

Diagenetic Field Analyses and Reservoir Quality Predictions in the Middle-Shallow Strata of North Songliao Basin

【作者】 姜文亚

【导师】 孟元林; 肖丽华;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 综合考虑时间、温度、流体、压力对成岩作用的影响,本文在原成岩作用数值模拟系统的基础上,对其模型进行了修改和完善,重新编译了成岩作用数值模拟系统。应用新的模拟系统对松辽盆地北部中浅层进行了成岩场分析和储层质量预测。松辽盆地北部中浅层成岩作用数值模拟的结果表明,青一段有机质成熟区域集中在中央坳陷区,从嫩江组沉积时期开始,青一段有机质开始进入大量生烃时期,并且泥岩发生超压释放,下伏泉四段、泉三段储层处于中成岩阶段A1亚期和中成岩阶段A2亚期,以溶蚀相和溶蚀及部分再胶结相为主,次生孔隙发育,这一时期构造运动强烈,断层发育,是扶杨油层大规模成藏时期;明水组沉积时期泥岩超压再次达到最大值,生、储、盖层发育俱佳,扶杨油层再次大规模聚集成藏。现今成岩强度基本维持明末的状态,泉四段储层处于早成岩阶段~中成岩阶段A2亚期,储层质量较好;泉三段成岩作用较强,在埋藏较深的坳陷区已经进入中成岩阶段B期,储层物性较差。沉积相和成岩作用共同决定储层现在的质量,在综合考虑这两个因素的基础上,建立了不同沉积微相的孔隙度、渗透率预测模型,对扶杨油层储层孔隙度、渗透率进行了预测。在平均填隙物含量约16%的条件下,孔隙度预测平均误差2.78%。在对扶杨油层油层物性重新统计分析的基础上,制定了扶杨油层有效储层的物性下限,并预测了有效油气储层的分布范围。预测结果表明,泉四段、泉三段上部储层大部分处于有效油气储层范围内,只有齐家古龙凹陷、三肇凹陷的部分地区,储层物性太差,失去了工业价值。

【Abstract】 Considering effects of time, temperature, fluid medium and pressure on diageneses, Based on the old Diagenetic Modeling System, this paper modified and improved its geologic model, and recompiled the modeling system. This paper completed the diagenetic numerical modeling and the diagenetic field analyzes to the Middle-Shallow Strata of North Songliao Basin using the new modeling system.The results of field analyze of the Middle-Shallow Strata of North Songliao Basin showed that the mature area of organic matter of K2qn1 centralizes in the Central Depression. The mature area of organic matter of K2qn1 came into great quantity hydrocarbon generation from the K2qn, and overpressure relief was happened. The reservoir of K1q4 and K1q3 is between middle diagenetic phase A1 and middle diagenetic phase A2 at deep area, and its diagenetic facies were dissolution facies and dissolution and cementation facies at that time, and secondary pores developed. On the side, tectonic movements were intensive, and developed lots of faults, and petroleum accumulated extensively of Fu-Yang Reservoir at that time. The overpressures of K2qn1 reached to the limited level and leaked off, and Fu-Yang Reservoir petroleum accumulated extensively again at K2m, when the source rocks and reservoirs were developed .The diagensis intensity at present keeps the state of K2m, and the reservoir of K1q4 is between early diagenetic phase and middle diagenetic phase A2, and have good quantity, while and the reservoir of K1q3 is middle diagenetic phase B at deep area, whose reservoir quantity is worse.Reservoir quantity is mainly controlled by sedimentary facies and diagenses. Reservoir porosity and permeability prediction models were established on the base of considering the two the factors, and the reservoir quantity of K1q4 and K1q3 are predicted. The average error between measured and predicted porosities is 2.78% on condition that the average pore-fillings of the reservoir are 16%. Base on recounting the reservoir porosity and permeability data of Fu-Yang Reservoir, the limited porosity and permeability of commercial reservoirs of Fu-Yang Reservoir are determined and the effective reservoir areas are predicted. The results show that most of the reservoir of K1q4 and K1q3 develops effective reservoir, and the reservoirs at the deep area in Qijia-gulong depression and Sanzhao depression lost commercial value because of bad quantity.


