

The Research on Vegetation Changes and Its Soil Water-storage Characteristics of Soil and Water Conservation Ecological Rehabilitation Region in Zibo City

【作者】 杨永峰

【导师】 张光灿;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 对研究区内水土保持生态修复过程中植物群落、林草生长量、土壤物理性质、蓄水保水效益等方面进行监测研究,结果表明生态修复工程取得了明显的生态效益。主要结论如下:①研究区林草覆盖度明显提高,植物群落盖度(郁闭度)增加。林草覆盖度由修复前的42.7%增长到修复后的51.5%,增长幅度为8.8%。有林地(天然林或人工林)各植物群落乔灌草平均盖度为0.86,明显高于其它类型;从疏林补植、荒坡造林和荒坡封禁三种封山育林措施看,以荒坡造林和疏林补植后植物群落盖度的提高幅度较大(乔灌草平均提高0.20和0.18),从退耕还林各措施类型群落植被盖度看,以林果梯田封禁后植被盖度的提高幅度较大(乔灌草平均提高0.35)。②生态修复区植被生长状况明显改善,生物(生长)量显著提高。生态修复后各植物群落地下根系生物量和地上林木生物量均比修复前有显著提高。疏林补植、荒坡造林和荒坡封禁后植物群落的根重密度分别比修复前提高了2.0 kg/m~3、2.4kg/m~3和1.8 kg/m~3。③生态修复后研究区植物群落类型明显增加,植物种类越加丰富。植被类型在原有的基础上新增加3种,植物群落增加6种,生态修复后,种子植物增加24种,其中人工引进乔木植物3种(仁用杏、大扁桃和冬枣),灌木植物增加5种,草本植物增加16种。④生态修复后研究区各植物群落物种多样性和丰富度显著提高。有林地封禁型植物群落的物种丰富度和多样性指数高于其它修复类型。疏林补植、荒坡封禁和荒坡造林的生物多样性指数均比修复前提高(5和0.17)、(12和0.08)、(16和0.27)。退耕还林后封育型林果梯田的丰富度和多样性指数比封育前提高了6和0.6,封禁型林果梯田比封育前提高了20和0.72。⑤生态修复工程促进了植被的自然演替。生态修复后,不同植物群落都趋向于提高群落生态效益的方向演替,但演替过程与群落结构有所不同。A:封禁型天然次生林群落:该修复措施类型的植物群落已经过了多年的封禁和自然演替,趋向于顶级群落演替或接近顶级群落,进一步加强封育后,现在的单纯林可能会过渡为混交林,形成复层混交林群落结构,整个群落趋向于提高林分生态效益的方向演替。B:人工林封禁、疏林补植和荒坡造林措施类型群落:这三种修复措施类型的植物群落都为人工植物群落,修复前乔木树种较为单一,封禁后主要树种仍然以人工引入的侧柏和刺槐为主。但随着封禁年限的增长,在立地较好的群落中,黄栌、榔榆、栎类等适生的天然林树种将会不断迁入,其乔灌草层物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度也将会呈现增加趋势。C:荒坡封禁灌草群落:该群落类型封禁后,近期内仍以灌木和草本为主,其物种丰富度和多样性将会有明显提高。随着封禁时间的延长,一些适生的天然(林)乔木树种(黄栌、榔榆、栎类等)将会不断入侵,最终会形成乔灌草复层、异龄林分结构,生态效益将明显提高。D:退耕还林型植物群落:该修复类型植物群落主要分布于人工梯田,经多年封禁后,无论是缓坡、陡坡梯田还是林果、作物梯田,首先增加的是灌草植被。随自然演替的发展,灌草层物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数均呈现增长趋势,乔木植物种类将会增加,黄栌、山榆、栎类等适生树种将会不断迁入。最终形成梯田乔灌草复层异龄林群落,群落演替趋向于提高植物群落生态效益的方向。⑥生态修复区土壤密度和土壤孔隙度改善。从土壤密度看,有林地封禁类型中,天然林土壤密度稍小于人工林,其中混交林土壤密度(1.156g/cm~3)均小于单纯林(1.180g/cm~3)。疏林补植、荒坡造林、荒坡封禁和退耕还林型植物群落修复后土壤密度分别比修复前减小了0.008 g/cm~3、0.009 g/cm~3、0.005 g/cm~3和0.019g/cm~3。从土壤孔隙度看,有林地封禁类型中,天然林土壤孔隙状况优于人工林,其中混交林土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度都优于单纯林。疏林补植、荒坡造林、荒坡封禁和退耕还林型植物群落修复前土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度分别比修复后提高了(2.6%、0.25%、2.91%)、(11.04%、2.89%、17.05%)、(8.44%、2.04%、6.40%)和(2.7%、1.66%、1.05%)。⑦生态修复区植被的蓄水保水效益明显增加。生态修复后各修复措施类型植物群落的冠层水容量、枯落物储存量、枯落物水容量和土壤饱和贮水量均比修复前有明显提高。A:有林地封禁型植物群落中,天然林修复后总蓄水量为3264.9t/hm~2,较修复前提高了2582.6 t/hm~2。人工林修复后总蓄水量为2966.5 t/hm~2,比修复前增长了2284.2 t/hm~2。天然林总蓄水量提高幅度大于人工林。B:疏林补植、荒坡造林、荒坡封禁和退耕还林型植物群落修复后总蓄水量分别比修复前提高了94.5t/hm~2、143.6 t/hm~2、139.6 t/hm~2和486.6 t/hm~2。

【Abstract】 It had monitoring and research on the change of vegetation communities,growth mount of forest and grassland,soil character.The result indicated that the ecological rehabilitation project of soil and water conservation had got obvious ecological efficiency. The main results are as flowing:①The cover degree of forest and grassland in item region had been improved obviously,the vegetation cover degree increased.The forest and grassland degree was from 42.7%to 51.5%after ecological rehabilitation,increased 8.8%.The average cover degree of forest land was 0.86,which was higher than other types.Above the three hillclosing afforestation measures of supplement planting of sparse forest,the uncultivated land afforestation and the uncultivated land closing measures,the heighten extent of vegetation cover degree of the uncultivated land afforestation and supplement planting of sparse forest was bigger,(the average of arbor,shrub and herbage was 0.20 and 0.18).Between the reducing cultivated land to planting forest measures,the heighten extent of vegetation cover degree of the terrace closing of steep slope was higher(the average of arbor,shrub and herbage was 0.35).②The vegetation in ecological rehabilitation region growing status had been improved,the biomass dad been improved obviously.After ecological rehabilitation,the underground root biomass and the overground forest biomass were both improved obviously.The root density of supplement planting of sparse forest,the uncultivated land afforestation and the uncultivated land closing measures were improved 2.0 kg/m~3、2.4 kg/m~3 and 1.8 kg/m~3 after ecological rehabilitation.③The vegetation communities in item region after ecological rehabilitation were obviously increased,the foliage variety were more abundance.The vegetation type increased 3 genus,the vegetation communities increased 6 genus,after ecological rehabilitation the seed plant increased 24 genus,threrinto the arbor vegetation which was introduced into was 3 genus,the shrub vegetation increased 5 genuses,and the herb vegetation increased 16 genus.④After ecological rehabilitation in item region were obviously improved.The species diversity and richness of forest closing vegetation communities were higher than others.The diversity index of supplement planting of sparse forest,the uncultivated land closing and the uncultivated land afforestation measures were increased(5 and 0.17),(12 and 0.08),(16 and 0.27).The richness and diversity of the terrace afforestation of gentle slope and the terrace closing of steep slope measures were increased(6 and 0.6) and(20 and 0.72).⑤The ecological rehabilitation accelerated the vegetation natural succession.After ecological rehabilitation different vegetation communities all succeed to improving the community ecological efficiency direction,but the succeeding course and the vegetation community structure were different.A:The closing natural forest community,the vegetation community of this rehabilitation measure had many years closing and natural succession,all inclined to or close to the peak community,after farther afforestation,the single forest now would transit to mixed forest so as to form mixed forest community structure,the whole community intend to succeed to the direction of improving forest ecological efficiency.B:The manmade forest closing,supplement planting of sparse forest and the uncultivated land afforestation measure:the vegetations of these three ecological rehabilitation were all manmade communities,before rehabilitation the arbor trees were very single,after closing,the tree seed were still Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia that were introduced into by man.But with the increasing of the closing years,in the community of better condition some reasonable tree would be settled in such as Cotinus coggygris,Ulmus parvifolia,Quercus,it’s arbor shrub and herb specify, diversity and evenness intended to improving intension.C:The uncultivated land closing communities:After the communities closing,in the near future it most was shrub and grassland,it’s diversity and richness would be obviously improved.With the extending of closing time,some reasonable arbor tree would break in,at last it forms into compound and different age forest structure including arbor,shrub and herb,and it’s ecological efficiency would be increased obviously.The reducing cultivated land to planting forest vegetation community:This rehabilitation measure mainly distribute in manmade terrace, after several years closing,not only the gentle slope,steep slope or the crop terrace,the shrub vegetation increased firstly in the community.With the improving of natural vegetation,the specify richness,diversity and evenness index all takes on improving intension,the arbor types would be improved,Cotinus coggygris etc some reasonable tree would be settled in.At last it forms into compound and different age forest community; the communities succeed to the direction of improving the vegetation ecological efficiency. ⑥The soil structure and water status were obviously improved,the soil porosity was enhanced.Asthe soil density,the natural forests’ were smaller than the manmade forest, among these,the mixed forests’(1.156g/cm~3) were smaller than the single forest (1.180g/cm~3).After ecological rehabilitation the FD of supplement planting of sparse forest,the uncultivated land afforestation,the uncultivated land closing and reducing cultivated land to planting forest measure were decreased 0.008 g/cm~3,0.009 g/cm~3,0.005 g/cm~3 and 0.019g/cm~3.As the soil porosity,the natural forests’ were superior to the manmade forest,among these,the mixed forests’ were superior to the single forest.After ecological rehabilitation the FD of supplement planting of sparse forest,the uncultivated land afforestation,the uncultivated land closing and reducing cultivated land to planting forest measure were increased(2.6%,0.25%,2.91%),(11.04%,2.89%,17.05%),(8.44 %,2.04%,6.40%) and(2.7%,1.66%,1.05%).⑦The vegetation water accumulation and containing efficiency of ecological rehabilitation region were increased obviously.After ecological rehabilitation the vegetations’ canopy water containing,litter accumulating,litter water containing and soil saturated water containing quantity were all obviously increased.A:After ecological rehabilitation the total water cumulating quantity was 3264.9t/hm~2,was increased 2582.6 t/hm~2。The total water cumulating quantity of manmade forest was 2966.5 t/hm~2,was increased 2284.2 t/hm~2.The improved extent of mixed forests was bigger than the single forest.B:After ecological rehabilitation the total water cumulating quantity of supplement planting of sparse forest,the uncultivated land afforestation,the uncultivated land closing and reducing cultivated land to planting forest measure were increased 94.5 t/hm~2,143.6 t/hm~2,139.6 t/hm~2 and 486.6 t/hm~2.

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