

Surface Data Acquisition System of Electromagnetic Defectoscope

【作者】 关松

【导师】 刘兴斌;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在油水井生产过程中,由于周围环境的影响,使套管发生变形、损坏和腐蚀,直接影响油田的正常生产。加强套管损坏的检测诊断,对于查明套损原因,预防套损区域扩大,确定套管的维修作业方案,延长油水井的使用寿命等方面具有十分重要的意义。大庆油田引进开发了基于电磁感应原理的电磁探伤测井仪,可以对井下多层管柱的腐蚀、变形、裂缝及壁厚进行检测,目前已在大庆油田应用,取得了比较好的效果。但由于引进的地面数据采集系统数量有限,故障率也较高,难以满足应用需求。为此,经过对所接收信号的认真分析和反复实验,成功设计了该地面数据采集系统。电磁探伤地面数据采集系统作为井下仪器的供电电源及上传信号的接收、处理、解码、编码及显示平台,是电磁探伤测井仪应用系统中必不可少的重要组成部分。文中主要阐述了电磁探伤地面数据采集系统的设计方法、调试过程及现场应用结果。电磁探伤地面数据采集系统在硬件上利用成熟的单片机技术,以8751单片机作为主控器件,它控制整个系统的信号采集、数据处理、解码、编码及数据发送,同时通过扩展外围信号处理电路、RS232接口电路及相应的电压调整模块,完成整个硬件部分的设计。这种结构的突出特点是控制方便、扩展灵活,能够充分利用和发挥主控器件的强大功能,减少硬件规模,提高整个系统的可靠性。电磁探伤地面数据采集系统的设计思想是尽可能发挥主机软件功能,做到软件和硬件的高度融合。该系统的软件设计主要从以下几方面考虑:1)操作界面友好;2)高效、灵活;3)功能完备;4)二次开发及扩展方便。该软件系统是利用Visual Basic 6.0开发的在Windows环境下运行的应用程序,由实时采集软件和回放解释软件两部分组成。实时采集软件主要负责数据的接收、显示和存储。回放解释软件主要负责数据的回放、处理和打印。通过反复实验和现场应用表明,该地面数据采集系统性能稳定、精确度高,可以满足电磁探伤测井仪推广应用及科研实验的需要。

【Abstract】 In production process of the oil, gas or water well, the case-pipes have often been transfigured, damaged and corroded due to infection of the ambient conditions, thus, influencing the oilfield yields. It is quite necessary to find out the reasons of harming case-pipe, prevent the area of harmed case pipe from extending, confirm the project for maintaining the case-pipes and prolong the life of well by improving the scathed case-pipes inspections. Daqing oilfield studied and improved electromagnetic defectoscope recently which based on electromagnetic influence theory can detect the corrosion, transfiguration, fissure and thickness of the case-pipes in the well. At present, this technology has been already applied in Daqing oilfield and the result improved to be well. But the number of the imported surface data acquisition system is few and the failure rate is high can’t satisfy the request of the oilfield .Finally, by analyzing received signal and doing a lot of experiments, we designed this system successfullyThe surface data acquisition system of electromagnetic defectoscope as a important part of the electromagnetic defectoscope application system is the power supply of the down hole instrument and the platform of the up logging signal’s receiving, processing, decoding, coding and displaying. This paper introduces the design method, debugging process and the result of the field application.In the hardware part, the system makes use of the ripe MCU technology and adopts 8751 as the main controller which controls data acquisition, data processing, decoding, coding and signal’s sending. By expanding signal regulation circuit, RS232 interface circuit and different kind of voltage regulators to finish the design of hardware part. The advantages of this structure are easily controlled and flexible expanded. In this structure, the powerful function of main controller can be used to simplify the circuit design in order to improve the reliability of the system.In the software part, the exertion of the host function and the integration of the software and hardware is the soul of the system design. These characteristic is considered when the system is designed, including interface friendly, efficiency and flexibility, complete combination, secondary development and convenient expandability. The software system programmed by Visual Basic 6.0 under a windows environment is composed by data acquisition software and play-back software. The data is received, displayed and stored by the data acquisition software and the data is replayed, processed and printed by the play-back software. The repeated experiment and field application indicate that this system which has many advantages such as stable capability, high accuracy, and high credibility, should satisfy the demand of electromagnetic defectoscope’s expansion application and research experiment.


