

Research on Landscape Planning and Rebuilding and Utilization of Quarrying Waste

【作者】 王存存

【导师】 陈东田;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,随着我国社会经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,像公路、铁路及房地产开发等项目快速发展,且规模不断扩大,采石产业得到了长足的发展,为经济发展做出了巨大贡献。然而,随着采石场的数量和规模的不断扩大,也带来了诸如景观的破损、植被的退化消失、生态环境的破坏、环境污染和生物多样性遭到破坏等严重的环境和社会问题。另外,由于采石破坏的土地长期得不到恢复,加剧了人多地少的矛盾,采石废弃地已成为国土范围内生态环境破坏最为严重的区域之一。然而近年来,虽然学者们对采石废弃地的整治进行了一定的研究,取得了许多的成果,但同时我们也应该看到学者们对其的研究多从单一的角度进行考虑,要么只考虑如何尽快复垦绿化,要么只从生态恢复的角度进行考虑,其指导意义及实际实践效果并不很理想。因此,本研究的目的将力图从景观规划的角度出发,运用景观规划的理论及方法,尽可能的将复垦绿化、生态恢复、经济利用与发展、可持续性、社会现状以及当地政府和人民群众的切身利益等方面有机结合,力求探索出一条真正适合我国的采石废弃地景观规划与改造利用之路。本论文首先分析了采石废弃地形成的原因及所造成的危害,以求更加清晰的说明采石废弃地景观规划与改造利用的必要性;然后系统阐述了景观规划理论的内涵和与采石废弃地改造利用的关系,以求更加深入的了解景观规划理论以用于指导采石废弃地的景观规划与改造利用;其后对采石废弃地景观规划与改造利用的理论基础、改造原理、方式途径等进行了深入的研究,并概括性的总结了适合我国的采石废弃地景观规划与改造利用的基本思路;最后,通过借鉴国内外学者的相关研究成果和成功案例,并以山东巨野金山旅游区水系景观规划为例进行实证分析,进一步论证了对采石废弃地进行景观规划与改造利用的基本思路。结合本文的研究内容,作者尝试探索出了一条真正适合我国国情的采石废弃地景观规划与改造利用之路:即从生态重建的角度出发,以可持续发展战略为指导,以改善生态环境和景观重建并控制水土流失为根本,依据各地区的发展规划,运用以景观生态学为核心的相关基本理论,运用各种工程技术手段,结合采石废弃地的具体情况,在维持生态平衡的基础上对其进行景观规划和改造利用,以求获得最大的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益。通过对采石废弃地景观规划与改造利用的研究,不同地区不同程度的采石废弃地其景观规划与改造利用的基本思路是不同的,应该在充分调查分析的基础上,根据当地的经济、政治、社会条件,根据采石废弃地的破坏程度综合考虑,统筹规划,只有在因地制宜的基础上,通过合理的景观规划,才能将采石废弃地“变废为宝”,并实现生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的统筹和谐可持续发展。

【Abstract】 In recent years,going with development of our society and faster course of urbanization,like roads, railways and real estate development projects are rapid development,and have been expanding, quarry industry gained quiet great development, and did great contributiveness。However, going with ceaseless enlarger of amount and scope, quarry also brought serious problems about circumstance and society。As the sight disrepair, the vegetation degenerate and disappear, the zoology circumstance destroyed, circumstance pollute, biology diversity destroyed and so on. Because the destroyed soil for quarrying cannot long-playing restoration, then increasing contradiction about more people and much less soil, quarry has become one of most serious area about zoology environment damage in bound of country.However, although scholars have done some research about rebuilding of quarrying waste, and acquired some achievement, we should see that scholars did some advisement mostly from simplex angle, as only considering how to virescence as quickly as possible, or only considering from zoology restoration, guidance meaning and practice effect is not very ideality. So the purpose of this time research will try hard to start off from landscape planning, bring to bear theoretics and method about landscape planning, try my best to organic combine virescence, zoology restoration, economic utilization and development, continuable character, societal actuality and personal and governmental advantage, and try hard to explore a calculated road about landscape planning and rebuilding of quarrying waste.This paper first analysis the forming reason about quarrying waste and harm, in order to more clearly explain the need about landscape planning and rebuilding and utilization of quarrying waste; then described the connotation of landscape planning and connection of rebuilding and utilization of quarrying waste, in order to more embedded understand landscape planning theory for guiding landscape planning and rebuilding and utilization of quarrying waste; thenceforth did more embedded research of theory foundation, rebuilding principium, realizable approach and so on about landscape planning and rebuilding and utilization of quarrying waste, and generally summarized basic brainchild about landscape planning and rebuilding and utilization of quarrying waste; at last, passed using for reference domestic and overseas scholars, correlative research fruit and successful cases, and did demonstration analysis example of Shandong Juye Jinshan tourism district water system landscape planning, demonstrated basic brainchild for landscape planning and rebuilding and utilization of quarrying waste.Combining the research contents about this paper, the author strive to explore the way to fit the national conditions of China quarrying waste land planning and landscape use of the rebuild:from the perspective of the ecological reconstruction,take the sustainable development strategy as a guide,to improve the ecological environment and landscape reconstruction and control the natural environment run out as a fundamental; based on the region’s development planning; by using the landscape ecology at the core of the relevant basic theory,Use of various means of engineering technology,and combine the quarrying waste land with the specific circumstances,in the maintenance of ecological balance on the basis of their landscape planning and the use of rebuild,In order to get the most ecological benefit、social benefits and economic benefits。Getting across the research about landscape planning and rebuilding and utilization of quarrying waste, different area and different degree have different basic brainchild, we should general advisement and plan as a whole basis local condition of economy, polity, society and destroyed degree of quarrying waste on basic plenary survey and analysis. None but on basic adjusting measures to local conditions, getting across logical landscape planning, we can take quarrying waste from rubbish to treasure, and achieve harmonious and continuable development of zoology benefit, economy benefit and society benefit.


