

On Xi Lu Ci-poems

【作者】 李其霞

【导师】 房开江;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 陈允平是宋末后期一位颇有名气的词人,著有词集《日湖渔唱》、《西麓继周集》各一卷。他在世时,词名已然不小,时人将他和吴文英并称。本文拟就从西麓词的题材、艺术风格、词风探因及其影响地位等几个方面对西麓及其词作作较为系统的研究。一、西麓词的题材取向西麓二百零九首词题材内容较为广泛,有抒写离情别绪的相思之苦、春怀秋怨的惆怅、登临咏怀的感慨、经历世事无常后渴望田园生活的隐逸情结、羁旅倦游、喜逢亲友的唱和、别具一格的写景咏物、颇具特色的祝寿词等,题材涉及十余种,可谓凡事皆可入词。二、西麓词风雅正和婉、清婉之律是西麓独有的词风。西麓陶写性情用词很讲究,一字一句皆锤炼,意趣高远、格调低缓。用词用句丽而有则,低徊宛转,风神绰约。于和平婉丽、清婉低徊的音律中透出他自伤幽独,又怀抱清高的独特内心世界。三、西麓词风探因人的感情不是凭空而发生的,它需要外界的物态、时序以及某种特定的情状来触发。同样的,人的气质、风格也不是凭空形成的。西麓词也是在一定的物质基础、地域特色、世风世俗以及师承活动的触动和影响下形成的。四、西麓词的影响及其地位西麓词的影响及其地位首先体现在对清代浙派词人和常州词人的影响上;其次,西麓词对于佐证清真词及规范词之格律有一定的参考价值;再次,体现在历代词人词评家对西麓词的偏爱上,或称赏其词或品评佳句。通过以上诸方面的研究,笔者力所能及的对西麓词作了一次较为全面、系统、深入的研究。希望能尽可能准确地把握西麓词的整体风貌,深刻领会西麓词的独特魅力,以期对西麓词在宋末词坛以及词史上的地位有一个更为客观的历史评价,并填补当代宋词研究对其研究不足的缺憾。

【Abstract】 Chen Yun_Ping is an importat ci writer in late Song Dynasty.His works have singing in the lake and continue the zhou’s ci-poems.Wu Wen Ying and he were very famous at that time.This thesis is to make a systematical study on Chen Yun_Ping and his works Xi Lu ci-poems based on the research of the subject content,the artistic characteristics and the cause of formation.Firstly,the thesis analyzes the subject matter of Xi Lu ci-poems.In this chapter, the author divides the subject matter into nostalgia,missing and complaint,tourism, emotion expressing when praising an object,hermit’s life,etc.and studies the characteristics of the subject matter.Secondly,by study Xi Lu’s poems,the author analyzes the artistic characteristics of Xi Lu ci-poems,which includes the artistic style,language skills and formalities.Thirdly,the thesis analyzes Xi Lu’s poems cause of formation.In this chapter, the author analyzes the matter based on the research of his time,the regional characteristics an,the general view of the poetry circles at that time and the impact of his teachers,etc.Fourthly,the thesis studies the status and influence of Xi Lu’s ci-poems.Having the influence to Qing ci,people learning from the Xi Lu’s ci-poems.,Xi Lu had made great achievements in art,which won him a place in the poetry circles and brought great influence on the poetry circles.Through the aforementioned study,it is hoped that we can grasp the overallcharacteristics of Xi Lu’s poems as accurately as possible and have a profoundunderstanding of the charm of Xi Lu’s ci with the aim of giving Xi Lu amore objective historical evaluation about his status in the ci forum of Southern Song Dynasty.

【关键词】 陈允平西麓词题材词风探因影响
【Key words】 Chen Yun_PingXi Lu CiThe subject contentStyleThe causeThe status and influence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

