

Study on Nutrient Background Values of Common Flowers in Wuhan and Fertilization Effect of Two Flowers

【作者】 蒋志平

【导师】 鲁剑巍;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展,花卉需求量不断增加,新品种越来越多,规模化生产趋势明显,传统的施肥模式不足以满足现代化花卉生产的需求,弊端日益显露,科学施肥必要性凸显。本研究通过收集武汉市常见花卉(113种)并测定11种营养元素含量,对养分含量及规律、养分需求量及配比进行了研究,同时,通过金盏菊NPK“3414”肥效和验证试验及两种小菊NK交互试验,研究了金盏菊和两种小菊的肥效及配方,为武汉市常见花卉定量施肥提供了必要的养分数据和特定花卉大量元素配方施肥参考模式,以期为常见花卉科学施肥提供技术支持。获得主要结果如下:(1)得到武汉市常见花卉的养分背景值,并总结分析了养分背景值的基本规律。武汉市常见草本花卉各元素的算术平均值大小为K>N>Ca>P>S>Mg>Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu,木本花卉为N>K>Ca>P>S>Mg>Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu。草本花卉各元素含量变异系数顺序为Mn>Zn>Cu>Fe>S>P>B>Mg>N>Ca>K,木本花卉为Mn>B>Mg>Zn>Cu>Fe>S>N>P>K>Ca。与全球草本和木本植物元素平均含量相比,武汉市草本和木本花卉每种元素超出正常范围花卉比例平均为3.6%和15.2%。草本花卉符合正态型分布的元素有P、S、B、Zn、Cu,符合对数正态型分布的有Mn、Ca。木本花卉符合正态分布的元素有N、P、K、Ca,符合对数正态型分布的有N、K、Ca、Mg、S、Mn、Zn、Cu。(2)研究了武汉市常见花卉营养元素相关性。武汉市常见草本花卉存在显著相关性元素对占总元素对的38.2%。其中存在极显著正相关的组合有15对,占总元素对的27.3%,分别为NP、NK、NS、PK、PS、PZn、KS、KCu、CaMg、CaFe、CaS、CaB、SZn、FeB、ZnCu,存在显著正相关的组合有6对,占总元素对的10.9%,分别为NFe、PCa、KB、KZn、SFe、SCu。武汉市常见木本花卉存在显著相关性元素对占总元素对的21.8%。其中存在极显著正相关的组合有7对,占总元素对的12.7%,分别为NK、NMg、NS、KS、KMg、CaMg、MgS。存在显著正相关的组合有3对,占总元素对的5.5%,分别为NP、CaS、MnZn。存在显著负相关的组合有2对,占总元素对的3.6%,分别为NFe、PFe。(3)研究了武汉市常见花卉元素含量之间的相互关系,并得到了各元素对比值超出正常范围的花卉。草本和木本花卉的N/P和N/K的变异系数都小于40%,而微量元素比值的变异系数较大,均超过60%。除银边铁N/P界于14与16之间外,其余花卉N/P均小于14,表明实验所采集花卉绝大多数都属于N含量制约生长类型。(4)研究了武汉市常见花卉在养分含量上的聚类特点。将草本花卉粗分为11组,结果显示,每个组中都出现了不同目、科、属的花卉,表明不同亲缘花卉间的养分背景也会有一定的相似性;在分类学上有亲缘关系的同目花卉在元素聚类时,表现一定的同向性:秋菊属的花卉在聚类分析时,出现了分化;秋海棠属的分化更为严重;青葙属的鸡冠花和凤尾鸡冠花,龙血树属的富贵竹和金边富贵的聚类效果好。将木本花卉粗分为7组,蔷薇花科和杜鹃花科实现了较好的聚类。(5)得到了武汉市常见花卉的NPK和NCaMg肥料配比和草本花卉养分积累量及参考干重。大部分草本和木本花卉表现为P2O5/N和K2O/N同时增减。草本花卉和木本花卉分别有62.4%和47.6%在P2O5/N为0.3、0.4和0.5,K2O/N为1.2、1.4和1.6的配比区间内。草本花卉有60.2%集中在Ca/N为0.10、0.14和0.18,Mg/N为0.08、0.12和0.16的配比区间内,木本花卉有42.9%集中在Mg/N为0.12的区间内。(6)研究了金盏菊NPK肥效,并得到了NPK肥料配方。氮、磷肥对金盏菊的营养生长和生殖生长均存在较大影响,而钾肥效果主要表现在生长后期。氮、磷间有明显的正交互作用。以金盏菊总花朵数、功能叶片数、株高、总干重为目标时,进行统计分析,得出盆栽金盏菊氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾K2O)的最佳施用量为0.4、0.2、0.3 g/kg基质。肥效检验实验中,配方处理的株高、植株干重和总花朵数均明显强于习惯和对照处理。(7)研究了两种小菊NK肥效,并得到了NK肥料配方。红色小菊可适应的氮肥用量范围宽于黄色小菊。低用量钾肥均可使两种小菊各项数据达到较高水平,高用量钾肥对大部分性状有增加作用,红色小菊表现更明显。以两种小菊株高、一次分枝长度、总花朵数和植株干重为目标时,进行统计分析,得到红色小菊的N和K2O最佳施肥量分别是为0.47和0.40g/kg基质,黄色小菊的N和K2O最佳施肥量分别是为0.43和0.32g/kg基质,红色小菊氮钾比高于黄色小菊。

【Abstract】 With the development of social economy,the demand for flower is increasing, more and more new varieties appears and the trends of scale production is remarkable. The conventional models of applying fertilizer are not suitable for modern flower production.Therefore,it is very significant to develop the scientific fertilization.In this study,114 species of common flowers in Wuhan were collected for determining the content of 11 kinds of nutrients and analysing the laws between nutrients,demand quantity and the formulation of nutrients.In the seperated experiments,the fertilizer efficiency of Calenduld officinalis L.and two small chrysanthemum was studied,and a test experiment by NPK "3414" design and a interaction experiment of NK were conducted for searching after the fertilizer recipe of Calenduld officinalis L.and two small inflorescences.These nutrient characters results and referenced fertilization models of typical common flowers of Wuhan are helpful to give technical support of scientific fertilizatio for common flowers.The main results were summaried as follows:(1) The nutrient background values of common flowers in Wuhan was obtained and the laws were analysed.The arithmetic mean values of the nutrient content of common herbage flowers in Wuhan were all in the sequence of K>N>Ca>P>S>Mg>Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu,and the woody flowers were all in the sequence of N>K>Ca>P>S>Mg>Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu.The variation coefficient of the nutrient content of common herbage flowers in Wuhan were all in the sequence of Mn>Zn>Cu>Fe>S>P>B>Mg>N>Ca>K,and the woody flowers were all in the sequence of Mn>B>Mg>Zn>Cu>Fe>S>N>P>K>Ca.In comparison to the mean values of the nutrient content of global herbage and woody plant,the average rate which exceeded normal range of each nutrient content of common herbage and woody flowers in Wuhan were 3.6%and 15.2%.The nutrient elements in the herbage flowers which accord with normal distribution were P,S,B,Zn and Cu,and which accord with logarithm normal distribution were Mn and Ca.The nutrient elements in the woody flowers which accord with normal distribution were N,P,K and Ca,and which accord with logarithm normal distribution were N,P,K and Ca.(2) The correlation of nutrient elements of common flowers in Wuhan were analysed.The results showed that the proportion of element pairs of common herbage flowers in Wuhan which were in significant level was 38.2%.Among them,15 element pairs were highly significant positive correlation and the proportion was 27.3%,and those element pairs were NP,NK,NS,PK,PS,PZn,KS,KCu,CaMg, CaFe,CaS,CaB,SZn,FeB and ZnCu.6 element pairs were significant positive correlation and the proportion was 10.9%,and those element pairs were NFe,PCa, KB,KZn,SFe and SCu.The proportion of element pairs of common woody flower in Wuhan which were in significant level was 21.8%.Among them,7 element pairs were highly significant positive correlation and the proportion was 12.7%,and those element pairs were NK,NMg,NS,KS,KMg,CaMg and MgS.3 element pairs were significant positive correlation and the proportion was 5.5%,and those element pairs were NP,CaS and MnZn.2 element pairs were significant negative correlation and the proportion was 3.6%,and those element pairs were NFe and PFe.(3) The relationship between nutrient elements of common flowers in Wuhan was studied and the unnormal flowers whose nutrient elements content is out of normal range was found.The variation coefficient of N/P and N/K of common herbage and woody flowers were less than 40%,but the variation coefficient of all the microelements pairs were more than 60%.The value of N/P was less than 14 except for Dracaena concinna cv.Tricolor.It was showed that the growth type of most flowers were limited by Nitrogen.(4) The clustering characteristics of common flowers in Wuhan was analysed by the system clustering method.The common herbage flowers in Wuhan were divided into 11 groups.The results showed that every group contained different orders, families and genus,It was proved that flowers with different genetic relationship would have similarity.The flowers in the same order which had traditional taxonomy similarity could be always divide into same group.Autumn chrysanthemumand Begonia were divided into several groups.Celosia L.and Dracaena were divided into one group.The clustering effect of latter was better than the former.The woody flowers were divided into 7 group.The clustering effect of Rosaceae and Ericaceae was good.(5) The fertilizer ratioes of NPK and NCaMg of common flowers in Wuhan were calculation.The amount of nutrient accumulation and dry weight of the common herbage flowers was obtained.For most herbage and woody flowers,the value of P2O5/N and K2O/N increased or decreased simultaneously.There were 62.4%and 47.6%herbage and woody flowers in the interval of which the value of P2O5/N was 0.3,0.4 and 0.5 and the value of K2O/N was 1.2,1.4 and 1.6.There were 60.2% herbage flowers in the interval of which the value of Ca/N was 0.10,0.14 and 0.18 and the value of Mg/N was 0.08,0.12 and 0.16.There were 42.9%woody flowers in the interval of which the value of Mg/N was 0.12.(6)The fertilizer efficiency and fertilizer ratio of Calenduld officinalis L.were studied.Our results showed that N and P played important roles in vegetative and reproductive growth.The effect of K was mainly reflected in the late growth stage. There is an obvious positive interactions between N and P.Regarding total flowers, functional leavers,plant height and dry weight as the target,it was showed that the recommended fertilizer amount of N,P2O5 and K2O for pot application were 0.4,0.2 and 0.3 g/kg(each pot filled with 2 kg substrate).In the verification test of fertilizer recipe,functional leavers,dry weight and the total number of flowers of fertilizer recipe treatment was better than check treatment.(7) The NK fertilizer efficiency and fertilizer ratio of two small inflorescences was studied.Our results showed that the range of nitrogen amount of red small inflorescences wider than yellow small inflorescences.The low dosage of potassium amount could make the various characters data of two small inflorescences be in a high level.The high dosage of potassium amount could make the various characters data incresed and this trend was obviously in red small inflorescences.Regarding total flowers,lengh of first branch,plant height and dry weight as the target,it was showed that the recommended fertilizer amount of N and K2O for pot application for red small inflorescences were 0.47 and 0.40 g/kg,and for yellow small inflorescences were 0.43 and 0.32 g/kg.The ratio of N:K of red small inflorescences was higher than yellow small inflorescences.


