

Study on Sustainable Land Use Evaluation and Land Reclamation Planning in Mine-Crop Composite Area

【作者】 张显金

【导师】 齐伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 土地可持续利用是在人口、资源、环境和经济协调发展战略下进行的,这就意味着土地可持续利用是在保护生态环境的同时,要促进经济增长和社会繁荣。发展中国家则在提高经济效益的前提下,保证生态平衡,这也符合可持续土地发展的公平性准则。煤炭作为我国一种能源矿产,是工农业生产和社会经济发展必不可少的物质基础,是社会财富的重要源泉。煤炭资源的开发利用在给人类带来巨大经济效益的同时,不可避免地对煤矿区生态安全产生扰动,改变原有矿区景观安全格局,最直接的就是压占和损毁土地资源。我国许多粮食主产区同时也是矿产资源主产区,这些复合区域存在着十分突出的工农业矛盾,提高矿粮复合区的土地集约和节约利用,对废弃的工矿用地的土地进行开发、整理和复垦是增加现有农用地面积,提高耕地质量的有效手段。本研究以山东肥城市的矿粮复合区(包括老城镇、王瓜店镇、湖屯镇、石横镇)为例,在分析研究区内土地利用总体状况和各镇土地利用状况的基础上,依据土地利用持续评价原则,在生产性、稳定性、保护性、经济可行性、社会可接受性五个层面选取了21个能够代表整个矿粮复合区土地利用特征的元指标,建立了土地持续利用评价指标体系,对整个矿粮复合区和其内部四个镇分别进行土地持续利用评价,并结合评价结果对各乡镇以及整个矿粮复合区的土地利用集约程度、效益情况、农用地增减情况等进行分析,同时对得分较小的指标进行分析。通过分析可以看出整个矿粮复合区的特点是人均耕地面积较低,采矿塌陷地造成的耕地面积减少显著,各乡镇复垦塌陷地为耕地或坑塘的潜力具有差异性。然后,在进行土地复垦规划设计和生态模式探讨的基础上,选取有代表性的湖屯镇矿粮区,通过分析其目前土地利用情况,结合土地持续利用的评价结果提出土地利用复垦模式,以增加耕地面积以及坑塘等其他农用地,缓解人均耕地面积少,耕地质量低,农业生产结构单一的问题。最后,结合整个矿粮复合区的土地利用特点以及特定矿区土地复垦模式提出相应的建议和措施,加强土地的节约集约利用,以土地整理、开发、复垦为手段增加和改良农用地尤其是耕地;在保证基本量是很生产的前提下,调整产业结构包括部门间和部门内部的产业结构以实现土地利用的多元化;还需要在法律、政策等方面加大农用地的保护力度,并且做好宣传和引导广大群众对于土地保护和土地持续利用的意识,并提高他们的科学技术水平。在规划土地利用的同时要考虑潜在的社会、经济、生态影响,利用景观生态学的观点进行合理安排,以实现人与环境的和谐共存;总之,矿粮复合区是增加农用地尤其是耕地面积的关键部分,通过合理规划和复垦可以恢复其内部的耕地面积和提高耕地质量。本研究是对于改善矿粮复合区土地利用的一个探索,这位以后的具体工作提供了指导和借鉴。

【Abstract】 The ideology of sustainable land-use is under the principle of coordinating the developments of human, natural resources, environment and economy, which means the economic increase and social prosperity shouldn’t be neglected while highlighting the protection of ecological environment. The protection of environment in developing countries is second to the promotion of social development and economic increase, which coincide with the guideline of sustainable land-use. Coal as an important energy sources is fundamental to industry and economy. However, the exploitation also makes disturbance to the ecology interior and exterior of the coal mine. In our country, many crop areas are near or in coal mines, so using these lands intensively and economically, and performing land consolidation, exploration and reclamation is an effective way to improve the condition in coal mine status quo.This paper selects a crop-mine composite site as research area in Feicheng City, Shandong Province, after making general knowledge of whole area, a evaluating indicator system was built according to the principle of sustainable land-use, which includes five aspects. Then sustainable evaluations of whole crop-mine composite site and the four town inside (Laocheng Town, Wangguadain Town, Hutun Town, Shiheng Town) were carried out, using the 21 meta-indicators in the system. The whole research area shows lower cultivated land area per capita, the sinking of mine site caused dramatic decrease of cultivated land area, and the potentials of recovery varies of each Town.And Hutun Town mine site was selected as a typical case to establish reclamation mode for farmland, in order to increase the area of cultivated land and ponds, which can help alleviate the pressure of lacking of farm land and simplex agricultural structure. At the end of this paper some suggestions and proposals were advanced: (1) using land intensively and economically; (2) promoting the application of land exploration, land consolidation and land reclamation; (3) adjusting the structures of industries and that of agriculture to achieve the multidimensional land-use; (4) some protection provisions should be enlisted in laws and policies related to ensure the right of the owner of farmland; (5) inducements and propaganda should be done to rouse the ideas of farmer and masses to protect land, especially farm land; (6) some evaluations about impact of land-use should be carried out beforehand to reduce the potential hazard to achieve the harmony between human and environment.This paper is an attempt to discuss the proper approach to enhance the protect of sustainable land-use in crop-mine composite sit, which can provide some guidelines and methods for further improvement in similar areas.

  • 【分类号】F301.0
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】425

