

【作者】 黄虎

【导师】 罗玉达; 陈国民;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 从国家民主法治建设和农民公民权的保障角度来看,社会主义新农村建设管理民主问题,涉及到农民的权利保障和义务履行、政府的职权与职责界定、农民主体与政府主导之间的关系协调等问题,在这个层面上的管理民主,才是社会主义新农村建设的政治保证。在新农村建设中,不仅有必要规范村民自治加强村级治理,而且有必要通过村民自治提高农民对新农村建设的参与程度;不仅有必要对政府可能损害农民主体地位、合法权益的权力进行限制,而且有必要对政府积极为农民服务的义务进行界定。村民自治的建设,有赖于政府法治的建设;农民主体作用的发挥,有赖于政府主导作用的发挥。这就决定了在法社会学视野中,新农村建设管理民主问题,既是村民自治建设问题,更是社会法治建设问题。本研究充分运用现有的“三农”研究成果及法治理论进行分析论证,并以贵州省平坝县为个案进行实证研究,探讨法社会学视野中的新农村建设管理民主问题,通过寻找农民主体与政府主导、村民自治规范化与法治建设乡土化之间的互动平衡点,探索适合社会主义新农村建设的管理民主机制。

【Abstract】 From the angle of constructing country’s democratic legal system and guarantee of peasants’ civil rights, the problem of management democracy of building socialism neo-countryside involves guarantee of peasants’ rights, fulfillment of obligation, definition and bound of governments’ authority and duty, coordinating the relationship between peasants’ main body function and governments’ leading function etc.. The management on this level is the political guarantee of building socialism neo-countryside. During the process of building neo-countryside, it is necessary to standard villagers’ self-government, maintain administration on village level and raise peasants’ participating rate in the building work through villagers’ self-government; It is not only necessary to restrict governments’ power which may damage peasants’ main body function and their rights and benefits, but also to define governments’ obligation of serving for peasants. The construction of villagers’ self-government lies on the building of government legal system; the full play of peasants’ main body function lies on the play of governments’ leading function. That determines, in the field of Law and Social Science, the problem of management democracy of building socialism neo-countryside is the problem of constructing villagers’ self-government, as well as the problem of building social legal system. This study will make full use of present research results about issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers and law theories to analyze this problem with the example of Ping Ba town in Guizhou Province, so as to inquire into the problem of management democracy of building socialism neo-countryside, probe the proper management democracy system fit for building socialism neo-countryside through finding the alter-active balance point between peasants’ main body function and governments’ leading function, standardization of villagers’ self-government and localization of governments’ ruling by law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

