

Research on Evaluation Indices System of Ground Drinking Water Source Security for Cities

【作者】 王丽红

【导师】 王开章;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 环境科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会发展及人口的增加,饮用水污染已成为一个重大环境问题,提高饮用水质量,保证饮用水安全,已经成为全社会关注的问题。水源地是饮水之源,水源地安全是饮水安全的重中之重。近年来,由于工业化进程的加快,很多城市饮用水水源地周围环境遭到污染,使水源地水质恶化,严重影响到人民群众的身体健康和当地经济的可持续发展。人们在深切地体会到要保障水源地安全的同时,也充分意识到完善水源地安全评价体系的必要性。论文运用现代理念和先进的技术手段,进行了城市饮用水地下水水源地安全评价体系的研究,取得了较理想的研究成果,主要研究结果如下:(1)运用现代自然科学与环境科学相结合的理论观点,从水源地安全的自然属性和社会属性出发,阐明了现代饮用水水源地安全的理论内涵是指在具有持续供给能力的基础上具有足够的水量、安全的水质以及较强的环境承载能力,能够保障周边环境处于良好的状态,同时能较大限度的满足人们安全饮用水的需要;(2)通过研究国内外水源地安全评价体系现状和国内现行水源地安全评价体系的不足,基于水源地安全的现代理论内涵,构建了由水量、质量、脆弱性和生态环境四个方面构成的水源地安全评价指标体系(4个一级指标、12个二级指标),对饮用水水源地的安全评价体系进行了创新性地探索,并提出了与之相配套的计算方法和评价标准。该体系在体现水源地水质、水量安全度的基础上,反映出在人类活动影响下水源地的脆弱性和生态环境的安全度,较为全面地反映出水源地的安全状况;(3)运用该评价体系对东武水源地进行评价,得出该水源地属于不安全性质的水源地,与水源地实际情况相符合,说明该安全评价体系具有一定的可行性、可操作性;(4)在GMS技术平台上,展现了水源地水文地质结构实体三维可视化剖面,并运用DRAMIC模型对水源地进行脆弱性评价,使评价结果更加直观。

【Abstract】 The development of the society with the population increased, the pollution of drinking water had become a major environmental problem, improve drinking water quality, ensure healthy drinking water, had become a concern of the whole society. It was very important to protect ground drinking water source. In recent years, due to the acceleration of the industrialization process, many cities and drinking water sources were contaminated the surrounding environment so that water quality deterioration, seriously affect people’s health and the sustainable development of the local economy. People deeply realized to protect the water sources, but also fully aware that to improve water safety evaluation system for the need.For widespread social concern of drinking water safety, the paper made the ground drinking water safety evaluation index system, using of modern concepts and advanced technology, and made more satisfactory results, Key findings are as follows:(1)Combined modern natural science with environmental science, the paper explored the basic safety of city’s drinking water resource content: a continuing supply capacity on the basis of an adequate water, safe water and strong environmental bearing capacity, to protect the surrounding environment are in good condition, can be greater level of safe drinking water to meet the needs of the people;(2)The text has builded up the evaluation indices system of ground drinking water source security, including the water volume, the water quality , the vulnerability of water source and the ecological environment, altogether 4 items first order index,12 two stages index, and raised corresponding analytical methods on studying on domestic and foreign sources through research and evaluation system status and safety of existing water sources and domestic security evaluation system for the lack of water sources. In the system of water quality, water safety on the basis reflects the impact of human activities and the vulnerability of water resources and ecological environment of security, a more comprehensive reflection of the security of drinking water sources.(3)Take the Dongwu drinking water source for example, the result show that the water is unsafe, and water sources in line with the actual situation shows that the safety evaluation system has a feasibility operable;(4)In the GMS technology platform, shows the water hydro-geological structure of three-dimensional visualization profile entities, and the use of water DRAMIC model for vulnerability assessment, the evaluation results were more intuitive.


