

Effect of Silicon on the Growth and Some Physiological Characteristics of Ginger

【作者】 张国芹

【导师】 徐坤;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生姜(Zingiber officinale Rosc.)是生长期较长且需肥量较高的作物,长期以来,生姜栽培多注重氮、磷、钾肥的投入,致使其茎秆变软,抗病虫能力下降,产量品质降低。前人研究表明,硅可延缓作物基部叶片的衰老,提高光合速率,并增强作物的抗逆性。但关于生姜对硅素的反应尚未见报道。为此,本研究采用营养液加硅水培方法〔CK(0)、T1(1.0 mmol/L)、T2(1.5 mmol/L)、T3(2.0 mmol/L)〕和大田增施硅肥试验〔CK’(0)、T’1(50 kg/666.7m2)、T’2(100 kg/666.7m2)、T’3(150 kg/666.7m2)〕相结合,研究了硅对生姜矿质元素吸收分配特性的影响,分析了硅与生姜的生长发育、产量品质及光合荧光特性的关系。主要研究结果如下:1.生姜植株含硅量达2%~5%,可判定为喜硅作物,但器官硅含量由高及低依次:根>叶>根茎>茎。营养液补充硅素,可提高植株各器官的硅(SiO2)含量,各器官硅含量与植株平均硅含量密切相关,但综合分析,上位叶硅含量作为诊断生姜硅素营养状况较为理想。2.营养液水培试验证明,施硅提高了植株中N、P含量及吸收量。生姜长至115 d后,T1、T2、T3处理生姜幼苗氮、磷吸收量分别比CK增加13.1%、27.1%、35.2%和18.6%、39.5%、52.3%。同时降低了植株中K含量,但由于施硅促进了植株的生长,从而植株对钾的吸收量并未降低。3.硅对生姜有明显的促长作用,大田和水培试验均证明,施硅可增加生姜株高、茎粗及各器官的生物量。大田增施硅肥还可增加植株的叶片数和分枝数。生姜收获时,T’1、T’2、T’3的分枝数分别比CK’增加了8.3%、18.3%、13.3%,其产量分别达76926.9、86542.8和78850.1 kg/hm2,分别比CK’产量66926.4 kg/hm2增加14.9% , 29.3%和17.8%。4.施硅对生姜叶片叶绿素含量没有显著影响,但可提高叶片类胡萝卜素含量,增强了植株对强光的利用能力,显著提高了生姜叶片光合作用的饱和光强、CO2羧化效率(CE)及光合速率。另外,硅素还提高了生姜叶片原初光能转换效率、光合电子传递量子效率,光化学猝灭系数,降低午间光抑制程度。5.施硅降低了生姜叶片的蒸腾速率(Tr),提高了水分利用效率(WUE)。11:00点T1、T2、T3的生姜叶片Tr分别比CK低6.3%、17.1%和19.2%,WUE分别比CK高23.1%、55.9%和54.8%。6.施硅显著提高了生姜抗逆性。高温、干旱胁迫后施硅显著提高了生姜叶片的CAT、POD活性,同时降低了叶片MDA含量。高温胁迫下,T1、T2和T3的叶片丙二醛含量较对照降低8.8%、19.2%和23.8%,从而降低了生姜膜伤害程度。7.硅肥不仅提高了生姜的产量,还改善了生姜品质。T’1、T’2和T’3处理根茎干物质含量分别比CK’增加了17.5%、20.1%和8.7%。同时挥发油含量也以T’2处理较高,比对照增加25.0%。8.通过综合分析,生姜营养液水培的硅素水平以1.5~2.0 mmol/L较为适宜;生姜大田硅肥(有效SiO2含量28%)合理施用量为100 kg/666.7m2左右。

【Abstract】 Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) demands for large numbers of mineral elements and has a long growth time, but in along time, people only pay much attention to using the fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This way reduced stem of ginger softened and anti-pest ability of plant. Menwhile reduced the yield and quality. Through previous studies, we know that silicon could delay premature senility blade in base; improve photosynthesis of leaves and enhance plant stress resistance. Gingers (Zingiber officinale Rosc.cv. shannong No1) were grown at different levels of silicon in both solution culture and soil culture experiment. The experiment of solution culture design consisted of a control (no added Si) and three treatments (1.0 mM, 1.5 mM and 2.0 mM Si) and also four treaments in soil culture (50 kg/666.7m2, 100 kg/666.7m2, 150 kg/666.7m2 and a control). Effects of silicon on absorption and distribution of mineral elements of ginger were studied in different levels of silicon. Meanwhile, relationship between silicon and plant growth, yield and quality , photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics were analyzed. The main results were as follows:1. Silicon content in ginger plant reached between 2% and 5%, so ginger was considered as a higher accumulator. Acording to analysis silicon content in different organs, silicon content in size order was root > leaf > rhizoma > stem. Silicon application increased silicon content of ginger plant. Average silicon content of plant was closely related to silicon content of different organs. But based on a comprehensive analysis, it was suggested that the upper leaves was the most ideal indicator to diagnose Si status and make Si fertilization recommendation at seeding stage in ginger.2. Application of silicon increased content and absorption of silicon (SiO2). Meanwhile, nitrogen and phosphorus content in different organs of ginger were also increased. Nitrogen increased by 13.1%、27.1%、35.2% and phosphorus increased by 18.6%、39.5%、52.3%. Although the experiment proved silicon application decreased potassium content of ginger, due to increase of the biomass of ginger plant, its absorption was not reduced.3. The study proved silicon had an obvious effect on the growth of ginger. Plant height and stem diameter of ginger and biomass of different organs were increased both in culture and soil solution experiments. Number of leaves and branches were also improved in field experiment. At harvest time, Compared with non-silicon treatments, number of branches increased by 8.3%, 18.3% and 13.3% in T’1、T’2 and T’3 treatments. The yield of T’1、T’2 and T’3 were 76926.9、86542.8 and 78850.1 kg/hm2 respectively, compared with that of CK’66926.4 kg/hm2, the increasing rates were14.9% , 29.3% and 17.8% separately.4. Silicon improved carotenoid content. heightened photosynthetic rate of ginger leaves, prolonged the period of high-light-effect. However, no differences in chlorophyll content were observed. Otherwise, silicon improved intrinsic photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), quantum yield of PSⅡ(φPSⅡ) and photochemical quenching (qP), decreased photoinhibition of photosynthesis of ginger in midday.5. Silicon treatment also increased water use efficiency(WUE) in leaves, but decreased the transpiration rate (Tr). Compared with non-silicon treatments, T1、T2 and T3 treatments improved WUE by 23.1%, 55.9% and 54.8% but decreased Tr by 6.3%, 17.1% and 19.2% at 11:00 o,clock.6. Silicon could significantly enhance the fastness of ginger. Activities of CAT and POD were significantly improved and MDA content was decreased in drought and high temperature stress. Compared with non-silicon treatments, T1、T2 and T3 treatments reduced mlondiadehyde content of ginger leaves by 8.8%、19.2% and 23.8% especially, so silicon application lessened the extent of membranes injury of ginger. 7. Silicon had a significant effect on the yield and quality of ginger. Dry matter of rihzoma increased by 17.5%、20.1% and 8.7% in T’1、T’2、T’3 respectively. Volatized oil content in T’2 was also improved by 25.0%8. Based on a comprehensive analysis, we concluded the suitable silicon concentration for ginger ranged between 1.5 and 2.0 mmol/L in solution culture and 100 kg/666.7m2 in soil culture.


