

Research on Technology of City Public Traffic Displayment

【作者】 王哲

【导师】 黄有群;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的纸质城市公交地图存在无法清晰的显示出一条街道上经过的所有公交线路信息的弱点;纸质公交地图,只能简单地查看公交信息,不能处理动态变化信息,容易在一段主干道显示数条甚至十余条线路造成线路走向信息的混乱,因此纸质的地图已经不能满足各种快速寻路的需求。而数字化电子公交地图与传统地图相比,则很明显地有如下几点优势:信息资源丰富、信息传递快捷、信息更新便捷、信息查询灵活。因此,电子公交地图吸引了很多研究人员的目光,因为它弥补了传统公交地图的缺点,具有广阔的发展前景。给出一个城市电子公交地图绘制和查询系统的解决方案,该方案涵盖了城市公交线路的绘制算法、最短路径查询算法、对局部公交地图的放大算法。交通信息浏览查询系统作为一个解决因交通线路拥挤,而无法清楚的在一条街道上显示所有公交线路信息的方法,本论文在实现方案时,解决了信息模型的设计、街道底图(位图)和公交线路(矢量数据)的配准、初始显示范围的确定和窗口动态缩放时底图和线路匹配的保持、查询算法和数据结构以及数据更新的方便性等一系列技术问题,和已有方案和系统相比有自己的特色。本课题的研究将使基于电子地图显示的公交线路显示人机交互,使计算机图形显示技术更深入应用于实用领域,使该系统能与现实生活更为紧密的结合。本课题设计并且实现了公交线路在电子地图上以全景地图显示和窗口地图显示两种显示方式,以及对公交线路信息的查询功能。对设计的细节进行了详细的描写,并分别给了流程图、功能图以及各种的实现效果。在应用中查询结果准确,运行速度快捷,能够满足用户的基本要求。

【Abstract】 Tradition papery city public traffic, whose intuition and veracity is not good, can not satisfy user’s need of looking for way quickly. Therefore, electronic public traffic map attracts many research people’s sights. For it remedies tradition public traffic’s defect, has a amplitude develop foreground. Give a blue print on city public traffic protract and query, which includes city public traffic protract arithmetic, querying shortcut arithmetic and magnifying local public traffic map arithmetic.As a new way to solve the Traffic Jam problem, traffic information inquiry system develop rapidly at home and abroad. It may accurately and promptly indicate bus line condition as well as some information of the urban economy construction the achievement. It can bring Local residents and out-of-town visitors convenient query methods. Its research has the very great economic efficiency and the social efficiency.This research of the topic will make the reveal of the bus line which based on electronic maps more alternating, It causes the computer graphical display technology to be more applied in the practical domain, and will enable this system be connected closely to a real life.This paper designs and realizes two kinds of display method of the electronic map:One is Panoramic Map, the other is window map. Then, it realizes the inquiry function of the bus line’s information. It depicts the detail of the design. It also draws flow diagram, function diagram and other kinds of results. In the application, the results of inquiries are accurate, the system operating speed is quick. The bus line system can satisfy the basic request of the user.

【关键词】 电子地图公交线路最短路径查询VC++GDI
【Key words】 Electronic MapPublic Traffic LineQuerying ShortcutVC++GDI

