

A Study on the Translation Strategies of Color Words in the Story of the Stone

【作者】 戴晓玲

【导师】 夏廷德;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 人类生活在色彩斑斓的大千世界之中,而这些色彩在语言中以颜色词的方式得以体现。颜色词作为一类特殊的词存在于语言之中,因其富含文化内涵意义和联想意义而又被称为文化负载词。对颜色词的翻译不仅要考虑到其语言环境,更要把文化因素考虑其中。因为颜色词在文学作品中广泛存在,对译者来说,对颜色词的处理可以直接影响一篇文学译作的优劣。本文以《红楼梦》中曹雪芹所著的前80章为原语文本,霍克斯译作The Story ofthe Stone中的相应篇章为目的语文本,结合定量及定性两种分析方式,旨在对其中的颜色词的翻译策略及翻译倾向进行探索。通过研究分析笔者得出以下结论:1)原文和译文中颜色词的种类和数量是有显著差别的。2)在译文中,为了使目的语读者对内容有更好的理解,译者倾向于采用意译的方式处理颜色词,尤其是受文化影响的那部分颜色词几乎都在翻译中丢失了原本的色彩。3)在翻译的过程中,目的语读者的理解和接受是霍克斯主要考虑的问题。

【Abstract】 Color words are the linguistic embodiment of various colors in the physical world. Classified into a special lexical group known as culture-loaded words, color words are rich in cultural connotative meanings. The understanding of a certain color word should inevitably involve the consideration of the culture this color word belongs to. Similarly, to translate color words, the translator should not only take two languages but also two cultures into consideration.The proper rendering of color words is thus the necessity of a good translation version. Choosing the first 80 chapters in Hong Lou Meng written by Cao Xueqin as the source text and the corresponding texts in The Story of the Stone translated by David Hawkes as the target text, the author of this thesis intends to study the translation techniques and strategies of the color words as well as the translator’s translation trend.The research of this thesis has reached the following conclusions:1) There is significant difference between the color words of the source text and target text either in type or in number.2) In contrast with literal translation, Hawkes prefers liberal approach to translate color words with culture-loaded color omitted or changed.3) Hawkes’ translation trend is the target-culture-and-reader-oriented.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】820

