

Study on Groundwater Resources Demonstration Mode for Construction Projects in the Karst Area in Northern China

【作者】 刘志峰

【导师】 林洪孝;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 岩溶水(Karst Water)又称喀斯特水,是贮存于可溶性岩石区(如石灰岩、白云岩、大理岩、石膏、岩盐等)的溶蚀裂隙和溶洞中的地下水,是岩溶区最常见的富水形式。岩溶水是我国北方岩溶区主要的地下水资源,也是岩溶区新建、改建、扩建工业及生活用水建设项目主要取用水源。近年来,为满足北方岩溶区经济社会的快速发展,岩溶水开采量逐渐增大,导致许多地区岩溶水系统采补失衡,地下水水位大幅度下降,漏斗面积逐年扩大,相继出现地面沉降、地面塌陷、水质污染等水文地质环境灾害。因此,对北方岩溶区建设项目取用岩溶水进行合理论证,成为学术界研究的热点课题。2003年3月,水利部、国家发改委颁布了《建设项目水资源论证管理办法》(中华人民共和国水利部和中华人民共和国国家发展计划委员会令(第15号)),水利部发布了《建设项目水资源论证导则(试行)》(SL/Z 322-2005),标志着我国水资源论证制度的建立。《办法》以水资源条件与经济社会建设布局相适应、实现水资源承载能力与经济社会建设规模相协调为基础,加强水资源管理,深化取水许可管理制度改革,对于促进水资源的优化配置和可持续利用,保障建设项目的合理用水要求,健全水资源开发、管理与保护有着重要意义。目前,对建设项目水资源论证管理的理论和实践总结还存在一些不足之处,尤其是在水文地质条件复杂的北方岩溶区进行建设项目地下水资源论证,在区域水资源状况及其开发利用范围、水源范围、取退水影响范围等方面,存在范围划定难;区域水文地质参数推求误差大,允许开采量评价结果的准确性不能保证;开采井位确定方法合理性差等问题。本文在研究《建设项目水资源论证管理办法》和《建设项目水资源论证导则》基础上,结合实际生产经验,针对北方岩溶区独特的水文地质条件,研究了该类型区建设项目地下水资源论证的特点,即与非岩溶水、南方岩溶区地下水资源论证的不同之处,并且重点研究了这些不同之处的分析计算和论证方法。该文的特色及创新之处在于(1)研究了北方岩溶区建设项目地下水资源论证之区域水资源状况及其开发利用分析范围、水源论证范围、取退水影响论证范围的确定方法,得出水源论证范围为区域范围,研究了井群概化改进法,建立了优选岩溶区抽水试验观测孔井位的多目标多层次系统模糊决策模型,并运用半对数拐点法求解整个水源论证范围的区域水文地质参数,进而形成了区域水文地质参数系统模糊层次决策模型法;(2)对水量均衡法加以改进,研究了水量均衡改进法、开采试验法及数值模拟法在岩溶水可开采量评价中的应用问题,并研究了不同评价方法所得结果的比选问题;(3)应用模糊综合评判理论和模糊聚类分析理论,分析岩溶水的属性、含水层间的水力联系以及岩溶水的补排关系,进而研究岩溶区不同水化学特征的影响因素及变化机理,从而研究出开采井位确定水质因素模糊综合分析法,以综合水量因素分析法,形成合理确定开采井位的关键技术。

【Abstract】 Karst Water is groundwater which is stored in fissures and tunnel caves of solubility rocks and the most common water rich types of karst areas.Karst Water is the main ground water resources used by Construction Projects of industrial water and domestic water in the Karst Area in northern China. At present, in order to support the fast development of economic and society in the Karst Area in northern China, the exploitation yield of Karst Water is becoming larger and larger, which result in the more geological disasters, for example, the declined groundwater level, the expanding funnel area, land subsidence, ground collapses, water pollution and so on. So, the job of underground water resources demonstration of construction projects in the Karst Area in northern China has become more and more important and the key topic for study.In The management methods of construction projects water resource demonstration (ministry of water resources and the national development and reform commission document 15th) and the rules of construction projects water resource demonstration (SL/Z 322-2005) had been issued by the ministry of water resources and the national development and reform commission, which marks the development water resources assessment system. This method made basis for deepening the License System Of Water Diversion, strengthening water resource management, studying Water Right Theories and water market theories, making sure initial Water Right, which are significant for water resources allocation optimization and Sustainable utilization, guaranteeing water demand of construction project, and development, utilization and administration of water resources so on.At present, water resources demonstration for construction project has some drawbacks, especially in the aspects of underground water resources demonstration of construction projects in the Karst Area in northern China where conditions of hydrological geology are complicated. In these area, analysis areas of water resources situation, development and utilization, scope of water resources demonstration, and scope of infection argumentation are not made sure simply, and it is very difficult to determine the area hydrogeology parameters, which insult in the result of allowable withdrawal of groundwater argumentation and confirming methods of the pumping well place are not reasonable.On the basis of the management methods of construction projects water resource demonstration and the rules of construction projects water resource demonstration, combining the fact and the hydrogeological condition feature of Karst area in northern China, the text studied the feature of Underground Water Resources Demonstration of Construction Projects in the Karst Area in northern China, which includes the differences of other Underground Water Resources Demonstration and especially the methods of the differences.The feature and innovation of this article is like this (1)the deciding methods of analysis areas of water resources situation, development and utilization, scope of water resources demonstration, and scope of infection argumentation in the Karst Area in northern China were studied, multiple well generalized method were studied , a fuzzy decision pattern of multilayer and multi-objective system were set up, semi-logarithm method was used, and in the end the zone hydrogeological parameters system fuzzy layer decision model were formed; (2) the water volume equilibrium method was advanced, application of water volume equilibrium method, exploitation experiment method and numerical simulation method in the permissive karst water exploitation yield assessment were used, the combined method of evaluation of Karst water exploitable yield was formed, and the choosing of all results were studied; (3) the mathematical model of karst groundwater environment quality evaluation was established by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the assessment of karst groundwater environment quality of prepared pumping wells were made up, and the hydrochemical classification of all prepared pumping wells were made up by the fuzzy clustering analysis method, various properties of groundwater, hydraulic relationships among water source sites, and correlation of supplement and discharge were studied in terms of obtained results, in the end, considering the factor of water quantity, the key technology of confining the pumping well place was formed.


