

Design of Ship Cooperation Dispatching System of Port and Implementation of WEBGIS Platform

【作者】 吴训坤

【导师】 李源惠;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界科技的进步,以信息技术、通讯技术、计算机技术以及GIS技术为代表的现代科学与技术的发展和进步对航运领域产生了极大的影响,它们为船舶以及船舶管理部门提供了技术保障。海事卫星通信系统、GMDSS海上无线电通信、GPS、船舶自动识别系统AIS、船舶交通服务系统VTS、特别是电子海图和显示系统ECDIS的相继出现,在很大程度上改变了传统航海的概念,航海者对船舶和周围环境的掌控能力大大提高,有效地保障了船舶航行安全和效率。同时,新一代基于信息技术、计算机技术和GIS技术的航运管理技术创新也得到不断发展,有效地提高了船舶管理水平,进一步促进了航运安全以及航运效率的提高。港口是整个航运环节中的一个重要组成部分,在国民经济中有着举足轻重的作用。生产调度作为港口集团生产运作的核心,对企业的生产效率和经济效益有直接影响。随着船舶运输的日趋繁忙,在资源有限的情况下,港口生产调度面临的形势更为严峻。因此如何综合利用信息技术、通讯技术、计算机技术以及GIS技术,正确、合理地规划生产调度信息化建设,使其能够为企业生产运作提供准确、可靠的生产调度信息,提高生产调度的管理水平和效率,已经成为国内许多港口企业亟待解决的一个重点课题。本文正是在这一背景下,对港口的生产调度系统进行研究,提出并设计了港口船舶协同调度系统。论文研究的重点包括以下几个方面:1、围绕港口作业的实际情况,对现有港口调度系统业务的局限性进行了分析,并提出了如何运用现有的各种信息技术来加以解决。2、港口船舶协同调度系统的设计。针对目前国内港口的调度系统现状以及现有设备的情况,提出并设计港口船舶协同调度系统,并对系统的各功能模块进行了设计。3、WEBGIS支撑平台的实现。文章最后介绍了WEBGIS支撑平台的实现,平台为实现系统的其他功能以及以后的扩展功能提供了基础。

【Abstract】 With the progresses of technology in the world, modern science and technology which take information, communications, computer and GIS as representation have a great impact on shipping and maritime field. These new technologies provide with technical support for management of shipping and maritime. With the naissance of marine satellite communications systems. GMDSS, GPS, AIS and VTS, especially ECDIS , the traditional concept of navigation has been changed in a large degree , the ability of mariner to control the ship and the environment has been improved greatly, and the security and efficiency of navigation have been ensured effectively. At the same time, a new generation innovation which based on information, computer and GIS in shipping management technology have developed continuously, and the management of ships has been improved effectively, so maritime security and efficiency of shipping has been further promoted.Port plays an indispensable part in the whole shipping process as well as a prominent role in the national economy. Port dispatching considered as the core in production and operation of port enterprise, has a direct impact on production efficiency and economic benefits. As the marine transportation is heavier and heavier, dispatching production of port has been confronted with more serious situations with limited resources. Therefore how do we take full and comprehensive advantage of information, communications, computer and GIS; design information construction in production dispatching correctly and reasonably; enable them to provide enterprises with accurate and reliable production dispatching information in production; improve the management and efficiency of production dispatching; which has become an important problem which needed to be solved urgently for many domestic port enterprises. According to the above background, this article aimed to do the research to the production dispatching system in port, to bring forward and design the ship cooperative dispatching system of port.The research focuses on the following aspects: 1. According to the actual situation of port operations, the paper has had an analysis of limitations of present operations dispatching system of port, and show how to solve the limitations by using the various existing information technology.2. The design of the shipping cooperative dispatching system of port .According to the present dispatching system in the domestic port and existing equipment, the paper bring forward and design the shipping cooperative dispatching system of port, and design the function module of the system.3. Implementation of WEBGIS support platform. At the end of the paper, WEBGIS support platform has been implemented, and it provides with a foundation to the implementation of other functions and subsequent expansive functions of the system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】329

