

Research on Logistics Outsourcing of Grain Processing Enterprise

【作者】 程雷

【导师】 徐天芳;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国WTO保护期的结束,国外粮食大企业将迅速登陆中国,中国粮食行业面临重新洗牌的局面。粮食加工业竞争激烈,行业整合加剧,管理理念提升,将非核心能力的物流业务外包给第三方物流公司成为粮食加工企业谋求发展的战略选择。在这种背景下,笔者认为有必要对粮食加工企业的物流外包问题进行研究。2007年前几个月,笔者在一家粮食加工企业——X公司实习,在对公司的物流状况进行调研和研究前人理论成果的基础上,提出了本文的研究内容:粮食加工企业的物流外包决策和物流外包供应商选择。本文前两章介绍粮食加工企业物流外包的背景、物流外包的基本概述。包括物流外包的定义及其优势、物流外包两大相关理论:交易成本理论和核心能力理论,最后介绍了物流外包的决策模型。第三章介绍了粮食物流的定义、特点,从宏观上分析了我国粮食物流的现状以及粮食加工企业物流外包存在的问题。第四章提出了基于层次分析法物流外包决策模型和基于模糊综合评价的物流供应商评价选择模型。第五章以X公司的物流外包问题为案例验证了两个模型。最后,文章给出了本文结论,即研究粮食加工企业物流外包的意义,并指出了不足和努力方向。

【Abstract】 With the end of China’s WTO protection period, large foreign grain enterprises will quickly landing China, China’s grain industry faces the situation of re-shuffling. With the competition of grain processing industry and consolidation intensifying, management concept upgrading, It’s a strategic choice to seek the development for the grain processing enterprise, that get the non-core competencies’ logistics business outsourcing to a third-party logistics company. In this context, the author believes that it is necessary to study the issue of grain processing enterprises in the logistics outsourcing. In the first few months of 2007,the author did his intere in a grain processing enterprise,X company. After studying on the company’s logistics situation and the previous theoretical paper, the author raised that the logistics outsourcing decision-making and logistics outsourcing supplier selection of grain processing enterprises.In the first two chapter, this article introduces the logistics outsourcing background of grain processing enterprise and the basic outlines of logistics outsourcing, including the definition of outsourcing and logistics advantages, and two big correlation theories.The third chapter introduces the grain logistics definition , the characteristic, analyses our country grain logistics current situation and the questions of grain processing enterprises in the logistics outsourcing. The fourth chapter proposes a logistics outsourcing decision-making model based on AHP and a model of appraisal choice to the logistics suppliers.based on fuzzy integrated evaluation. The fifth chapter confirms the two models by taking the question of X company’s logistics outsourcing as the case.Finally, the article gives its conclusion, namely the significance of research on logistics outsourcing of grain processing enterprise, and points out insufficience and the future research direction.

  • 【分类号】F326.5;F259.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】543
  • 攻读期成果

