

A Study of Ecological Awareness in Cummings’ Poems

【作者】 覃春华

【导师】 刘治良;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 E.E.卡明斯(1894-1962),美国现代派诗人。他在文学界的声名主要依赖于他创作的大量形式新颖,意象独特的现代诗歌。他在语言学上的实验刷新了诗歌的外形,对美国现当代诗歌的改革产生了深远的影响。卡明斯是一个具有生态意识的作家。本文在汲取前人的研究成果的基础上,通过生态批评理论,对卡明斯诗歌进行全面概括性的解读,从宏观的角度对卡明斯诗歌里体现的生态意识及原因进行了分析和归纳,使读者从另一视角了解卡明斯诗歌作品中的现实意义。论文总共四章:第一章简要介绍卡明斯生平与国内外对卡明斯作品的研究情况、设想、本文的研究目的、方法、创新点及意义。第二章结合当时的时代背景,运用生态批评理论,解读卡明斯作品中的生态意识。这章分三节,第一节是分析卡明斯诗歌中的社会生态,主要体现对现代文明的批判。《当上帝决定去发明时》、《可怜这个忙碌的怪物,残酷的人类》、《听/听》、《美国》、《人》、《诗,或是美人伤害温奈先生》等都是反映此类主题的作品。卡明斯主要运用讽刺与象征的手法来提示这些主题。第二节是解读卡明斯诗歌作品中的文化生态,主要体现对生态单一和西方文化霸权的批判,从而彰显生态预警与生态责任。卡明斯的《人类我爱你》、《当然仅次于美国我》、《他不用感觉,因为他思考》、《巴弗洛、比尔死了》、《噢,甜蜜的朴拙》、《世界只睁着一只眼》等都是体现了上述的思想意识。第三节是探析卡明斯诗歌中的自然生态,表现其生态理想。这方面卡明斯主要通过对爱、春天与自由的歌颂等诗歌主题来表达。《正是》、《有个地方我从未去过,在经验之外》、《万物翠绿》、《春天像一只或许的手》、《蚱蜢》、《一片绿色中我的爱情乘着》等都是体现上述思想意识。第三章从宏观的角度分析诗人诗歌中出现上述意识的原因。卡明斯的性格特点和经历使卡明斯成为一个个性强、喜欢立异和自然的人。正是在这样的性格和经历的影响下,卡明斯在自己的想象王国罩渐渐形成自己的想象和哲学思想并创作了富有生态意识的诗歌。另外,诗人还受到了当时的时代背景和浪漫主义传统与超验主义的影响也是诗人创作富有生态意识的诗歌的源泉。一方面,爱默生和梭罗的自然思想和超验主义深深地影响了卡明斯。爱默生重视人的精神与自然的契合。他的《论自然》包含了明显的生态思想的萌芽。梭罗呼吁人们诗意地对待自然并在自然里适宜地生存。他的《瓦尔登湖》是一部经典的生态读本。他们对自然的细心与热情深深地影响着卡明斯。另一方面,卡明斯正处于一个动荡不安的年代,经济和社会都发生着深刻的变化。工业革命蓬勃发展,物质主义和科技至上主义在人们的心中扎根,两次世界战争、社会萧条与意识形态的斗争使人性变异,思想迷茫和环境危机。在这种情况下,反对人类中心主义,主张与自然和谐相处的生态意识不可避免的在诗人的诗歌里反映出来。第四章结论分三节来论述。第一节是总结各章节的内容与观点,指出卡明斯诗歌中的生态意识,即反对人类中心主义,主张生态中心主义。第二节是评论卡明斯诗歌作品中生态意识的局限性。第三节指出这方面有待于进一步研究的地方。在人类社会发展日新月异的今天,只有主张生态整体观,即既重视生态的健康发展,又考虑人的生存问题;坚持科学发展观,走可持续的发展道路,才能真正实现人类与自然的和谐共存。

【Abstract】 E.E.Cummings,born in 1894 and died in 1962,was an experimental poet of the twentieth century in America.In literary circles,his name as a poet was well known for his many modern poems of novel style and characteristic images.The experiment he made in linguistics broke the forms of the traditional creation in literature and art,which deeply influenced the reforms of modern and contemporary poetry in America.E.E.Cummings is a writer with ecological awareness.By absorbing other researchers’ achievements,the purpose of this dissertation is to give an overall and generalized interpretation of Cummings’ main works from the ecocritical perspective, then give an analysis of the ecological awareness in Cummings’ works,and give readers an all-round and integral understanding to the postmodern significance of Cummings’ works from a new view.This dissertation includes three chapters:chapter one Introduction,which shows the literature review about Cummings,the research results about him both abroad and at home,the research methods of the text and the aim of the dissertation;furthermore,the creative point and the significance of the dissertation are also mentioned.Chapter two Ecological Awareness in Cummings’ Poetry.In this chapter the author gives expression to the criticism for modern civilization on the analysis about the social ecology of Cummings’ works.When god decided to invent;pity this monster, manunkind;listen;America;man;and poetry,or beauty hurts Mr.Vinal,etc,are all the subjects which demonstrated Cummings’ dislike of modern civilization.These subjects are often embodied with satirical means and symbolic skill.Then the author makes an analysis of the cultural ecology in Cummings’ works,including ecological varieties, which as major objective criticizes the single ecology and the Western cultural hegemonism.Humanity 1 love you;next to of course god America i;he did not feel, because he thought;Buffalo Bill’s;O sweet spontaneous;the world opens only one eve, etc,are all the works which embodied the above meanings.The author of the thesis also analyzes the natural ecology in Cummings’ works,which involves Cummings’ ecological ideals:singing the praises of harmony between human and nature.The works mentioned are as the following:in just;I somewhere/have never traveled,gladly beyond;all things are green;spring is like a perhaps hand;grasshoppers and All in green went my love riding.Chapter Three Through analyzing and interpreting the poems,the author of the thesis gives the reasons why Cummings has such an ecological awareness in his poetry. Firstly,Cummings’ individuality and his experience is one of the reasons which showed the ecological awareness in his poems.Secondly,Cummings expresses his ecological awareness through these poems to express his criticism for the modern civilization combined the historical background.Thirdly,it is the influence of Romanticism on Cummings.Reacting against an increasingly technological Western society,marked by its organizational systems,social codes,and rhetoric of war-heroism,Cummings turned to nature as did the Romantics in the nineteenth century.Finally,Cummings’ poems focus on the process involved in moving from the material to the transcendental.Chapter Four is the conclusion of the previous chapters.In this chapter,the author draws the conclusion naturally,that is to say,E.E Cummings’ works show the ecological awareness:holding eco-centrism and fighting against anthropocentrism.It is of great significance to study Cummings’ nature outlook.Besides,summing up the whole thesis, the author of the dissertation points out its limitations and proposes some questions to be further researched.Today,the development of society changes with each passing day.If the balance of ecology is taken into account,human must maintain ecological holism,insisting on views of scientific development and holding the way of sustainable development because only these are really raising the world in perfect harmony between human and nature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】I712.072
  • 【下载频次】291

