

The Research on Evaluation of Intellectual Capital of the Third-party Logistics Enterprises Based on the Extension

【作者】 庄婷婷

【导师】 田聿新; 梁平瑞;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新知识经济的发展,使智力资本成为企业最重要的经济资源,在企业价值中扮演重要角色。面临新的历史时期和社会环境,对在企业的价值创造中发挥重要作用的知识即智力资本的管理在企业价值提升的过程中无疑正扮演着一个最为关键的角色。我国第三方物流企业在新的历史时期若想与世界实力强大的第三方物流企业抗衡,在国内国际竞争中立足,那么加强智力资本的管理,提高智力资本评价的水平,建立有效的智力资本评价机制势在必行。目前关于智力资本的研究主要集中在两个领域:智力资本管理领域与智力资本评价领域。大量的研究和实践都已证明,对事物的有效评价是高效管理的基础与前提,因此本文选取智力资本的评价研究作为切入点,然而由于智力资本本身的特点,使得到目前为止还没有形成一套普遍认可的评价指标体系,本文以第三方物流企业为出发点,结合行业特点,将企业取得成功的大部分智力资本关键因素结合起来,有针对性的对第三方物流企业进行智力资本的评价。本文的研究目的是综合运用智力资本理论、绩效评价理论、管理学、可拓学理论以及层次分析法等相关理论知识,借助理论与实证、定性与定量的研究方法,建立我国第三方物流企业智力资本评价的指标体系,以及设计我国第三方物流企业智力资本可拓综合评价模型,同时对第三方物流企业进行了的实证研究,从而提出提高智力资本管理水平,增强第三方物流企业竞争力的建议。主要解决了以下三个问题:1.第三方物流企业智力资本的三个构成一即人力资本、组织资本和关系资本,在此基础上建立了第三方智力资本评价体系。2.将可拓学和层次分析法结合起来,构建第三方智力资本可拓综合评价模型。3.对目标企业进行实证研究,并对智力资本进行评价分析,得出初步的第三方物流企业智力资本评价报告。

【Abstract】 With the development of knowledge-based economy,intellectual capital has become the most important economical resource of organization.,which played an important role in the value of the enterprise. Facing new historical period and social environment ,the management of knowledge namely intellectual capital which is important to the value creative in the enterprise will act a key role in the process of promoting enterprise value . In the new historical period, if China’s third-party logistics enterprises wants to be aginst with the powerful third-party logistics enterprises in the world and be strong in the competitive environment,it is imperative for the third-party logistics enterprises to strengthen the management of intellectual capital, improve the leval of the evaluation of intellectual capital and establish an effective intellectual capital rating mechanism.Currently the study on the intellectual capital mainly concentrated in two areas: intellectual capital management fiedld and intellectual capital evaluation field . A substantial amount of research and practice have proved that the effective evaluation of things is the foundation and premise of efficient management. therefore we choose the evaluation of the knowledge capital as a starting point, but because of the nature of intellectual capital, so far there has not a set of generally accepted evaluation index system.The paper will choose the third party logistics enterprises as the starting point, with industry characteristics and the success of most crucial factors of intellectual capital combined, evaluated the intellectual capital in a pointed way.This study aims to make use of intellectual capital theory, the performance evaluation theoretical, management , extenics theory and the analytic hierarchy process of the relevant law, with theoretical and empirical, qualitative and quantitative research methods, builds up intellectual Capital evaluation index system and design extension synthesis model for China’s third-party logistics enterprises ,and do the Empirical Study as well, so that improves the level of intellectual capital management, and strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises proposal.The study mainly solved the following three issues:1. The three components of Third-party logistics enterprise intellectual capital -namely, human capital, organization capital and relations capital ,and on this basis establish a third-party logistics enterprises evaluation system for intellectual capital.2.Construct extension synthesis model for China’s third-party logistics enterprises with extenics theory and theAHP theory combined.3. Do empirical research to target enterprises, and evaluate the intellectual capital, and then come to the preliminary third-party logistics enterprise intellectual capital evaluation report.This paper which based on the above points hopes to make a usefulcontribution with intellectual capital evaluation and enhance the competitiveness for the third-party logistics enterprises in China.


