

Research on the Treatment of Oily Sludge in Liaohe Oil Field

【作者】 冯少华

【导师】 闫文华; 杨鸣春;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 石油与天然气工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在稠油污水处理流程中,气浮已经成为关键和不可缺少的单元工艺,目前辽河油田日产稠油污水8.5×104m3,年产污泥(浮渣)58×104m3,其处置问题日益突出。浮渣的主要成分为水(97%)、粘土矿物(2%)和油(1%),其中重质油组分较多,主要是沥青质和胶质。呈半固体状态的浮渣是含油污水处理系统的最末端废弃物,已被列入《国家危险废物名录》,成为国家强制性管理的固体废弃物。对含油浮渣的处置,国内外迄今为止尚无有效方法。为解决含油浮渣的无害化问题,本项目以辽河油田的6个典型联合站浮渣为研究对象,根据其理化特性,采取物理、化学等技术手段,开展了预处理、减量化、无害化等分阶段、分目标的技术探索与工业实践。实验结果表明:(1)含油浮渣的主要特点是含水率高,油成分主要为胶质、沥青质等重质成分,固体物质多为粘土矿物。在絮凝剂的作用下三种物质形成稳定絮凝团,粘稠度大,流动性差,各种组分不易分离,因此浮渣的物理结构和表面性质使其在界面机制、分离难度等方面都具有特殊性,不利于浮渣的减量化、无害化处理和资源化利用,区别于其它种类的含油污泥;(2)含油浮渣的稳定性源于絮凝团结构的稳定性,只有破坏絮凝团结构,才能对浮渣进行进一步的深度处理。实验结果表明,物理、化学及机械等方法均有利于絮凝团的解体,但可破坏铝盐凝聚作用的化学药剂,能最有效地实现浮渣的絮凝团破坏。浮渣结构破坏后,液/固分离效果明显,可进行石油的清洗、压滤和焚烧处理。因此反絮凝-液化处理,是浮渣处理的有效方法和技术前提;(3)浮渣中石油的清洗效率取决于石油和粘土矿物的理化性质,尤其是粘土矿物的表面性质对油的吸附/解吸具有重要影响。采用高效化学清洗药剂,可使含油浮渣中固体颗粒的吸附油得到有效清除;基于自行设计的清洗装置,控制搅拌频率、旋流速度及搅混半径,并调控反应体系的反应温度及变化过程,可实现油的清洗和分离;(4)含油浮渣减量化的主要手段是板框压滤,提高减量化效率的重要途径是破解絮凝团结构,提高游离水比例,并采用静态间歇或动态连续沉降进行污泥浓缩,以提高压滤效率。实验结果表明,通过液化(反絮凝)—浓缩(固液分离)—压滤工艺对含油浮渣进行减量处理,含油浮渣的含水率下降了17~24%,浮渣含水率达到80%以下,体积减量8~10倍,压滤时效提高一倍,总体处理费用与现有技术相当;(5)减量化没有解决浮渣的最后出路问题,在此基础上探索浮渣的焚烧技术方法具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Gas floatation has already become the necessary technics in the viscous oil produced water treatment process and the output of floating sludge increased particularly. Currently 5.8×104m3floating sludge was produced every year,comprised water(97%), secondary mineral(2%) and petrolum(1%). Among them resin and bitumen are dominating oil component. No efficacious technics could be applied to the sludge treatment so far and this thorny problem on the environmental protection floored the Liaohe oil field. Six kind of floating sludge sampling from 6 produced water treatment station was investigated. Based on the analysis results, treatment methods were applied, such as reverse flocculation, pressure filter and rotary hearth incinerator. Results were as follows:(1) Petroleum, secondary mineral and water agglomerate and form floating sludge. So the sludge was viscidity and the components could not be separated easily. The physical construction and surface character lead to the special interface attribute and deoil difficulty. So the deconstruction of floc is essential for the floating sludge treatment.(2) The stability of sludge depends on the structure of floc. It is necessary to destroy the framework of floc. In the experiment, physical, chemical and dynamical measures were taken to break the floc. The results showed that the reverse flocuation is the necessary pretreatment. Water could separted from the floc after its deconstruction.(3) Pressure filter is still the most effective path to reduce the volume of sludge. the process of reverse flocuation-sludge thicking-presure filter could decrease the water concerntration below 80% and reduced the volume to 1/10-1/8.(4) Batch refuse incinerator and rotary hearth incinerator were applied in this study.Industry pilotting experiment show that sludge could be treated by incinerator safely.

【关键词】 含油浮渣反絮凝清洗压滤减量化焚烧
【Key words】 oily sludgecleanoutPressure filterreduncnessincinerator
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】617

