

Study on Differences of Carbon and Nitrogrn Metabolism in Different Genotype Maizes

【作者】 苌建峰

【导师】 李潮海;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为揭示玉米碳氮代谢规律,并为玉米的产量和品质提高寻找理论依据,本文以具有不同基因型的四个玉米品种为试验材料,采用田间试验的方法,研究了它们在相同的栽培条件下,茎秆、叶片、籽粒的全氮、蛋白氮、可溶性糖、淀粉的积累和转运特征,籽粒产量、干物质积累量,以及光合速率、叶片叶绿素含量等生理指标的差异,所得结果如下:1、豫单2002属于氮代谢效率较高,而碳代谢效率较低的品种;浚单20属于碳代谢效率较高,而氮代谢效率较低的品种;郑单958属于碳氮代谢协调性较好,但碳代谢稍强的品种;农大108属于碳氮代谢协调性较好,碳氮代谢都旺盛的品种。2、豫单2002在吐丝以后叶片叶绿素含量下降迅速,叶片氮素、蛋白氮向籽粒转移量大,后期根系向籽粒的供氮能力强,籽粒氮素含量和蛋白氮含量在整个生育期都保持较高水平,成熟期氮收获指数较高。灌浆期叶片光合速率较低,成熟期籽粒淀粉含量和茎、叶、籽粒的C/N较低。3、浚单20营养体的光合产物向籽粒的转移能力强,收获指数高,籽粒可溶性糖向淀粉的转化能力较强,成熟期籽粒淀粉含量较高,氮含量低,各器官的C/N较高。后期根系向籽粒供氮能力较弱,且对氮素反应敏感,若生长后期氮肥供应不足,叶片和茎秆的氮素会向籽粒过量转移,造成叶片早衰,茎秆易倒伏,影响产量的提高。4、郑单958叶片持绿时间长,光合效率高,源库平衡性好,籽粒可溶性糖向淀粉的转化能力较强,成熟期籽粒淀粉含量较高,氮含量较低,各器官的C/N较高。营养体氮素向籽粒转移量小,特别是后期氮素供应不足的情况下,营养体中茎秆的氮素优先向籽粒运输,保证了叶片后期的光合生产能力。5、农大108失绿较晚,后期LAI下降缓慢,叶绿素含量较高,光合速率高,持续时间长,但光合效率较低,干物质积累量大,茎、叶干物质重下降时间较早,源库平衡性较差。营养体茎、叶氮素含量高,生长后期根系向籽粒供氮能力弱,但营养体氮素向籽粒的转移量大,籽粒氮素含量、C/N均属中等水平。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT In order to find maize carbon and nitrogen metabolism and the theory principle which can increase yield and quality of it, we adopted field tester to study on accumulation and transfer rules of total nitrogen , protein nitrogen, soluble sugar and starch in the four maize cultivars stem , leaf and grain which grow in same growing conditions. We compared the inference of grain,yield dry matter accumulation, photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll contents of leaves. The main results were as follows :1. The nitrogen metabolism is vigorous and the carbon metabolism is feeblish in Yudan 2002 . The carbon metabolism is vigorous and the nitrogen metabolism is feeblish in Xundan 20. The coordinating activity of the carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Zhengdan 958 is better,but the carbon metabolism about it is a little more vigorous. The coordinating activity of the carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Nongda 108 is better,and both of them are vigorous.2. Yudan 2002:The leaf chlorophyll content of it declined faster after silking,and more nitrogen and protein-N in leaf transfer to grain in this time. Nitrogen supplying capacity to grain of root is strong during later grouth stage. Nitrogen and protein-N content are higher during the whole growth. The nitrogen harvest index in harvest time is higher. Photosynthesis speed of leaf is lower in filling stage. The starch content and C/N rate of stem,leaf and grain are all lower in harvest time.3. Xundan 20: The ability of photosynthate in vegetative organs transfering to grain is strong. The harvest index is higher. The ability of soluble sugar changing to starch in grain is stronger. The starch content in grain is higher ,the nitrogen content is lower and C/N rate in all organs is higher in harvest time. Nitrogen supplying capacity to grain of root is feeblish during later grouth stage and it is sensitive to nitrogen. If the nitrogen fertilization supply is lack,a great deal of the nitrogen in leaf and stem would transfer to grain ,so the leaf would be early aging , the stem would be lodging easily,and the yield woule be decrease.4. Zhengdan 958:The time of the leaf holding green is long,the photosynthetic efficiency is higher and the balance of source and sink is better. The starch content in grain is higher , the nitrogen content is lower and the C/N rate in all organs is higher in harvest time. The nitrogen transfering to grain in the vegetative organs is few. If nitrogen fertilization supply is lack during later grouth stage ,the nitrogen in the stem would transfer to grain first,and the bility of photosynthesis in leaf would be holding.5.Nongda 108: The time of the leaf holding green is long,LAI decreases slower, photosynthesis speed of leaf is higher and be keeping long time,but the photosynthetic efficiency is lower. The weight of dry matter accumulation were large ,but dry matter weight of stem and leaf decrease earlier,so the balance of source and sink is weak. The nitrogen content in the stem and leaf are higher, the nitrogen supplying capacity to grain of root is feeblish during later grouth stage,but the nitrogen transfering to grain in the vegetative organs is more. The nitrogen content of grain and C/N rate are all medium level.

【关键词】 玉米基因型碳代谢氮代谢
【Key words】 MaizeGenotypeCarbon metabolismNitrogen metabolism
  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】229

