

A Study of Naval Cadets’ Anxiety in English Learning

【作者】 闫磊

【导师】 罗卫华;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 语言焦虑被认为是语言学习者在二语习得过程中一种特有的心理现象。一般来说,大多数语言学家认为语言焦虑会对语言学习产生负面影响。但是,也有部分学者认为,语言焦虑对语言学习也有积极的作用。在北美和欧洲,语言学家们早已开始关注语言焦虑这一现象。我国直到最近几年才出现有关语言焦虑的研究。其中,大多数的研究对象都针对地方大学生,对海军院校学员的语言焦虑研究非常少。近几年来,在海军日益走向国际化的背景下,海军大连舰艇学院在选拔学员参加各项外事活动时,英语技能成为一个重要的参考指标的诸多因素下,学员们在加强对英语学习同时,随之也产生了外语语言焦虑从而影响了他们英语各项技能的发挥。该研究旨在分析舰艇学院学生的语言焦虑总体状况并提出相应的解决方案。本作者通过分层取样和分群抽样法选取了254名海军军校学员作为调查对象。所有的调查对象都被要求认真填写外语课堂焦虑量表。此外,为了更加准确地了解学生焦虑状况,12名高焦虑学生和12名低焦虑学生接受了访谈。最后,利用统计软件SPSS对问卷调查结果进行了分析。最终结果如下:1.80%的海军军校学员被认为具有语言焦虑,其中18%的学员具有高度语言焦虑。2.语言学习成绩与语言焦虑呈负相关。此外,语言学习成绩与交际焦虑、考试焦虑和负评价焦虑也呈负相关。其中,考试焦虑与语言学习成绩之间的负相关性最强。与此同时,语言焦虑对一些好学生的语言学习具有促进作用。3.大一与大二学生的语言焦虑程度并无显著差异,但大二学生的语言焦虑的平均值要高于大一学生。最后,作者根据定量和定性分析的结果,找出了导致海军军校学员语言焦虑的因素并由此提出了一些有利于减少海军军校学员外语学习焦虑的建议。

【Abstract】 Foreign language anxiety can be defined as the fear or apprehension occurring when a learner is expected to perform in the second or foreign language (Gardner & Maclntyre, 1994) or the worry and negative emotional reaction when learning or using a second language (Maclntyre, 1999). Generally speaking, foreign language anxiety has been viewed as a particularly negative psychological factor in the language learning process by many researchers who have considered its impact on learners. However, some researchers have questioned the notion that foreign language anxiety is always a negative influence. Indeed, some researchers have pointed the potential benefits of foreign language anxiety (Mathews, 1996; Spielmann & Radnofsky, 2001). Foreign language anxiety is a theme that has been researched extensively in North America and many European countries. However, for some reasons it has not, until recent years, been a topic that has attracted much interest here in China. Researchers in China have been aware that foreign language anxiety has great important role in language learning, however, most of researches are focused on the language learners from civilian universities, and there are few researches on foreign language anxiety of naval academy cadets’. In recent years, Chinese navy, as an international military force, has more frequent exchanges with other countries’ naval forces. What is more, in Dalian Naval Academy, when choosing cadets to take part in all kinds of international activities, including visits to other countries on naval vessels, English competence has become an important criterion. In this context, cadets put much time and energy in English learning. However, foreign language anxiety affects their learning. The study aims to find out the general state of foreign language anxiety of naval cadets’ and come up with effective solutions.The author used purposed stratified sampling and cluster sampling to select 254 subjects from all naval cadets in Dalian Naval Academy. All participants were asked to answer Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). In order to have a further understanding of the cadets’ foreign language anxiety, 12 high-anxious and 12 low-anxious subjects were selected as the interviewees according to their scores in the questionnaire. Thereafter, SPSS was used to analyze the data from responses to FLCAS. The following are results. 1. 80% (203) of the 254 participants would be considered as anxious learners and nearly 18% (47) of the 254 participants regarded as highly anxious.2. This study shows that there is a significant negative relationship between foreign language anxiety and foreign language achievement. What is more, foreign language achievement is negatively related to FLA’s three subcomponents (communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation). Among three FLA’s three subcomponents, test anxiety has the most significant negative relationship with foreign language achievement. At the same time, foreign language anxiety is also shown to be helpfully associated with high language proficiency and self-confidence among a hand-picked group of excellent language learners.3. The finding of Independent-Samples T-test shows that there is no significant grade difference in foreign language anxiety level. But the mean score of Grade two (93.53) is slightly higher than that of Grade one (91.43).Finally, from the qualitative and quantitative analysis, the author found out what factors contributed to naval cadets’ foreign language anxiety and then came up with some practical implications which are helpful to reduce naval cadet’s foreign language anxiety.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】46

