

Theoretical Research on the Relationship between Blood Stasis and Endogenous Wind Diseases and Syndromes

【作者】 向楠

【导师】 刘昭纯;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:对瘀血与内风相关及其必然规律进行理论研究。方法:文献研究方法:通过整理古代文献,结合现代中西医临床、实验研究资料,论证内风病证与瘀血的关系,分析其密切相关的必然规律。结果:①瘀血是导致内风病证的重要因素。②内风病证常常继发于瘀血痼疾,基于此的内风病证必兼见瘀血。③内风病证好发于老年,“年老多瘀”,内风病证多兼见瘀血。④内风病证多缠绵难愈,“久病必瘀”,内风病证病久必兼见瘀血,瘀血可出现于内风病证每一病机中。结论:内风病证与瘀血密切相关。瘀血既可以是内风病证发病的直接原因,又可以是内风病证发病的间接因素;既可以形成于内风病证发病之前,成为内风病证的病理基础,又可以形成于内风病证发病之后,成为加重或迁延内风病证的重要因素。因此,临床用活血化瘀药物治疗内风病证符合中医辨证论治的基本规律,是中医治病求本的必然选择。

【Abstract】 Objective: The relationship between blood stasis and endogenous wind was studied, the internal rules of this relationship were discussed. method: Document research: the necessity rule of that relationship were discussed through arranging ancient documents, modern documents of clinical and experimental research on TCM as well as western medicine, summarizing the relationship between blood stasis and endogenous wind. results:①Blood stasis was found as a very important cause for leading endogenous wind.②Endogenous wind usually occurrs after chronic malady with blood stasis, so endogenous wind disease and syndrome take on blood stasis symptoms.③Endogenous wind disease usually occurs in people’s old age, because more blood stasis syndrome in senile, so the endogenous wind disease and syndrome usually have blood stasis.④The course of the endogenous wind diseases and syndromes is long, because blood stasis occurs in the long course of chronic diseases, so blood stasis syndrome will be found in the long course of endogenous wind diseases. conclusions: Blood stasis have close relationship with endogenous wind diseases. Blood stasis can be found as the direct cause or indirect factor of the endogenous wind diseases. Blood stasis can also be found before and after the occurrence of endogenous wind diseases, it can cause the endogenous wind disease and make it worse. It is conformation to the clinical rules that using medicine with the function of activating blood and removing blood stasis to treat endogenous wind diseases. It is the inevitable choice under the guidance of the theory of“treatment of root of diseases”.

  • 【分类号】R228
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】114

