

Research on Motor Operating Mechanism Control System of High Voltage Circuit Breaker

【作者】 王德顺

【导师】 林莘;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 电机与电器, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 操动机构是断路器的重要组成部分,它不但要保证断路器长期的动作可靠性,而且要满足灭弧特性对操动机构的要求。高压断路器直线伺服电机操动机构采用直线电机驱动断路器操作杆,带动机构运动,实现分、合闸操作,具有良好的快速响应能力及控制性能。本文提出了直线电机操动系统控制方案,通过对操动过程的控制,使电机工作特性能较好地满足断路器开断和关合时的速度特性要求,进而实现智能控制。文中首先介绍了断路器操动机构的发展历史和传统操动机构的特点,引出了新型电动机操动机构,并探讨了高压断路器与机构的配合问题,根据所选的灭弧室要求给出了高压断路器触头预定速度曲线。然后建立了直线伺服电机操动机构仿真控制系统,建立了单神经元PID控制算法的数学模型。对高压断路器触头运动特性控制过程进行了仿真,实现触头速度的跟踪控制,使其按理想运动特性曲线运动,实现最优操作。仿真结果证明了在配直线伺服电机操动机构的高压断路器触头运动控制系统中,单神经元PID控制是一种较理想、有效的控制方法。最后,试制了40.5kV户内真空断路器直线伺服电机操动机构控制系统样机,采用DSP作为控制器核心,分别对电容器组充、放电控制、电容电压检测、触头运动速度检测等部分的进行了设计。完成了控制器的硬件电路设计、相关应用程序和算法程序的编写与调试。实现了设计的主要功能,并通过了功能性试验验证。实验结果表明,所研制的控制器设计合理,不但实现了操动机构控制系统所具备的一般功能,并在断路器操作过程中,对触头运动过程进行了控制,使其满足给定的特性要求,为实现开关真正意义上的智能化操作打下一定的基础。

【Abstract】 As one of the important parts of a circuit breaker, the operating mechanism is required to guarantee long-term operational reliability of the circuit breaker as well as to be beneficial to arc extinction. Operating arm of linear motor operating mechanism to be droved by linear motor to realize the opening and closing operation, by which the quicker response ability and the better performance can be gained. The research of this thesis concentrates on control scheme of linear motor operating mechanism. A feasible control strategy is proposed to realize matching between circuit breaker counterforce characteristic and actuator output force characteristic, and the intelligent opening and closing of high voltage circuit breaker is carried out with the method.At first, the development and characteristics of circuit breakers’ operating mechanism in the past days is briefed and followed by an introduction to the new type of operating mechanism with basic structure and special requirement being elucidated. Matching between circuit breaker counterforce characteristic and actuator output force characteristic is discussed, and ideal movement contact curve calculated according to the characteristic of vacuum interrupters is given. Subsequently the control simulation model of linear servo motor mechanism is established. Mathematical model of single neuron intelligent PID is analyzed and adopted in the control system. Simulation has been carried out, the control and regulation on the moving contact movement during the opening and closing of the high voltage circuit breaker are realized which make the movement curve same as the ideal one. At last, linear-servo motor operating mechanism control system prototype for 40.5kV vacuum circuit breaker is manufactured. Control scheme is based on DSP, circuit of capacitance voltage charging, measuring, inverter and contact speed detecting are designed. The paper is completed in hardware circuit, emulation, the correlative programmer and arithmetic and debug. In the end, the function of motor operating mechanism control system was proved effective by experiment. The double closed-loop control scheme of speed and current of the moving contact is achieved during the opening and closing of the high voltage circuit breaker.The motor operating mechanism controller realizes the main function in design. The research and experiment result proves that: the design structure of motor operating mechanism control system is reasonable. And it not only realizes commonly function of traditional operating mechanism, but also make moving contact movement characteristic be controlled which make the movement curve same as the ideal one. So, it can build better foundation for fulfilling the true meaning intelligent operation of high voltage circuit breaker.


