

Experimental Study on Fatigue Property of Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Concrete

【作者】 郭扬

【导师】 赵颖华; 郭乃胜;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着我国经济的不断发展,道路建设事业获得了前所未有的发展空间。截至2007年底我国高速公路里程约有五万多公里,在短时间内取得了丰硕的成果。这种急速的发展在为广大群众带来福利、方便的同时,也造成了路面质量的参差不齐。我国现在所修建的道路有很多未到设计年限就已经发生破坏。针对这种情况,路用纤维所具有的良好路用性能吸引了研究者的目光。本文研究纤维的加入对于沥青混合料疲劳性能的影响,采用密级配沥青混合料和SMA沥青玛蹄脂碎石两种材料,分别采用加入聚酯纤维以及使用聚酯纤维替代原有木质素纤维的方式进行研究。进行重复弯拉试验,比较所选用试验材料的疲劳性能。通过回归得到了各试验材料的疲劳方程,分析纤维的加入对于疲劳方程参数的影响。进行弯曲蠕变试验,分析加入纤维及采用纤维替代沥青混合料在蠕变速率、蠕变变形方面的性质,分析蠕变劲度模量随时间变化的情况。采用Burgers模型和改进的Burgers模型拟合蠕变试验获得的数据。疲劳试验结果表明,加入纤维的混合料具有更好的疲劳性能。对于中面层密级配沥青混合料,加入纤维降低了混合料疲劳性能对于应力水平的依赖。对于上面层SMA沥青玛蹄脂碎石,采用纤维替代后混合料疲劳寿命对于应力水平的依赖程度增大。在疲劳试验过程中两种混合料在疲劳变形和疲劳寿命方面表现出不同的性质。在蠕变性质方面,加入纤维的密级配沥青混合料和采用纤维替代的SMA型沥青混合料抵抗变形的能力都有所增强。在蠕变劲度模量方面,加入纤维和采用纤维替代的方式可以降低劲度模量的衰减程度。使用相关软件的非线性拟合功能,得到原混合料与纤维加强沥青混合料的粘弹性参数,证明Burgers模型和改进的Burgers模型可以较好的表征纤维沥青混凝土粘弹性方面的性能。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of economy, the highway construction in china obtains unprecedented space. At the end of 2007, the mileage of highway has already reached more than 50000 kilometers. The highway construction has achieved fruitful achievement in a short period. The development takes convenient to mass of people, but also causes many problems about the property of pavement. Many highways that have been built recently destroy before design life. To deal with this phenomenon, fiber reinforced asphalt concrete attaches the attention of researcher because of its advantages in decreasing crack and increasing the life of pavement.The paper works at the fatigue property of fiber reinforced asphalt, adopts densely -graded bituminous concrete and stone matrix asphalt as the experimental material, adds Bonifibers in densely-graded bituminous concrete and uses it to take place of xylogen in the stone matrix asphalt. By contrasting the results of flexural beam fatigue test, the paper obtains the difference between these kinds of material. With the help of software, the paper receives the fatigue equation from the fatigue curve, analyzes the influence made by fibers on fatigue parameters. Under the creep test, the study investigates the nature of fiber reinforced asphalt concrete and common asphalt concrete in creep speed, creep distortion and creep module. Burgers model and modified Burgers model are used to fit the results of creep test.The test results show that fiber reinforced asphalt concrete has better fatigue performance. For densely-graded bituminous concrete, adding Bonifibers in it decreases the dependence on the stress level for fatigue property. Using Bonifibers as the alternative fiber for stone matrix asphalt increases the dependence on the stress level for fatigue property. The densely-graded bituminous concrete and stone matrix asphalt perform different nature in fatigue distortion and fatigue life. In the aspect of creep test, fiber reinforced asphalt concrete has better capability to resist the creep distortion. In the aspect of module, fiber reinforced asphalt concrete decreases the attenuation. With the help of software, the paper gets the viscoelastic parameters and Burgers model and modified Burgers model are proved that can well describe the viscoelasticity of fiber reinforced asphalt concrete.

  • 【分类号】U414
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】285

