

Biology and Ecology of Thanasimus Lewisi

【作者】 孙冬迎

【导师】 周成刚;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林保护学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 拟蚁态郭公虫Thanasimus lewisi以成虫捕食小蠹类成虫,以幼虫进入小蠹、小型天牛坑道内捕食其幼虫,在对这类害虫的生物防治中应用前景广阔。本文对拟蚁态郭公虫的生物学和生态学进行了初步研究,主要研究结果如下:1生活史拟蚁态郭公虫在泰山地区1年1代。成虫期为4月中旬至7月下旬,羽化盛期为4月下旬至5月上旬。卵期为4月下旬至7月上旬,5月中、下旬为产卵高峰期。5月上旬幼虫开始出现,直到9月老熟并越冬。2生活习性2.1成虫柏肤小蠹成虫、黄粉虫幼虫和人工饲料对拟蚁态郭公虫成虫寿命的影响不显著。雌虫的寿命与产卵量呈显著正相关性。羽化雌雄比为1.5:1。拟蚁态郭公虫成虫多于白天活动,中午10~15时活动力较强,阴天活动力差。成虫在食物不充足的情况下有自相残杀的习性。初羽化成虫交配2~3d后即可产卵,卵多排产于裂缝中,每次产卵数在4~36粒不等,在产卵高峰期,最长可连续6d产卵。雌虫在寻找不到裂缝时,仅有极少数个体会将卵散产于表面,大多数成虫寻找不到合适的产卵场所则不产卵。2.2卵卵的孵化率在18℃~30℃范围内为78.81~96.04%,差异不显著,以22℃最高。2.3幼虫初孵幼虫有取食卵壳的行为,多于孵化翌日钻入小蠹和天牛坑道中开始取食。2龄以后的幼虫开始有自相残杀的习性,此后幼虫多散居,或2~3头个体相差不大的幼虫一起栖息和捕食。3卵期有效积温拟蚁态郭公虫卵的发育起点温度为15.35±0.56℃,有效积温为63.35±4.42 d·℃。4捕食作用4.1捕食量拟蚁态郭公虫成虫对松纵坑切梢小蠹成虫和柏肤小蠹成虫的捕食量均为雌虫(松纵坑切梢小蠹:16.8±6.5,柏肤小蠹:25.8±3.9)显著(P<0.05)高于雄虫(松纵坑切梢小蠹:7.8±3.6,柏肤小蠹:23.3±4.6),雌雄虫对柏肤小蠹成虫(雌虫:25.8±3.9,雄虫:23.3±4.6)的捕食量均显著(P<0.05)高于松纵坑切梢小蠹成虫(雌虫16.8±6.5,雄虫:7.8±3.6)。4.2捕食功能拟蚁态郭公虫成虫对松纵坑切梢小蠹成虫的捕食功能反应属于HollingⅡ型。功能反应方程: Na = 0 .0635N0 /(1+0.0182N0)。当N 0→∞时,拟蚁态郭公虫成虫对松纵坑切梢小蠹成虫的日最大捕食量为54.7头。5寄主选择5.1用柏肤小蠹成虫饲喂的成虫寄主选择雌虫对柏肤小蠹成虫和受害树皮的选择数显著(P<0.05)高于干净空气,雄虫不显著或相反;雌雄虫对柏肤小蠹虫粪的选择数均显著(P<0.05)高于干净空气;雄虫对受害树皮的选择数显著(P<0.05)高于柏肤小蠹成虫,雌虫不显著。5.2用黄粉虫幼虫饲喂的成虫寄主选择雌虫对黄粉虫幼虫的选择数显著(P<0.05)高于干净空气,而雄虫相反;雄虫对黄粉虫幼虫的选择数显著(P<0.05)高于受害树皮,雌虫不显著。5.3用人工饲料饲喂的成虫寄主选择雌虫对人工饲料的选择数显著(P<0.05)高于干净空气,雄虫不显著;雌雄虫对受害树皮和人工饲料的选择数均无显著性(P<0.05)差异。

【Abstract】 Thanasimus lewisi, playing a significant role in pressing the outbreak of such pests, adult prey adult bark beetle, and larvae prey larvae bark beetle and longhorns after burrowing into their tunnels. Study on biology and ecology of T. lewisi were conducted. The major research results are showed as follows:1 Life cycleT. lewisi is one generation per year in Mount Tai area. The adult stage lasted from middle April, the high time for adult eclosion are late April to early May. The egg stage lasted from late April to early July, the peak of oviposition is middle and late May. Larvae appeared in early May, matured and hibernated till September.2 Life habit2.1 AdultThe impact of adult Phloeosimus aubei, larvae Tenebrio molitor and artificial diet on the lifespan of adult T. lewisi is not distinct. The female lifespan is positively correlated with the amount of its egg laid. Male-female ratio of eclosion is 1.5:1. Adults of T. lewisi mostly act at daytime, with its motility strongest at 10am~15pm and weak when the sky is overcast. Adults have the internecine habit without sufficient food. The newly eclosion adults laid eggs 2-3 days later after copulation. Eggs are often laid in crevice, with an indefinite number of 4-36 chondrios. In peak period, they can continue to lay eggs for as long as 6 days. Only a few female laid their eggs on the surface when crevices cannot be found. While most of them didn’t lay when there is no proper place available.2.2 EggThe difference hatchability of different temperature isn’t prominent, with 22℃as maxim. 2.3 LarvaThe newly hatched larvae have the behavior of eating chorions at the second day of hatching. Larvae are inclined to kill each other after second instar. Most of them live separately or 2-3 individuals in the same size live together.3 Effective accumulated temperature of egg stageThe developmental threshold temperature of T. lewisi egg is 15.35±0.56℃, and effective accumulated temperature is 63.35±4.42 d·℃.4 Predation4.1 Predating quantityFemale T. lewisi prey on adult P. aubei and T. piniperda (T. piniperda: 16.8±6.5, P. aubei: 25.8±3.9) more than male (T. piniperda: 7.8±3.6, P. aubei: 23.3±4.6) do. Female and male T. lewisi prey on adult P. aubei (female: 25.8±3.9, male: 23.3±4.6) more than adult T. piniperda (female: 16.8±6.5 , male: 7.8±3.6).4.2 Predation FunctionThe functional response of adult T. lewisi preying on adult T. piniperda belongs to HollingⅡ. The functional response equation is Na = 0. 0635N0 /(1+0.0182N0). When N 0→∞, the daily maximum predation number is 54.7.5 Host selection5.1 Host selection of adult fed on adult P. aubeiThe choice number of female T. lewisi toward adult P. aubei and attacked bark is obviously (P<0.05) higher than clean air, while that of male is unobvious or opposite. The choice number of male and female T. lewisi to frass of P. aubei is obviously (P<0.05) higher than clean air. The choice number of male T. lewisi to attacked bark is significantly (P<0.05) higher than adult P. aubei.5.2 Host selection of adult fed on larva T. molitorThe choice number of male T. lewisi to larva T. molitor is prominently (P<0.05) higher than clean air, while that of female is opposite. The choice number of male T. lewisi to larva T. molitor is distinctly (P<0.05) higher than attacked bark, while that of female is not.5.3 Host selection of adult fed on artificial dietThe choice number of female T. lewisi to artificial diet is prominently (P<0.05) higher than clean air, while that of male is not. The choice number of male and female T. lewisi to artificial diet is not obviously (P<0.05) higher than attacked bark.

  • 【分类号】S763.38
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】73

