

Preliminary Studies on Mechanism of Physiological and Biochemical and the Inheritance of Tobacco Resistance to CMV

【作者】 宋瑞芳

【导师】 宫长荣; 丁永乐;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以晋太18号、铁把子、新农3-1号、NC89、云烟85等7个烟草品种和一个杂交F1代为试材,研究了苗期人工接种CMV病情指数和成株期网室内人工接种及自然发病病情指数之间的相关性,随后一方面选出抗病性不同的3个品种在苗期进行烟草与CMV互作中烟草体内生理生化机制的初步研究,另一方面对两亲本与其F1代在苗期人工接种CMV后的抗性遗传进行初步探讨。结果表明:1.苗期人工接种病情指数和成株期病情指数呈正相关。即苗期病情指数分别与成株期人工接种病情指数以及自然发病的病情指数极显著正相关(r=0.975**;r=0.987**);且成株期人工接种病情指数和自然发病病情指数达极显著正相关(r=0.974**)。因此,利用苗期人工接种可以作为快速鉴定和筛选抗CMV优良材料的辅助手段。2.对照处理,感病品种POD、SOD、CAT和APX活性均高于抗病品种。接种后第1天,不同抗性品种酶活性均升高,SOD酶活性表现为抗病反应增幅大于感病反应;POD、CAT和APX活性表现为抗病反应增幅高于感病反应。SOD活性变化率在接种后前期(1-5d)为抗病品种高于感病品种(铁把子>新农3-1号>NC89),POD和APX活性变化率在平均水平上也表现如此。因此,接种后SOD(1-5d)、POD、和APX活性变化率可以作为烟草抗性鉴定的辅助指标。接种后CAT活性变化紊乱,是否可将其作为烟草抗性鉴定指标还有待进一步研究。3.对照处理,烟草对CMV的抗性越好,PPO和PAL酶活性越高。也就是说未接种CMV时PPO和PAL活性与烟草抗病性正相关。接种后,不同抗性品种酶活性均升高,在烟草-CMV互作体系中,抗病反应PPO和PAL活性升高幅度大于感病反应,且从反应时间来看,前者快于后者。接种CMV后PPO和PAL活性的高低与烟草抗性正相关。4.接种后烟叶内MDA含量、叶绿素含量和根系活力与烟草对CMV的抗性密切相关,可以作为烟草抗CMV的生理指标。接种CMV后不同抗性品种MDA含量均高于对照,且感病品种比对照的增幅均高于抗病品种;接种CMV后前期,抗病品种叶绿素含量有一个升高阶段或是降低幅度很小,但是随着接种时间的延长,CMV病毒逐渐侵入,叶绿素含量降低,且抗病品种降低幅度小于感病品种;接种CMV后,不管是抗病品种还是感病品种根系活力均增强,且前期感病品种根系活力比对照升高幅度大于抗病品种,但是维持较高根系活力的时间很短暂,抗病品种刚开始根系活力增强缓慢,随后逐渐迅速提高,并维持较长时间。随着CMV的进一步侵入,根系受到的伤害逐步加重,根系活力也随之下降,且感病品种下降幅度大于抗病品种。5.云烟85、晋太18号和其杂交F1代YJ接种CMV后,各防御酶活性、MDA含量等生理指标及其变化率均表现为F1代介于两亲本之间,表明烟草对CMV的抗性为数量遗传,其更深层次的探讨还有待进一步分子水平上的研究。

【Abstract】 This paper studied the correlation of disease index between seedling which was inoculated with CMV and adult plant which was inoculated with CMV in net room or infected in nature, Jintai No.18,Tiebazi,Xinnong No.3-1,NC89,Yunyan85 etc.7 different tobacco cultivars were used on trail. On the one hand, selected 3 different varieties to study tobacco & CMV interaction in the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of tobacco preliminary at seedlings, on the other hand, the two parents and F1 generation were used to discuss the inheritance of resistant after artificial inoculation with CMV preliminary at seedlings. The result indicated that:1. The disease index between seedling after artificial inoculation and adult were highly positive correlation. Seedling disease index and the adult disease index after artificial inoculation or infection in nature were significant positive correlation (r=0.975**;r=0.987**); And adult inoculated disease index and natural incidence of disease index was significant positive correlation (r = 0.974 **).So seedlings artificial inoculation can be used as the supplementary means to identify and screen excellent anti-CMV materials rapidly at seedling.2. Activities of POD, SOD, CAT and APX activity of susceptible varieties were higher than that of resistant varieties in CK. After inoculation with CMV, in the first day ,the enzymes activities of different varieties were increased, the increase amplitude of SOD activity in the resistance response were higher than that of the susceptible response; the increase amplitude of POD,CAT and APX activity in the resistance response were higher than that of the susceptible response. SOD activity change ratio after inoculation in the susceptible varieties were higher than that of the resistance varieties at prophase (1-5 d) (Tiebazi>XinnongNo. 3-1>NC89), POD and APX activity rate of change in the average level was also the case. Therefore, the change ratio of SOD(1-5d),POD and APX can be regarded as the supplementary means of the tobacco identification of resistance to CMV. CAT activity after inoculation disordered, it whether can be used as indicators of tobacco resistance identification has yet to be studied further.3. CK processing, the better resistance to CMV, the higher of PPO and PAL activity, that is when tobacco wasn’t inoculated CMV, PPO and PAL activity and tobacco resistance were positive correlation. After inoculation, the resistance of different varieties had increased, the increase amplitude of PPO and PAL activity in the susceptible varieties were higher than that of the resisitance varieties, and from the reaction time, the former was faster than the latter. PPO and PAL activity and the resistance were positive correlation after inoculation.4. MDA content, the chlorophyll content and root activity of tobacco were close to tobacco resistance to CMV after inoculation, and they can be used as physiological indexes which was the measure of resistance to CMV. The content of MDA were higher than CK after the inoculation with CMV in different resistant varieties, and the increase amplitude of susceptible varieties were higher than that of resistant varieties; Chlorophyll content of resistant varieties had a increase stage or very small decrease amplitude at prophase after inoculation, but CMV gradually invaded to reduce chlorophyll content with the extension of inoculation, and the decrease amplitude of resistant varieties were less than susceptible varieties; Either resistant varieties or susceptible varieties the root activity were enhanced, and the increase amplitude of the root activity in resistant varieties were higher than that of susceptible varieties, however, the time of maintaining high root activity is very transient, the root activity of resistant varieties increased slowly at the beginning, then gradually growing quickly, and maintain a longer time. The root of tobacco were damaged with the further invaded, subsequently, the root of activity declined, and the decrease amplitude of susceptible varieties were higher than that of resistant varieties.5. After inoculation with CMV of Yunyan 85, Jintai No.18 and the F1 hybrid generation YJ, the defense enzyme activities, MDA content, and other physiological indexes, and the change ratio of F1 were between the two parents, that is the resistance of tobacco to CMV was controlled by quantitative genetic,Its deeper levels of discussion will need to further research on the molecular level.


