

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 姚宪弟;

【作者基本信息】 太原科技大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 检察权的监督制约机制,是指依照以权力制约权力和以权利制约权力制衡理论构建起来的,通过设定合理的法律程序、制度,对检察权的行使进行规范、约束,从而保障其正当运行的一整套系统。一切有权力的人都容易滥用权力,这是万古不变的一条经验。从事物的性质来说,要防止滥用权力,就必须以权力制约权力。检察权也不例外,它作为行政权和司法权相互制约的桥梁,自身需要以完备的监督制约机制来保障其正确行使。研究检察权的监督制约机制,以检察权的一般原理为出发点,从检察权的外部监督制约和检察权的内部监督制约两个方面对其进行探讨分析。我国检察机关作为国家的法律监督机关,一方面通过履行法律监督职责,监督公安机关的侦查活动、法院的审判活动是否依法;另一方面也要加强对检察权行使的外部监督和内部制约,防止滥用检察权,避免监督者不受监督的情况发生。我国检察权的外部监督制约机制,主要是通过党、人大、法院和公安机关对检察权的监督制约来实现,还受到来自公民行使广泛的实体权利、诉讼权利以及通过社会权利的行使来实现对检察权的监督制约。我国检察权的内部监督制约机制是上级检察机关对下级检察机关的领导,同时受到地方权力机关的制约,其主要存在的问题有:上级检察机关的监督方式具有随意性;直接受理立案侦查案件的监督制约机制有所欠缺;检察机关部门之间的相互制约机制尚不完善;检察委员会的监督职能未能充分发挥。针对我国检察机关监督制约机制存在的现状,检察权的外部监督制约方面,从党的领导和监督、人大的监督、法院监督、诉讼参与人监督、人民监督员、舆论监督等几个方面进行完善;在检察权的内部监督制约方面,建立以检察委员会为核心的针对办案流程的协调监督制约机制。

【Abstract】 The supervision and restraint mechanisms of prosecutorial power is a complete system that in accordance with the means to power restrict power and right restrict power to build up power balance theory, in order to regulate and restraint the exercise of prosecutorial power so as to protect their legitimate operation the. All the people have the power to easily abuse of power, this is an experience of never unchanged. From the nature of things , it must take power restraining power in order to prevent the abuse of power.prosecutorial power is no exception, as the bridge of executive power and judicial powers of mutual constraints, the need to complete their own supervision and restraint mechanisms to protect their right to exercise. Research about prosecutorial power of supervision and restraint mechanisms will be analysis by its two aspects that the external and the internal supervision and restraint.China’s prosecutorial organs as the country’s legal supervision organs, on the one hand through the implementation of legal superintend responsibilities, and supervision of the public security organs in the investigation, the trial court whether it is in accordance with the law; on the other hand should step up the supervision of prosecutorial power and the exercise of external and internal constraints, and to prevent abuse prosecutorial power to avoid unsupervised supervisors to happen. China’s prosecutorial power external supervision and restraint mechanisms is achieved not only mainly through supervision and restraint by the party, the National People’s Congress, the courts and public security organs, but also by the exercise of citizens from a wide range of substantive rights, litigation rights, as well as through the exercise of the rights of the community .China’s prosecutorial power of the internal supervision and restraint mechanism is the superior prosecutorial organs lead junior prosecutorial organs, and constraints by local organs of power.the main problems are: the supervision of the supurior prosecutorial organs is arbitrary manner; directly handle the cases on file for investigation in the lack of supervision and restraint mechanisms; prosecutorial departments between mutual restraining mechanism is not yet perfect; prosecutorial committee failed oversight functions into full play. Because of the status quo of prosecutorial organs in China’s supervision and control mechanism , prosecutorial power constraints of external supervision from the party’s leadership and the the National People’s Congress supervision, the court supervision, and participation in the proceedings, and the people, the media, and several other aspects of sound should be perfect; and establish a core of the prosecutorial Committee for the coordination of procedures for handling cases of supervision and restraint mechanisms in order to perfect prosecutorial power in the internal supervision and restraint.


