

An Impact Study of Negative Word-of-Mouth in Internet to Brand Attitude for College Students

【作者】 戢芳

【导师】 高韧;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 口碑被现代营销人士视为当今世界最廉价的信息传播工具和高可信度的宣传媒介,有关传播对消费者态度和行为影响的研究发现,口碑传播的影响力比媒介广告的影响力高七倍,比人员推销的影响力高四倍。消费者转换品牌更多是受到口碑传播的影响,在促使消费者态度由否定、中立到肯定的转变过程中,口碑传播所起的作用则是广告的九倍。本研究将负面口碑与品牌态度结合起来,探索研究负面网络口碑对高校学生品牌态度的影响作用。本研究共分五部分:第一部分介绍了本研究的研究背景、研究的目的和意义和研究内容和分析框架,以及研究方法与主要创新点。第二部分是对国内外相关文献的回顾与梳理,并据此对文献做了相关述评。第三部分是负面网络口碑对高校学生品牌态度影响的模型构建,包括理论模型研究框架与研究假设,调研设计,分析方法设计。第四部分是数据与分析,分别进行了描述性统计分析,数据可靠性分析、概念模型分析与假设检验。第五部分是讨论、结论与建议。包括了概念模型中各变量的关系分析和解释,主要研究结论的归纳和建设性建议,最后提出了研究的局限性和后续的研究方向。本研究的重点是:探讨在不同调节变量影响下,负面网络口碑对消费者品牌态度改变的影响。在文献回顾与整理的基础上,本文采用实证研究的方法对负面网络口碑对品牌态度影响作用进行了探索分析,并对所构建的理论模型进行了假设检验和修正。得出的结论是:负面网络口碑对高校学生品牌态度的变化具有显著影响。消费者专业能力、涉入程度和信任作为中介变量对由负面口碑引起的品牌态度的变化起调节作用。本研究的创新点主要有:在研究视角上,本文将口碑传播与网络营销结合起来,通过定性和定量分析来衡量大学生的消费行为受到负面网络口碑影响的大小。将心理学和传播学理论引入营销研究中,选取了信任、涉入程度、消费者专业能力作中介调节变量,测量在品牌态度变化中它们所起的局部性作用;在研究方法上,分别从三个维度设计了“触网程度”这个外围变量,用单因素方差分析验证这三个维度对各变量及品牌态度变化的影响。

【Abstract】 Word of mouth is considered as the cheapest communication tool and media that people trust most. Some researches found that, the influence of WOM is seven times higher than media advertisement and four times higher than salesmanship. The reason why consumer changes brands is more influenced by WOM than by advertisement。In the course of changing consumer’s attitudes, the effect of WOM is nine times of the advertisements. The study combines the negative WOM and the brand attitude,explores the impact which the negative on-line WOM effects to the brand attitude of the college students.WOM messages include three valences: positive WOM, negative WOM, and two-sided WOM. There are a lot of researches which focus on contrasting the influences of different WOM information. It was found that negative information is more informative than positive information, in the sense that it helps consumers discriminate between low-and high-quality products. Also some other researches found that two-sided WOM is more persuasive .This research wants to discuss the different influence on consumer’s brand attitudes on the basis of negative eWOM, with different moderators. Such as the tone of negative trust and inlovement WOM(eWOM).This research is based on the literature review of WOM, involvement and related issues. An empirical method is used to analyze the factors influencing consumer’s brand attitude and grope for how WOM affects consumer’s brand attitude.This study is divided into five parts: The first part of this study is the research background, the purpose and significance of research and research and analysis framework, The second part is the Review of the relevant literature. The third part is negative word-of-mouth of college students brand attitude of model building, including theoretical models and research on the framework of assumptions, research design, analysis design. The fourth part of is data and analysis, conducted descriptive statistical analysis, data reliability analysis, conceptual model analysis and hypothesis testing. Part five of the discussions, conclusions and recommendations.This study focused on the regulation of the different variables under the influence of negative word-of-mouth for consumers brand changes of attitude. Review in the literature on the basis of this empirical research using the method of negative Word of mouth of the brand attitude to explore the role of impact analysis, and by constructing a model of the theory and hypothesis testing amendment. Come to the conclusion that: negative word-of-mouth network of college students change in attitude of the brand has significant impact. Consumer professional ability, involvement and trust as an intermediary variables caused by the negative reputation of the brand attitude change from regulation.In this study the innovations are: First, the research perspective, this article will spread word-of-mouth marketing combined with the network. Psychology and communication will be the introduction of management theory and marketing research, select and the introduction of a trust, involvement, the ability of consumers of these professional intermediaries adjustment variables, measuring brand attitude change in the course of them played by the local Role. Secondly, the study methods, the three dimensional design from the "net level" model of external variables, single-factor analysis of variance with the verification of these three dimensions of the variables and brand attitude change.

  • 【分类号】F224;F49;F273.2
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】1630

