

Modeling Application System with UML

【作者】 杨云

【导师】 陈笑蓉;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在应用系统软件开发过程中,如果软件由近百或更多对象组成,其结构单凭分析很难理清,同时为了有利于软件的维护和重用,在开发一个系统之前建模是很有必要的。在众多的建模方法中选择一种适应自身应用特点,方便不同背景人们交流的建模方法成为用户迫切的愿望。UML是一种标准化的建模语言,它融合了多种优秀的面向对象建模方法,以及多种得到认可的软件工程方法,消除了因方法相互独立带来的种种不便,它通过统一的表示方法,使不同知识背景的系统分析人员、开发人员以及用户可以方便地交流。运用UML对应用系统进行建模,在分析和设计阶段建立良好的系统模型,根据建立的模型进行编码,这样能降低开发成本,缩短开发周期,减少开发风险,从而保证系统的正确实施。论文对统一建模语言UML进行了详细的阐述,利用UML技术对三个不同领域的系统进行建模:考试系统、信访系统、网上购物系统。主要以学校考试系统为例,使用UML技术分析考试系统的功能需求,建立了考试系统的用例图、活动图。对考试系统中主要用例在线考试进行详细的分析和设计,建立其静态模型和动态模型。同时利用UML技术建立信访系统和网上购物系统的功能模型。在不同的领域中使用UML技术均能实现细节和用户的需求分开,通过统一的表示方式,方便不同背景的人们之间交流,合理的建立系统的文档。为设计出有用的实际产品奠定基础。

【Abstract】 In applications software development process, if the software from 100 or more targets of composition, their structural analysis to sort out alone, and in order to help preserve and reuse software, in the development of a system is necessary before modeling. Among the modeling method to select one of characteristics of their own applications to facilitate the exchange of people of different backgrounds Modeling urgent desire to become users.UML is a standardized modeling language, it has a variety of excellent object-oriented approach and the recognition of a variety of software engineering methods to eliminate the way for mutual independence of the various inconveniences, it said through a unified Ways in which different background knowledge of systems analysis, developers and users can easily exchange. UML use on the application of systems modeling, analysis and design stage to establish a good model system, according to the model code, this can reduce development costs and shorten the development cycle and reduce development risks, so as to ensure the correct implementation.Papers on the Unified Modeling Language described in detail, using UML technology to three different areas of the system to model: the examination system, the petition system, online shopping system. Major school examination system as an example, the use of technology UML examination system design, analysis test system functional requirements, established by the examination system of maps, plans to describe the activities of the main functions and the use of the interaction between. The examination system in the main by-line examination of the detailed analysis and design, build its static model and dynamic model. UML also use technology to build the petition system and the function of the system online shopping model. In different areas of technology can achieve the use of UML and the details of the demand from users, said through a unified approach to facilitate between people from different backgrounds exchange, to establish a reasonable system of documentation. It is useful for the design to lay the foundation for the actual product.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】405

