

Studies on Structure and Function of Shrub Layer of Karst Forest in Guizhou Provincial Center Mountainous Area, China

【作者】 李克之

【导师】 张喜; 谢双喜;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 森林培育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以黔中喀斯特山地森林灌木层为主要研究对象,采用标准地调查和取样分析、外业调查和内业研究、定性描述和定量分析相结合的方法,应用计算机分析系统软件进行数据处理,系统研究了黔中喀斯特山地森林群落灌木层的结构与功能。主要研究结果如下:灌木层植物种类丰富,植物区系起源古老,具有温带区系与热带区系并重的特点。根据灌木层物种组成,55个样地被分为15种群落类型,在类型基础上根据乔木层物种组成划分亚类。灌木层群落的外貌主妻是由小型和中型落叶草质及常绿革质、非全缘单叶的高位芽植物组成。灌木层群落物种多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数之间呈正相关关系,针阔叶混交林物种多样性最高,阔叶林次之,针叶林最低,种多样性指数(2.7975)、种丰富度指数(0.6261)、生态优势度指数(0.2023)、种间机遇率(0.8089)、多样性指数(2.1304)、均匀度指数(0.7753)在各群落类型中呈现出比较一致的变化趋势。灌木层片主要由白栎、香叶树、茅栗、杜鹃、铁仔、川榛、金佛山荚蒾等组成,重要值分别为8.7748、4.7059、3.8524、3.2543、3.1876、2.4199、2.0879,盖度60%左右,平均高1.65m,平均胸径1.25cm,密度32625株/ha,叶量1.5663T/ha,生物量7.0386T/ha。试验区主要元素中Ca、N平均含量最高,分别为37.5362Kg/hm~2、17.2046Kg/hm~2,K、Mg次之,分别为3.8024Kg/hm~2、2.686Kg/hm~2,P平均含量最低,为0.9289Kg/hm~2。马尾松-枫香+铁仔+白栎群落的平均高度、平均胸径及生物量最小,密度、叶量及元素含量最大,珊瑚树+复羽栾树-珊瑚树群落的平均高度、平均胸径最大,杨梅+白栎-满山红群落的生物量最大,马尾松+杉木+白杨+白栎-白栎群落的叶量最小,枫香+杉木+马尾松-香叶树群落的密度及元素含量最小。试验区乔木层植物共42科72属106种,灌木层植物共67科148属292种,在乔、灌层同时出现的有28科47属55种。灌木层平均高度、平均地径和生物量分别比乔木层小6.5m、10.201cm和106.572T/ha、密度比乔木层大31439株/ha。乔灌层的N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量分别为412.6231kg/ha、39.8209kg/ha、264.4192kg/ha、926.0364kg/ha、225.3816kg/ha,其中,灌木层含量分别占4.17%、2.33%、1.44%、4.05%、1.19%。灌木层平均高度比草本层大1.38m、密度比草本层小135748株/ha。灌草层的N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量分别为32.5051kg/ha、2.0916kg/ha、14.1965kg/ha、45.3259kg/ha、5.8252kg/ha,其中,灌木层含量分别占52.92%、44.43%、28.78%、82.81%、46.11%。灌木层的高度随着乔木层高度、胸径、密度增大而减小、生物量增大而增大,森林群落处于发育-恢复期,随着草本层高度增加而增加、密度及生物量增加而减小。灌木层的地径随着乔木层高度、胸径、密度及生物量的增加而减小。灌木层的密度随着乔木层高度、胸径、密度及生物量的增加而增加,随着草本层高度及生物量增加而减小、密度增加而增加。灌木层的生物量随乔木层高度、密度及生物量增加而增加、胸径增加而减小,随草本层高度及生物量增加而减小、密度增加而增加。灌木层的元素含量随草本层元素含量增加而增加。黔中喀斯特山地海拔在602m至1610m之间,分布有较多陡峻山岭,相对高差可达400~500m,受外部环境影响小,灌木层群落较为稳定,灌木层植物在中等海拔高度、东、南坡向、坡度较小和大的坡下部发育较好。本研究较全面地分析了黔中喀斯特山地森林灌木层的结构与功能,可以为黔中喀斯特山地植被恢复、资源管理、植被保护等提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 This artical takes the structure and function of the shrub layer in Guizhou provincial central karst mountainous areas as the research object.Using the methods of field plot investigation,combined with field investigation and inner analysis,qualitative and quantitative method,structure and function of the shrub layer in Guizhou provincial central karst mountainous areas was researched deeply.The data handling was carried out by computer analysis system.The main results as follows:The plant of shrub layer is rich in comprising species,complex in geographical elements, having an extensive connection with nearby floristic areas.The floristic characteristic of the region emphasizes on the tropical flora as well as the temperate flora.55 plots were divided into 15 community through the plants of shrub layer.The physiognomy of the community of shrub layer is mainly decided by the phanerophytes with microphylls,mesophylls,herbaceous, deciduous and evergreen leathery,simple and unentire leaves.In the community of shrub layer, the species diversity index,evenness index and richness index have pure correlational dependence. Gleason index is 2.7975.Menhinnick index is 0.6261.Simpson index is 0.2023.Hurlbert index is 0.8089.Shannon-Wiener index is 2.1304.Pielou index is 0.7753.The plants of shrub layer were mainly composed of Quercus fabric(8.7748),Lindera communis Hems l(4.7059),Castanea sequinii Dode(3.8524),Rhododendron simsii Planch(3.2543),Myrsine africana Linn(3.1876), Corylus heterophylla Fisch.ex Bess.var.sutchuenensis Franch(2.4199),Viburnum chinshanense Graeb(2.0879) and so on.The shrub layer coverage rate is 60%,average high is 1.65m,average DBH is 1.25era,biomass is 1.5663T/ha,leaf weight is 7.0386T/ha,and there are 32625 plants per hectare.In karst mountainous region in Guizhou provincial center,the contents of N,P,K,Ca and Mg are 17.2046Kg/hm~2,0.9289Kg/hm~2,3.8024Kg/hm~2,37.5362Kg/hm~2 and 2.686Kg/hm~2, respectively.In Pinus massoniana Lamb-Liquidambar formosana Hance,average high,DBH and leaf weight of shrub layer are least,biomas and element weight are largest.In Celtis julianae Schneid+Koelreuteria bipinnata Franch-Celtis julianae Schneid,average high and DBH of shrub layer are largest,leaf weight of shrub layer is largest in Myrica rubra(Lour.) Sieb.et Zucc+Quercus fabric-Rhododendron mariesii Hemsl.et Wils.The biomas is least in Pinus massoniana Lamb+Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.) Hook+Salicaceae SP+Quercus fabric-Quercus fabric.The density and element weight are least in Liquidambar formosana Hance+Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.) Hook+Pinus massoniana Lamb-Lindera communis Hemsl.The interrelation between shrub layer and the other parts of ecosystem is complicated.There are 42 families,72 genus and 106 species in tree layer.There are 67 families,148 genus and 292 species in shrub layer.There are 28 families,47 genus and 55 species in tree and shrub layer.For the average high,average DBH and biomass,the shrub layer is lower 6.5m,10.201cm and 112.0433T/ha,respectively than the tree layer.For density,the shrub layer is higher 31439(plants per hectare) than the tree layer.There are 412.6231Kg N,39.8209Kg P,264.4192Kg K, 926.0364Kg Ca,225.3816Kg Mg per ha in the tree and shrub layer,and the ratio of the shrub layer is 4.17%,2.33%,1.44%,4.05%,1.19%,respectively.For the average high,the shrub layer is higher 1.38m than the herb layer.For density,the shrub layer is lower 135748(plants per hectare) than the herb layer.There are 32.5051kg N,2.0916kg P,14.1965kg K,45.3259kg Ca,5.8252kg Mg per ha in the shrub and herb layer,and the ratio of the shrub layer is 52.92%,44.43%, 28.78%,82.81%,46.11%,respectively.The high of shrub layer and the high,DBH,density of tree layer,density,biomass of herb layer is showing a diverse change tendency.The high of shrub layer and the biomass of tree layer,high of herb is showing a similar change tendency.The DBH of shrub layer and the high,DBH,density,biomass of tree layer is showing a diverse change tendency.The density of shrub layer and the high,DBH,density,biomass of tree layer,density of herb layer is showing a similar change tendency.The density of shrub layer and the density, biomass of herb layer is showing a diverse change tendency.The biomass of shrub layer and the high,density,biomass of tree layer,density of herb layer is showing a similar change tendency. The biomass of shrub layer and the DBH of tree layer,the high,biomass of herb layer is showing a diverse change tendency.A change of the contents of elements of shrub layer and herb layer is showing a similar tendency.In karst mountainous region in Guizhou provincial center,the plants of shrub layer will grow better at middle altitude,eastern and southern slopes,under-part of less and big gradient.we can comprehend the structure and function of the shrub layer in Guizhou provincial central karst mountainous areas through the research.It provides the theory basis for vegetation restores,resource administration and vegetation protection etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

