

Study on Land Rights and Interests Ensure of Peasants in the Process of Urbanization

【作者】 孔凡学

【导师】 齐伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着我国城市化进程的不断推进,农民土地权益保护成为倍受关注的焦点。土地及其收益是农民最重要、最大的权益,是农民根本权益之所在。目前,部分农民的无地无岗无保障等问题不断引发着严重的社会问题,在这种背景下,研究如何妥善解决我国快速城市化地区的农民土地权益保护问题,有着不言而喻的特殊意义。在对相关研究文献进行综述和评析的基础上,本文从我国城市化进程中农民土地权益现状着手,进行深入剖析,揭示出农民土地权益受损的深层原因,并以城乡结合部为切入点,对快速城市化对农民土地权益的影响进行重点探讨,在此基础上提出如何构建快速城市化地区农民土地权益的保障机制,并提出一系列保障措施。研究认为:(1)我国当前农民的土地权益相对薄弱,突出表现在所有权虚置、使用权残缺、处分权贫弱、收益权脆弱等方面,这不利于保护农民权益,容易引起社会动荡,对国民经济的协调发展对和谐社会的建设产生消极的影响。(2)改革开放以来,我国城市化进程摆脱了长期起伏不进的局面,城市化水平逐渐提高,到1995年,我国城市人口的年均增长率已达到4.2%,高于低收入国家的平均水平。(3)城市化对农民土地权益存在着积极和消极的影响。城市化对农民土地权益的积极影响是主要的,农民从城市化进程中享受到了物质文明、精神文明、政治文明和生态文明;同时,城市化进程中的征地补偿、干部操纵土地流转、采矿塌陷等问题给农民带了巨大的负面危害。(4)提出农民土地权益保障机制的基本思路:①改革征地制度,公平对待农民土地权益;②完善土地登记制度③建立失地农民社会保障;④开展塌陷地治理,还地于民;⑤加强政府监管,确保政令畅通;⑥立法赋予农民完整的土地物权。

【Abstract】 Recently, with the development of urbanization, more and more attentions are paid to farmers’ interests in land. Lands and the incomes from it are farmers’ most important and biggest interests in land. Currently, some farmers who had no land, no job, no welfare had caused serious social problem. So under this circumstance, the importance is obvious to find a way to solve the problem of protecting farmers’ interests in land in the urbanizing area.On the basis of summarizing related literature, this paper analyzed the situation of fanner’s interests in land, and revealed the reason why farmers’ interests in land are damaged. After probing into the effect of urbanization on farmers’ interests in land in the suburban area, this paper put forward how to construct a mechanism to protect fanners’ interests and a series of insurance measures. This research shows as follows:(1) Currently, farmers’ interests in land are relatively weak, especially in the aspects of equitable ownership, right of use, right to earnings, right of disposing, etc. all of it is harm for protecting farmer’s rights. In other words, it may cause social turbulence, which has negative influence on economic development and harmonious society construction.(2) Form reformation open, Chinese urbanization course improved gradually. Form 1995 year. Chinese urban population increasing ratio arrived at 4.2 %, which had reached the average level of low-level country.(3) Urbanization has both positive and negative influence on farmers’ interests. And the positive aspect is predominate, during the course of civilization, farmers can have a new touch of material civilization, spiritual civilization, political civilization, ecological civilization, however low or no requisitioned land compensation, manipulated land conversion, mining subsidence, etc, made great loss of farmers.(4) The paper pointed how to construct fanners’ interests in land protecting the frame.Reform land requisitioning system, treat farmers’ interests in land fairly. Consolidate subsidence area, increasing farmland area. Establish social security for farmers who lost land. Reinforce government supervision, and ensure government orders without disruption. Endow farmers with integrated land real right.

  • 【分类号】F301.0
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】472

