

Research on Constructing 3D Scene Technology by Using 2D Graphic Information

【作者】 刘励静

【导师】 徐全生;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着AutoCAD等软件的出现和广泛使用,建筑设计人员已经越来越多的使用计算机来设计建筑工程图。但是传统的二维建筑图纸已经不能满足人们的视觉需要,这样虚拟现实技术取得了迅猛发展,三维立体场景漫游软件也日益增多,其所集成和可以显示的图像格式也越来越多。同时随着DirectX在虚拟现实研究中的广泛应用,将多种二维或三维文件格式转换为.X文件格式,运用到DirectX所搭建的三维场景中,已经成为一种当今研究的新方向。于是对于二维的建筑工程图的三维构建技术成为本文研究的主要内容。本文分析了建筑图纸三维重建存在两个重要的问题,一是建筑图的识别,主要是指从建筑图所提供的二维信息中提取出构建三维模型的信息,然后进行处理;二是建筑结构的构建,指在三维空间中重新构造出二维信息所对应的三维建筑结构。针对这两个问题,本文主要在建筑图三维构建方面做了一些研究和探讨,具体有以下三个方面:首先对AutoCAD中DXF文件进行结构分析获得有用的图元信息,并且对相关的图元信息进行处理;其次分析了国内平面表达法建筑制图新标准后,采取了特征识别的办法对室内建筑的轮廓线和门、窗进行识别;最后在提取的轮廓线信息基础上,采用DirectX网格绘制的方法构建建筑模型;并且读取到门窗信息,识别出门窗所在位置,利用人工建立的门窗模型插入到建筑中,以实现整个室内建筑的模型构建,并且将构建出的三维模型保存为.X文件格式。同时将二维DXF文件图元转换为网格(Mesh)模型,并在.X文件中保存,实现DXF文件与.X文件的格式转换。经实验验证,本课题所提出的DXF文件与.X文件格式交换的技术,具有可行性、实用性和一定的先进性;同时所提出的利用二维图形数据构建三维场景方案具有一定的可行性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, build designer have already more and more used computer to design the building drawing sheet with some softwares, for example AutoCAD. But the traditional 2D building drawing sheet can not be satisfied with the optesthesia needs by people. So,Virtual Reality research have got fast development, the software about scanning in the 3D scene is increased very quickly and the form of image which the software can integrate and show is more and more. Along with the DirectX is extensively applied in the researching of virtual reality, using .X file by converted from various 2D or 3D file formats to 3D scene which is used by DirectX already become the new research direction. As a result, the technology of reconstructing 3D building model is this paper’s main studying content.This paper studies two problems in reconstructing 3D building model: one is recognition of building drawing sheet, which is reading the information form 2D building drawing sheet to reconstruct 3D building model. The other is reconstructing the building structure, which is reconstructing 3D building model corresponding to 2D information in 3D scene. Against these two problems, this paper studies in reconstructing 3D building model from 2D building drawing sheet, includes three aspects. First, there is analyseing AutoCAD’s format of DXF file and gaining the useful basic primitive information. Then, on the base of analyseing the new building drawing standard, the form line of building、window and door are distinguished by using features recognition. Third, drawing 3D building model by using mesh function, which is based on the information of building’s form line. And inserting the model of window and door in 3D building model basis from the location coordinate of window and door, in order to reconstruct the whole 3D building model. At the same time, 3D building model is saved to .X file. Another function is converting 2D primitives to mesh and saving this mesh to .X file, in order to change format of DXF file to .X file. Verifed after the experiment, this technology of changing format of DXF file to .X file is feasible、applied and advanced which is suggested by the system. And the precept of 3D building model reconstructed by 2D building drawing sheet is also feasible.

【关键词】 DXF文件网格X文件三维构建特征识别
【Key words】 DXF FileMesh.X FileConstruct 3D ModelFeatures Recognition

