

Finite Element Analysis of Hollow Trunk Girder in Bridge Crane

【作者】 禹海燕

【导师】 常红;

【作者基本信息】 太原科技大学 , 工程力学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 桥式起重机是一种用途最广、数量最多、通用化程度较高的起重机械。目前在工程上广泛使用的是实腹式箱形结构桥架,桥架的重量一般占起重机自重的60%以上。采用合理的桥架构造形式减轻自重,其意义不仅在于节约本身所消耗的钢材和降低成本,同时还因此减轻了厂房建筑结构的受载而节省基建费用。减轻桥架的自重可以从多方面入手,本课题将就改变桥架腹板的形状,设计新型的金属桥架来达到减轻桥架自重的目的。本文是把传统箱形主梁腹板变为空腹式主梁腹板进行的研究。本文主要做了以下工作:1)采用经典力学理论说明空腹式箱形主梁的可行性;2)采用经典力学方法对空腹式箱形主梁进行结构分析,计算其开孔高度与它对应的应力与变形的关系,推导它需要满足的基本条件,为空腹式箱形主梁的设计提供依据;3)采用有限元方法对空腹式箱形主梁进行结构分析,并与理论计算结果进行对比,验证其正确性;4)对大连起重机器厂生产的一台桥式起重机的主梁进行工程实例分析,在它的腹板上进行开孔设计,并用经典力学方法和有限元软件ANSYS对空腹式箱形主梁和实腹式箱形主梁进行结构分析比较,验证空腹式箱形主梁的实用性。得到以下结论:1)空腹式箱形主梁可以节省钢材,减小自重,在风载荷作用下有更大的优越性;2)设计空腹式箱形主梁时,开孔高度x要满足文中五个基本条件;3)空腹式箱形主梁较实腹式箱形主梁在刚度和强度上都有所降低,但在一定条件下仍可以满足工程中的刚度和强度要求;4)对于不同开孔高度的空腹式箱形主梁,刚度和强度有不同程度的降低。对于不同工况的具体要求,应选择不同的开孔高度;5)利用本文的分析方法可以对桥式起重机主梁结构的应力与变形情况进行分析计算,对桥式起重机主梁结构的设计提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 Bridge crane is a kind of hoisting machinery that hold the widest use, the most quantity and upper generalized degree. At present, solid trunk loading structure is the widest use in engineering, whose weight is occupy 60% of crane weight. Significance of adopting logical loading structure construct modality is not just for lightening its weight, saving its wasting steels and reducing cost, but is also for lightening the load of workshop construction structure and saving capital construction expenses. There are many ways to reduce the weight of loading structure, and this paper will transfer the shape of loading structure’s web plate to design new-style metal loading structure and achieve the purpose of reducing the weight of loading structure. The paper is a study of transfer web plate of trunk girder into hollow one.The paper done these works:1) Explaining the feasibility of hollow trunk girder by using classical mechanics theory;2) Structural analysis of hollow trunk girder was done by using classical mechanics method, and the relationship of its holing height with its stress and transmutation was calculated, by which the basic conditions for holing height need to meet was derived. It provided gist for hollow trunk girder design;3) Structural analysis of hollow trunk girder was done by using finite element method. Then compared its results with academic calculated results, by which the correctness of results was validated;4) Engineering example analysis was put up to a bridge crane produced by Dalian factory of hoisting machinery. Holing in its web plate and structural analyzing and comparing the results by using classical mechanics method and finite element software ANSYS, by which practicability of hollow trunk girder was validated.These results were found:1) Hollow trunk girder could save steel and reduce its weight, and it has more superiority under wind load;2) When hollow trunk girder was designed, holing height x need to meet five basic conditions in the paper;3) Compared with solid trunk girder, rigidity and intensity of hollow trunk girder were reduced, but it still could meet the demand under some conditions;4) For hollow trunk girder of different holing height, rigidity and intensity were reduced in different extent. For meeting demand of different idiographic engineering conditions, different holing height should be chosen.5) By using the analysis method in the paper, stress and transmutation conditions of bridge crane could be analyzed and calculated. It provides beneficial references to the design of girder structure in bridge crane.


