

Research on Core Competence of Maritime Universities

【作者】 孙玉苹

【导师】 李宝民;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,国际贸易量不断扩大,船舶运力也随之增大,这就带动了航运人才的需求增长,同时也提升了对航运人才的素质要求。然而,随着经济的高速增长,西方发达国家的航运人才数量不仅没有增加,反而有下降的趋势。中国作为最大的发展中国家,有充足的人力资源,在这种机遇下,必须对我国航海教育进行研究,提升我国高等航海院校的核心竞争力。只有这样才能使培养出在国际航运市场上具有竞争力的航运人才,并进一步促使我国乃至世界航运业的发展。核心竞争力理论是于20世纪90年代在西方管理学界与经济学界兴起的一种组织学理论。该理论是一种推动企业在新经济时代参与外部竞争与实现内部发展的指导性理论。这一理论的指导意义已经被许多企业的实践经验所证明。本篇论文将核心竞争力理论引入高等航海院校建设中。基于这一理论,本文论述了高等学校核心竞争力的内涵和特征,提出了高等航海院校核心竞争力要素,再结合国内外航海院校发展特征,利用层次分析法对大连海事大学、上海海事大学、美国商船学院进行核心竞争力总体评价,最终重点提出了培养大连海事大学核心竞争力的策略。文中提出并分析了影响高等航海院校核心竞争力的六要素:学科建设、学术梯队、资金、科研、人才培养、管理体制与机制。这六个要素相互作用,相互影响,从而决定了学校的核心竞争力。文章主要从这六个方向出发,分析大连海事大学与世界一流航海院校的特征,并对大连海事大学的内部与外部环境进行分析,最终提出能够提升我国航海院校核心竞争力的策略。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the world economic integration, international economy and trade is mounting up with full speed, which accelerates mostly the development of shipment and seafarers. The supply of seafarer from developed shipping country decreases apparently, and the developed country enrolled seafarer from the developing shipping country. This trend prompts the international exchange and the international labor market for seafarers. China is the biggest developing country in the world, which is rich in the resource of labor. With the great chance, the maritime education must be analyzed to improve the core competence of the maritime universities.Core competence theory is one of organization, popular in the western management and economics in 1990s.Core competence theory caters to directing and instructing the enterprises to face exterior competition and to achieve interior progress, which has been significantly proved by many enterprises.In this thesis, core competence theory is applied into the use of research of maritime education. According to this theory, this research puts forward the connotation and the features of the core competence of colleges and universities. The factors and their interactions influencing the core competence of the maritime universities has been analyzed.These factors are: discipline construction, academic echelon, finance, personnel training, research achievement, admissions. This thesis selects Dalian Maritime University (DMU) as a case study, makes use of SWOT AHP analyze DMU’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. At last, some suggestions to enhance the maritime universities’ core competence are put forward.


