

On the Strategies of Interactional Contextualization and Speaking Politeness in E-Business Negotiation

【作者】 陈大中

【导师】 邓小琴;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 国内语言学界,对电子商务几乎无人问津,对商务洽谈的研究,也多限于依照传统理论诠释其礼貌语言策略。本文尝试突破这一模式,挖掘互动语言学带给商务洽谈及礼貌研究的启示,将其经典理论——互动语境化策略理论与电子商务洽谈相结合,引入互动、语境提示和会话推理等概念,运用甘柏兹倡导的解析法,对传统言语礼貌策略理论予以多维度的探讨。论文主要结合案例,归纳电子商务洽谈流程、语境特征及网语特征,从语言形式和非语言形式上全面解析互动语境化策略理论内涵、运用及其对电子商务洽谈的指导意义,进而探寻互动语言学带给礼貌研究的启发。在此基础上,联系电子商务洽谈中不同言语现象,诸如间接言语、谎言和沉默等,运用互动语境观,全方位、多层次地探析以Brown和Levinson言语礼貌策略理论为代表的传统礼貌研究的局限与不足。研究发现了电子商务洽谈语境特征和会话策略的复杂性和特殊性以及语境化策略的重要作用,并发现传统的礼貌研究的片面性、简单化、理想化、标准化所带来的问题,进而提示了传统的静态研究无助于揭示语言真相,不利于指导语言实践;区分了会话、言语、交际和互动四个概念,主张在语篇层面上进行动态的、全面的、结合语境并联系社会网络的会话分析以深化礼貌研究。还揭示了真实、自然、动态的语料对语言研究的重大意义,并说明面向社会的应用研究方向有助于发现和解决实际问题,为语言实践和相关学科研究提供了一条新的思路。本研究的创新之处在于找到语言学对电子商务研究的一个契合点,借用互动语境化策略理论跳脱了已往商务洽谈的研究的老路子。在对礼貌的研究上,本文将其视为一个动态的概念,一定程度上参照了非本质主义的研究对其解构分析,从而尝试摆脱成见与预设对探索的影响,并具有跨学科研究特点。大胆尝试运用新理论解决“新”“老”问题,并把“交际”和“言语”区分开来,关注非语言因素的交际作用,提倡并实践了面向社会、面向应用、面向口语的语言学研究。在语料选择上,注重真实、动态、自然的语料;在语料分析中,借鉴学习甘柏兹的解析法,注重从宏观的语篇分析与微观的细节分析相结合,多层次多角度来把握语料,更容易揭示语料的本质。本研究具有理论和实践意义。积极尝试了互动语言学的应用研究,找寻语言学与电子商务的研究契合点,也为其他学科的相关研究乃至为指导留学生的商务汉语学习和文化感知提供参考。而在语料选择上,较好地符合互动语言学研究对语料的要求,可望为相关研究提供一些自然真实的语料。

【Abstract】 The linguists engaged in the business negotiation’s research in China, fail to give sufficient attention to the study of e-business. Some scholars’ researches, are only interested in the strategies of speaking politeness in business negotiation, but nearly nobody has yet probed into the e-business negotiation. The theoretical framework they have adopted, is either Geoffrey Leech’s Politeness Principle or Brown and Levinson’s Universals of Politeness. These theories have been questioned or criticized by some researchers over the last two decades, because the context in which real language is used has been largely simplified. This dissertation tries to jump out of this research pattern. The emergence of Interactioonal Linguistics offers us certain helpful hints as this dissertation attempts to discover, pertaining to the studies of both politeness phenomena and business negotiation.Integrating the general views of Interactioonal Linguistics, especially about interaction, contextualization cues, discourse inference and the analytical method adopted and advocated by Gumperz, with the concrete cases of e-business negotiation, this thesis, mainly adopts the opinions of Interactional Contextualization Strategies, the basic theory in the book, as theoretical framework and studies the linguistic strategies of politeness in e-business negotiations from a new angle. Moreover, it attempts to explore deficiencies and limitations in the classical politeness theories, to which Brown and Levinson’s Universals of Politeness is traditionally considered representative, from many angles and at different levels, so as to display the guiding significance and value of Contextualization Strategies of Interaction, the theory on behalf of Interactioonal Linguistics, in the research and practice of e-business negotiation.The study finds not only the complexity and particularity of the context features and discourse strategies in e-business negotiation, and the importance of the Interactional Contextualization Strategies, but also discovers the questions from the one-sided traditional politeness study which is of simplification, idealization and standardization. It objects that the static research of tradition is no use to the revelation of the truth in linguistic study or to the direction of language practice. Differentiating some concepts, such as discourse, speech, communication and interaction, this dissertation carries on dynamic, comprehensive research in a discourse plane relating the concert context and the social network so as to deepen the study of politeness and language. It also proves the necessity and importance to apply real, natural and dynamic language materials in linguistic study so as to discover and resolve actual problems through the applied research route facing the society, which has provided a new mentality for the language practice and the related discipline research.The innovation of this research lays in that it has found a research conjunction site between linguistics and e-business, to study the interactional contextualization strategies in e-business negotiation distinguishing in the illustration of politeness strategy as traditional study. Adopting the non-essentialism viewpoint without prejudice or supposition, the thesis regards politeness as a dynamic concept and deconstructs it to a certain extent so as to conduct the interdisciplinary research resolving the‘old’and the‘new’problems with the new theory. Giving enough attention to non-language forms in communication, and real, dynamic and natural linguistic materials,this thesis advocates the linguistic research facing society, facing application and facing spoken language. In analysis of the materials, it has profited from the analytical method to deal with the materials from many angles and at different levels, so as to display the essence.The study and the further research in the field of both e-business negotiation and politeness is an area of great significance in theory and in practice. As it has found the conjunction site of e-business negotiation and politeness, this dissertation proves its active attempt and the reference value to other disciplines’’research. It will make the contribution not only for other disciplines’related research but also for the teaching Chinese as a foreign language in directing foreign students in the study and practice of commercial Chinese. Since its linguistic materials conform to the Interactional Linguistics well to the language material request, this dissertation may provide some valuable materials hopefully for the related research.

【关键词】 互动言语礼貌语境电子商务洽谈
【Key words】 InteractionSpeechPolitenessContextE-Business Negotiation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

