive correlation with the elevation higher, but the correlation was not obvious. (5) Analysis of Se contents in flue-cured tobacco leaves among different cultivars showed that the order was: Yuanyan 87 > Yuanyan 85 > K326, but the difference was not obvious. As to the variability of Se content, Yuanyan 85 had a good stability, and K326 was poor.


