

Study on Jiont Crime Justice Problems

【作者】 杨西才

【导师】 肖中华;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 共同犯罪,意指两个以上的自然人或法人共同实施的犯罪行为。而且,共同犯罪一般具有聚合性、组织性等特征,较之单个人犯罪其社会危害性更为严重。因为,不论从实施行为或是从形成犯罪心理的角度看,犯罪都会因为多个行为人适当的力量联合与分工而变得更为容易。以德国、法国为代表的大陆法系和以英国、美国为主体的英美法系在共同犯罪的认定和处罚等问题上均有较大差异。在国内,关于共犯理论的争鸣也是百花齐放。比如区分正犯与共犯,坚持关系论立场的有客观说和主观说,坚持构成要件论的则有扩张的共犯概念说与限制的正犯概念说,还有以目的的行为论立场来区分正犯与共犯的学说。共犯的本质也有多种学说的对立,比如犯罪共同说和行为共同说,共犯从属性说和共犯独立性说等。笔者在文中结合贯穿始终的事实评价和价值评价这两条主线,逐次解析,并从刑法的客观主义和主观主义的视角,仔细审视共同犯罪理论中的疑难问题,考证当代刑法学中的共犯理论,揭示了该理论研究的热点及对策。一、揭示共同犯罪的表征,即:(1)犯罪主体的该当性,即犯罪主体必须是二个以上的达到法定责任年龄、具有刑事责任能力的自然人或依法成立、具有法人资格的单位;(2)主观方面的合意性,即要求各犯罪行为人之间有事前、事后或事中的意思联络,在意志上表现为希望、放任的复合,以及共同过失和单方意思联络或表示;(3)客观方面的趋向性,即各犯罪行为人实行的犯罪行为有共同的趋向性,对特定的法益构成不法侵害。二、根据行为控制理论提出“制约者身份说”。行为的认定不应以实现构成要件的多少来确定,而应以对于全部构成要件实现的控制程度来决定。因此,正犯成立的关键并不在于行为人在多大程度上直接通过自己的行为实现了该犯罪的全部构成要件,而在于他的行为对于犯罪构成要件的全部实现是否产生了决定性或重大的作用。它对于我们目前认定不同身份者共同犯罪的性质有着非常重要的方法论意义。三、通过案例解析“共犯关系脱离说”。为弥补刑事立法关于共犯中止规定的不足,借鉴日本刑法学者大塚仁提出“共犯的脱离”,确立了共同犯罪中止的理论基础。四、确立法人在共同犯罪中的地位,驳单位犯罪就是共同犯罪。五、厘清共同犯罪结果加重犯的刑事责任,阐释共同犯罪中转化犯的定义和分类。在部分行为人的故意超出了共同故意的范围,造成了重结果,那么,未直接致害人不承担故意的责任,但均存在过失责任。因此,仍应当承担结果加重犯的刑事责任。当然,在明确了行为人的两种罪过形式后,量刑的时候就应当体现责任主义的原则,对过失责任和故意责任区别对待,未直接致害者相对于直接责任人一般应从宽的处罚。结合共同犯罪中结果加重犯、实行犯过限等理论,阐述共同犯罪中转化犯的定义和分类。

【Abstract】 Joint crime,which refers to more than two natural or legal persons of common implementation of the criminal acts.Moreover,joint crime generally has polymerization and organizational characteristics,compared with individuals of their social harm of crime more serious.Germany,France symbolizing the civil law and the United Kingdom,the United States as the main body of common law show prominence diversity in perspective of joint crime and punishment and other issues.In China,on the theory of an accomplice is the contention of the flourishing.In the article,the author runs through the combination of the fact evaluation and appraisal value of the two main lines,successive analysis,and from the objective of the Criminal Code and the subjective perspective,expatiate the theory of joint crime problems that have cropped contemporary research complicity in criminal law theory, the theoretical study reveals the hot and countermeasures.Ⅰ.The characterization reveals joint crime,namely:(a) The main crime is satisfied that crime is the main must achieve more than two statutory age of responsibility,the ability of the natural or criminal liability in accordance with the law established a legal personality of the unit;(b) The desired subjective nature,which would require the perpetrator beforehand,between,or after the contact point in the matter,will appear in the hope that the laissez-faire compound;(c) The trend of objective,namely, the perpetrator of the crime is a common trend of the benefits of a specific law against illegal.Ⅱ.By the conduct control theory,insist "restricted status." The act should not be identified in order to achieve a number of elements to determine,and should be for all the elements to achieve a degree of control to decide.It identified different for us now as joint crime,the nature of the methodology make very important significance. Ⅲ.Analytical,"an accomplice divorced from the relationship." To make up for the suspension of criminal legislation,provide an accomplice on the lack of criminal law scholars from Japan,"complicity from the relationship" defining common crime suspension theoretical basis.Ⅳ.The establishment of common legal status in the crime,crime is the common units refuting crime.Ⅴ.Clarify the criminal Consequential Aggravated Criminal joint crime,the establishment of joint crimes committed in the transformation of the definition and classification.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

