

【作者】 苗丽娥

【导师】 贺建平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 追求两性平等,构建平等和谐的性别文化和社会结构,是社会发展的内在需求。经济社会的发展与繁荣使得作为其晴雨表和温度计的媒体也空前的强大,报纸,广播,电视,网络等不同形态媒体伴同他的产品构成了当下最为独特的媒体文化,随即引发了广泛的关注和讨论,对媒体的研究角度非常多,成果非常丰硕。女性主义理论关注性别的社会建构问题,因此把目光投向了媒体在性别角色的呈现与建构上它所挥作用的一套机制上面去。她们运用社会建构的理论分析、批判媒体对女性气质的建构,一再地重复与强化。诚如波伏娃在其《第二性》中的一句经典名言,“女人不是生而为女人的,而是变成女人的。”这句话成为女性主义反对生物决定性别的先行者和武器。正是依托此问题意识,本文通过对具体电视节目的分析,来考察主流媒体对女性形象的再现。本研究选取电视新闻节目《新闻联播》和财经类人物节目《财富故事会》为样本,对女性形象的再现进行分析。拟采用内容分析法、文本分析和话语分析相结合的方法进行研究。对《新闻联播》节目的分析运用内容分析法,通过对素材的把握确立可操作化的分析类目,统计其具体的量来阐释划分的类目,从而得到对文本的分析结论。对《财富故事会》节目中的一部分也在一定程度上运用了内容分析法,对每个故事样本的角色呈现进行了量的统计辅以对文本的具体分析,而通过特定类目的分析有助于探求复杂样本的一致性。由文本的特性决定,对《财富故事会》节目的样本的分析还采用了文本分析和话语分析的方法,以探寻媒介文本呈现出具体的、复杂多样的以至瞬间的情景,以及不同角色的话语及互动关系的符码所呈现的深层关系。本文从女性主义视角出发,以社会性别建构理论、符号一权力关系理论作为基础理论。社会性别是以生理性别为基础的社会建构,但社会性别并不是先天和固定的,受社会政治、经济和文化的影响,社会性别的认同会随着时代和环境的变化而变化。无论是男性气质还是女性气质,都是话语的产物,是社会历史的产物。如此看来分析文本中话语呈现对女性的塑造就有了意义。论文第二部分通过对《新闻联播》节目样本的分析得出结论:权威的新闻节目对女性的媒体再现呈现出形象的偏差,通过对女性各个被界定的身份作分析可以得出女性在媒介选择时被忽视了;其呈现的频次统计显示,公共领域的女性形象媒体再现是一种低度代表的状况;另外样本分析之后显示出对传统的女性尤其是具有农民身份的女性再现还存在刻板印象的陈述,这样该节目就形成了女性再现的偏差。但是从积极的方面考虑,样本对女性形象的再现还呈现出积极的、相对多元化的色彩。由于其强烈的政治性,女性政治精英的媒体形象得以呈现,虽然其数量与男性相比较处于劣势,但在报道方式上与男性并无二至,另外该节目对焦点事件的关注反映在对焦点人物的报道上,女性作为焦点人物的呈现数量明显的少于男性,但其英雄的事迹报道并不含有性别偏见。在普通的工作岗位上,女性身影的大量呈现体现了女性已走入了公共领域。论文第三部分对《财富故事会》进行分析,认为从这个节目可以看出媒介文本在保障创富故事本身所具有的传播财富新观念、引领创造新财富使命、责任与影响的同时,依然呈现出种种的性别迷思。在形象再现上,传统女性主义学者对媒体专注女性身体再现的批判,并没有因为女性角色转变为一定经济领域的精英而有所改变,她们的容貌、表情、衣饰、肢体行为等,不论其与创富行为有无关联,经常都会在她们的形象书写上,成为媒体文本中显著的内容;另一方面高频率出现的妻子形象也一再提示,社会建构的力量内化为女性的自我规训,从公共领域退隐到私人领域去,并成为男性经济精英的情感诉求对象;刻板印象机制的一再阐述,也依旧反映出主流社会难免于对经济领域女性人物的种种迷思与意识形态。本文的结论部分,通过对两个知名节目的分析可见,主流媒体对女性的再现一方面揭示出固有的性别成见得以沿袭,另一方面主流媒体对女性形象多元化呈现的努力也已经显现。“目前大众传媒对妇女地位和作用的宣传,与我国妇女实际发挥的半边天作用还不相称。大众传媒本身所具有的传播迅速、覆盖面广、渗透力强的特点,决定了它会潜移默化地影响人们的思想观念和行为”,为此,作为中国主流媒体的优秀节目,就更加应该发挥其主流和引导作用,将媒体的广角镜深入丰富的生活当中去,真实、健康地再现女性,为“逐步消除对妇女的偏见、歧视以及贬抑妇女的社会观念,为妇女发展创造良好的社会环境”做出积极地贡献。传媒要真实准确的反映真实世界,在两性报道上就要用社会性别的视角进行客观公正地报道,树立社会性别意识。世界是属于两性共有的,将性别意识纳入主流传播媒介,并增强妇女在传媒中的影响,才能从根本上实现两性平等共处的理想目标。本文对于研究样本的选取有独特与创新之处,《财富故事会》作为女性在经济领域的形象呈现具有典型意义,而此前从未有过对该节目的分析;《新闻联播》作为主流媒体的主流新闻节目呈现女性精英形象以对应经济领域女性,既有研究价值,也比较有科学性,选取一定量时间的样本进行文本分析是比较务实的研究。

【Abstract】 Pursuing gender equality and building equality and harmony of gender culture and social construction is the intrinsic demand of society development. The development and prosperity of economic society brings the mass media which as the role of social thermometer and barometer unprecedented mightiness.Medias such as newspaper,broadcast,television,network and so on with its production constitutes the most unique media culture which causes extensive concentration and discussion from different perspective and has reached plentiful achievement.Feminist theory concentrates on social gender construction,as a result,it concentrates on the mechanism functioned by media in the area of appearance and construction of gender role.They utilize the social construction theory to analyze and criticize the mass media that makes construction on female feature and then strengthens repeatedly again and again. Just as Beauvoir said in the Second Sex:"Women are not born as women,they become women." The sentence turns out to be pioneer and weapon to fight against physio-determined gender theory.Based on this point,the article tries to study female image recurrence made by media via analysis of specific TV program.Taking the TV news programs Xinwen Lianbo and financial figure programs Wealth Story-telling session as the sample,this research analyzes the reappearance of feminine images while using the Content Analysis,the combination of Text Analysis and Discourse Analysis to conduct the research. The article adopts the Content Analysis to analyze the program Xinwen Lianbo, establishes the operational analysis Category through the grasp of the relevant material,counts its concrete quantity to illustrate the division category,thus obtains the analysis and conclusion to the text.The article utilizes the Content Analysis to a certain extent to analyze the program Wealth Story-telling session, runs the quantity statistics plus the specific analysis to the text to the presentation of the roles in every story,while through the specific category’s analysis it is helpful to pursue the consistency of the complex sample.Decided by the text characteristic it also uses the text analysis and discourse analysis to analyze the sample of Wealth Story-telling session in order to pursue the concretely complex diverse scene of the medium text as well as the in-depth relations presented by the different role’s words and the interactive relations’ symbol.The article takes social gender construction theory and symbol-power theory as its basic theory.Social gender is the society construction based on physio-gender,but it’s not inherent and has no fixed mode.It is influenced by social polity,economy and culture.The self-identity of social gender changes along with the time and the environment change.No matter what kind of feature it is,male and female,both of them are production of discourse and social history. So it is significative to analyze the female image figured by text discourse.The paper analyzes the program Wealth Story-telling session in the second part which concludes that the medium text holds the creating-wealth stories of spreading new wealth ideas,leading the mission of creating wealth,bearing the responsibility and causing influence,meanwhile,it presents all sorts of gender myth.In the image recurrence,the criticism that feminist scholars gave about media’s focusing on female body isn’t changed while female characters transform into elite in certain economic domain.Whether there is connection or not,their appearance,expression,clothing and personal ornaments,body behavior and so on frequently become the remarkable content in the media text on their image writing.On the other hand the high-frequency wife image also repeatedly hints the social construction’s strength internalizes for feminine self-gauge teaching retiring from public domain to personal domain,and becomes the emotion-appealing objects for the masculine economical elite.The repeated elaboration of stereotype mechanism also reflects the mainstream society could not avoid all sorts of myths and the ideology of the female characters in economic domain.The third part of the article draws a conclusion from analysis on CCTV News program sample:authoritative news program presents female image deviation by media reappearance.And we can also learn that female is often neglected when media makes choice from analyzing female-identity category. The frequency statistics shows that the media reappearance of female image in public area is a kind of low representative condition,moreover,the sample analysis indicates there is stereotype statement on reappearance of traditional female image,especially farmer-identity female which causes reappearance deviation.However,considering from positive aspect,the sample also presents positively and relative multiplex color to the reappearance of feminine image.As a result of conspicuous political nature,female political elite image can be presented on media.Althofigh it is in the inferiority comparing with male in quantity,the report way is the same as male,what’s more,the attention the program paid on the focus event reflects report on focus person.Despite the quantity of female image as focus person is obviously smaller than male,the report of hero deed have no gender prejudice.On the ordinary occupation post, the massive presentation of female image is a sign that female has already walked into public area.Finally it is the conclusion of this article that through the analysis to the two well-known programs,the female image recurrence of the mainstream media reveals the inherent sex prejudice is followed,on the other hand the struggle the mainstream media made for the feminine image multiplication has already appeared."At present the publicity the mass media worked for women’s status and their function isn’t symmetrical with what they have contributed to our country.The characteristics of spreading rapidly,wide coverage,strong infiltration the mass media itself has have decided that it would affect people’s ideological concept and their behavior imperceptibly." Therefore,as the mainstream among the mainstream media and outstanding program in China they even more should play its leadership role,penetrating media’s wide-angle lens into rich life,reappearing female image really and healthily,making contributes positively to the goal of eliminating gradually the prejudice, discrimination to the woman and the social concept that people belittle woman, creating a good social environment for woman’s development.The media should reflect the world truly and accurately,objectively and fairly report the events about men and women from the social sex angle,setting up a social gender consciousness.The world belongs to both men and women.Integrating sex consciousness to the mainstream media and strengthening woman’s influence in media could fundamentally achieve the ideal target of gender equality and coexistence.The innovation of this article firstly lies on the selection of the research samples.As the image presentation for female in economic domain Wealth Story-telling session itself has the typical significance while there has never been an analysis to this program before.As the major news program among the mainstream media,Xinwen Lianbo presenting the feminine elite image to correspond the female in economic domain has not only the research value but also the scientific significance.The research which selecting a certain-time sample to analyze the text is quite practical.Innovation in this paper:Although the female’s reappearance in the media is still full of gender bias,the active and diversified presentation for female in Xinwen Lianbo is helpful to empower women in society on the positive side. From the analysis of samples,this program has presented many feminine images in different domain such as the political elite’s political activities,the ordinary workers of each profession who have been in a working state while they show in the program.The description for women farmers is the same with men farmers except certain inflexible prejudice.Women farmers enjoy the policy benefit and are engaged in agricultural production and so on.All these positive presentations have an enlightenment power.Female’s rights authorize the same meaning with male’s,thus it is formed a kind of summon which inspires a positive influence to more women from the cognition and the behavior in reality.


