

Study on Filtration of Food Attractant and Their Mixed Ligand of Lasioderma Serricorne in Room

【作者】 熊威

【导师】 雷朝亮;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 烟草甲Lasioderma serricorne(F.)属鞘翅目(Coleopter)窃蠹科(Anobiidae),是一种重要的仓储害虫,在全球均有分布,在温度适宜的仓库及其他场所均发生危害,其食性杂,尤其对烤烟烟叶危害严重,造成巨大的经济损失。本研究以烟草甲及其常见的寄主为主要材料,对烟草甲常见的寄主偏好性进行了研究,实验筛选出引诱能力较高的寄主,并进行挥发物的提取,同时进一步测定了挥发物的引诱活性,探讨了寄主挥发物的混配引诱效果以及寄主挥发物对烟草甲性引诱剂的增效作用。1烟草甲对不同寄主植物及几种植物油的偏好性实验选取了26种烟草甲寄主和6种植物油,应用“Y”型嗅觉仪研究了烟草甲对26种寄主挥发物的趋性,结果表明大部分寄主对烟草甲具有显著的引诱作用,且对其中14种寄主有极显著趋性,相对引诱率在25-75%之间,只有5种寄主白芷、槐米、甘草、豌豆、玉米对烟草甲没有显著的引诱作用。采用two-choicepitfall(陷阱)试验检测烟草甲对6种植物油(5μl)的趋性,结果显示烟草甲仅对芝麻油和菜籽油具有显著趋性,而芝麻油的相对引诱率略高于菜籽油,为37.5%。2寄主挥发物和植物油的室内引诱活性测定将上述材料(烟叶除外)分为6大类,分别选取1-2种材料提取其挥发物。采取two-choice pitfall(陷阱)试验检测了5种寄主的石油醚提取物和芝麻油对烟草甲的引诱活性,结果表明了选取的6种材料对烟草甲的相对引诱率都随着浓度的减小而降低,当浓度减小到0.05μl及以下时,处理和空白间差异不显著。大部分挥发物在浓度下降到0.5μl时,相对引诱率有一个明显的下降,但茴香、绿茶和芝麻油下降并不明显,而在0.05μl才有明显下降。香茅5μl比50μl相对引诱率更高,各挥发物及芝麻油的最高引诱率也在40-60%之间,绿茶50μl和茴香5μl浓度时的相对引诱率最高为58.75%。3寄主挥发物及芝麻油混配的室内引诱活性测定采取two-choice pitfall(陷阱)试验检测了5种寄主挥发物及芝麻油两两按照1∶1比例进行混配成5μl、0.5μl、0.05μl 3个浓度对烟草甲的引诱活性,结果表明随着浓度的降小相对引诱率也逐渐降低,浓度降低到0.05μl时,处理和对照间无显著差异。只有香茅+紫花、茴香+绿茶在0.05μl时相对引诱率下降幅度较低,且处理和对照间仍具有显著差异。进一步对其0.005μl时测定,发现差异不显著,且相对引诱率明显下降。将各混配配方与其2种组成成分的3种浓度进行比较,测定其增效作用,结果表明仅香茅+紫花在3个浓度的相对引诱率均不小于其两种组成成分在同样浓度的相对引诱率。4烟草甲食物引诱剂对性信息素增效研究由上述试验结果选取出2种单一挥发物和2种混配配方作为4种食物引诱剂,利用改进的two-choice pitfall(陷阱)试验模拟烟仓,与烟草甲性信息素联用测定其增效作用,结果表明4种食物引诱剂与性信息素联用对烟草甲的相对引诱率均大于单独使用性信息素,且存在显著性差异,引诱雌虫数也显著多于单独使用性信息素的雌虫引诱量,但各食物引诱剂与性信息素联用的方案间不存在显著差异,食物引诱剂与性信息联用引诱烟草甲的雌雄比约为1:2,但仅使用性信息素引诱烟草甲的雌雄比则约为3:10。

【Abstract】 Cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne(F.), belongs to Coleopter: Anobiidae. one of the most notorious storage pests, It is so well-known for its wide adaptability, strong propagation and good appetite of various foods that you can find it nearly at the every corner of the world. It can do harm to a lot kinds of hosts, especially cured tobacco strip leaves. In this study, we had chosen tobacco beetle as target pest and its common hosts to study tobacco beetle’s preferable host. Next we selected the preferable hosts and distilled their odor volatiles to test their attrctive activity separately. And then we mixed the extracted odor volatiles with different doses to study the mixed ligand activity and food attractant enhanced effect of sex attractant for Cigarette beetle.1 Preference of the cigarette beetle to different host foods and plant-oilsTaxis responses of L.serricorne female adults to 26 host foods were measured using a Y-tube olfactometer in the laboratory. The results indicated: compared with the control, the female adults of L.serricorne were attracted significantly by 21 host foods and were attracted very significantly by 14 among of 21 host foods, the relative attractive rate were 25-75%. the others 5 host had no significantly attractive effect on the female adults. taxis responses of L.serricorne female adults to six plant-oil Using a two-choice pitfall in the laboratory on 5μl dosage. The results indicated: the female adults of L.serricorne were attracted significantly by only two plant-oil: sesame oil and rapeseed oil, the relative attractive rate of sesame were slightly higher than rapeseed oil, it was 37.5%.2 Attractive activity of the cigarette beetle to 5 host food volatiles and sesame oilThe materials above were classify by six sorts, and chose one or two meterials of high relative attractive rate from each sort for extraction of volatiles. Behavioral responses of L.serricorne female adults to 5 host food volatiles and sesame oil were measured using a two-choice pitfall in the laboratory. The results indicated: The relative attractive rate of volatiles and sesame oil became lower as the concentration decreased. When dosage was below 0.05μl, there were no significant difference between treat and control. The relative attractive rate of most volatiles was significant decrease when the dosage was down to the 0.5μl , but the citronella green tea and sesame oil were 0,05μl. the relative attractive rate of citronella on 5μl dosage was more than 50μl. the most of relative attractive rate of all material were 40-60%. the highest relative attractive rate was 58.75% on 50μl of green tea and 5μl of fennel.3 Attractive activity of the cigarette beetle to host food volatiles and sesame oil mixed in pairBehavioral responses of L.serricorne female adults to 5 host food volatiles and sesame oil mixed in pair on 5μl, 0.5μl, 0.05μl dosage were measured using a two-choice pitfall in the laboratory. The results indicated: The relative attractive rate of mixed precriptions became lower as the concentration decreased. When dosage was below the 0.05μl, there were no significant difference between treat and control except citronella+alfalfa and fennel+green tea, the amplitude of decreased also were low, further research in 0.005μl, find that there were no significant difference between treat and control, relative attractive rate decrease significant. Comparison of relative attractive rate of each mixed precriptions and its composing on 3 dosage. The results indicated: only relative attractive rate of citronella+alfalfa was no less than the composing which were citronella and alfalfa on every dosage.4 Study on synergia effect of food attractant to the sex pheromoneSelect 4 food attractant from the above results. Behavioral responses of L.serricorne adults to the 4 food attractant combined with the serrico were measured using improved two-choice pitfall in the laboratory which stimulated tobacco storage. The results indicated: The relative attractive rate of the 4 food attractant combined with the serrico were more than single serrico ,there were significant difference between the food attractant combined with serrico and serrico, the same results to the female adults. The sex proportion of entrapped pest adults was as following: food attractant combined with serrico were about 0.5 (female/male); single serrico was about 0.3 (female/male).

  • 【分类号】S482.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】262

