

【作者】 高光

【导师】 王洪;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 侵权行为法是损害赔偿领域最主要的法律制度,它在维护市民社会秩序和促进社会经济发展方面发挥了巨大的作用。然而随着经济的发展与社会生活的变迁,侵权行为法日益受到其他制度的影响。于是,侵权行为法不得不对自身的一些制度进行调整,以尽量适应社会生活的变迁。针对侵权行为法的一系列变化,许多人发出了侵权行为法正处于危机状态并将最终走向消亡的惊呼。而对侵权行为法造成冲击最大的就是保险制度,其中以责任保险和社会保险尤为显著。在当前的我国,《侵权行为法》和《社会保险法》都已经提上立法日程,因此我们就更有必要理清二者的关系。正是如此,本文围绕保险制度对侵权行为法造成了多大影响以及造成了什么影响为主题展开论述,运用分析法学、比较法学和法经济学等多种方法,分析了责任保险、社会保险和侵权行为法的关系,并对我国未来侵权责任体系的构建提出了自己的意见。全文分为引言、正文和结论三个板块,先由引言引出正文所要论述的问题,然后正文分为四部分展开:第一部分主要介绍商业保险中的责任保险对侵权行为法的影响。该部分从责任保险的产生和发展入手,认为责任保险是风险转移和分散的产物,并在工业高速发展的今天发挥着越来越重要的作用。然后重点从四个方面阐述了责任保险对侵权行为法的影响:第一,责任保险强化了侵权行为法的补偿功能,克服了侵权责任在救济受害人方面的局限性;第二,尽管并无证据证明责任保险直接增加了事故的发生几率,但其在一定程度上削弱了侵权行为法对不法行为的遏制和预防功能;第三,责任保险促进了过错推定和无过错责任原则适用范围的扩大,减轻了严格的归责原则绐加害人一方带来的沉重的经济负担;第四,责任保险制度冲击了传统侵权行为法的自己责任,体现了矫正正义观向分配正义观的转变。第二部分分析了社会保险制度对侵权行为法的影响。社会保险比责任保险对侵权行为法的影响更为深远,该部分从四个方面展开论述:第一,指出社会保险产生的理论依据是社会风险理论,并且在工业社会得到了广泛的认可和迅速发展;第二,社会保险由于运行成本较低,所以日益侵蚀着侵权行为法的补偿功能;第三,由于责任和赔偿脱钩,社会保险弱化了侵权行为法的预防和惩罚功能;第四,社会保险在部分领域取代传统侵权行为法发挥作用,缩小了侵权法的调整范围。第三部分重点分析了保险制度与侵权行为法的危机的关系。首先介绍了学者们所认为的侵权行为法的危机的表现,认为所谓的侵权行为法的危机主要集中体现在两个方面:一方面是归则方式的客观化,过错推定原则和无过错责任原则的产生并大量适用;另一方面就是侵权责任损失承担的社会化,即在侵权法内部责任保险的运用和侵权法外部以社会保险为核心的社会保障制度的兴起。接下来回顾了近代侵权行为法的演变和发展,认为侵权行为法并未发生剧变,而是在伴随着社会的发展逐步作出调整。然后又分四点详细分析了侵权行为法是否真正处于危机之中:第一,侵权诉讼由于时间长、费用高、诉讼结果的不确定和责任人赔偿能力的局限,使其自身在事故救济上具有与生俱来的局限性。第二,侵权行为法在事故预防上本来就有局限性,并且这种局限性也是侵权法与生俱来的,并非完全是由保险制度造成的。第三,在承认侵权行为法缺陷的基础上,笔者认为,由于责任保险的寄生性和其局限性,决定了它不可能取代侵权行为法。第四,因为社会保险制度对社会经济条件的依赖和其自身适用范围的有限,注定了它也不可能完全替代侵权行为法担当起损害赔偿的重任。最后作出总结,认为保险制度并不会使侵权行为法走向消亡,侵权行为法也并未真正处于危机状态。相反,这恰恰可能是侵权行为法根据变化了的社会生活作出调整的重要契机。第四部分提出了对我国未来侵权行为法的救济体系的构想,即保险制度和侵权行为法的有机结合。首先指出单独靠侵权行为法很难达到救济当事人的理想效果,同时认为完全用“加藤雅信式”的救济体系也难以在当前的中国推行,进而得出应当建立起侵权行为法、责任保险和社会保险三者有机结合的综合救济体系的结论。最后分别从责任保险、社会保险和侵权行为法三个角度提出了相应的完善措施,认为应当完善责任保险制度,扩大责任保险的适用范围,建立直接诉讼制度,加大对受害人的保护力度;建立适合我国国情的统一的社会保险制度,加快《社会保险法》的制定步伐;调整侵权行为法的内部结构,适当扩大过错推定和无过错责任原则的适用范围,在我国未来《侵权行为法》的制定中注意责任保险、社会保险和侵权责任三者的有机衔接和配合。最后是文章的结论部分,在此笔者对全文内容作出了简要的概括总结。保险制度中的责任保险和社会保险分别从内部和外部共同对侵权行为法产生了深远的影响。这些影响促使侵权行为法不得不作出一系列调整,然而这都不足以使侵权行为法产生真正的危机。但是,在损失分担与事故救济方面,仅靠侵权行为法内部的变革,已无法适应社会发展的需要。我国未来的《侵权行为法》损害救济体制的模式应当告别传统侵权行为法一统天下的局面,形成侵权责任、责任保险和社会保险三足鼎立的格局。

【Abstract】 Tort law is the most important law in the area of damages system. It has played a tremendous role in the maintenance of public order and promoting social economic development. However, along with economic development and social life of change, tort law has increasingly come under the impact of other systems. In such circumstances, tort law has also had to adjust its systems, so as to adapt to the changing social life. For a series of tort law changes, many people think that tort law is in crisis and will eventually perish. The largest impact of tort law is the insurance system, with liability insurance and social insurance is particularly notable. In current China, the "Tort Law" and the "Social Insurance Law" have been put on the legislative agenda, so we need to discuss the relationship between the two. The paper is about the impact of the insurance system on tort law .And the writer discusses the relationship between liability insurance, social insurance and tort law, adopting the ways of analytical jurisprudence, comparative jurisprudence and juridical economics. Then the writer proposes some ideas on the future of China Tort Liability System.This paper is divided into the introduction, the text and the conclusion. The introduction leads to the exposition of the text, then the text is divided into four parts:The first part introduces the liability insurance on the impact of tort law. It begins with the creation and development of that liability insurance. Liability insurance is the product of risk transference, and playing an increasingly important role in the rapid development of modem industry. Then this part focuses on four aspects of the liability insurance on the impact of tort law: First, it strengthens the compensation of tort law and overcomes these limitations on the tort liability in relief of the victims. Second, there is no proof that liability insurance directly increases the risk of the occurrence of accidents, but to a certain extent, it weakens the containment and prevention capabilities of the tort law to the wrongful act. Third, liability insurance expands the application of presumption of fault and non-fault liability principle. So it reduces the principle of strict liability to the heavy financial burden of the perpetrator. Fourth, liability insurance system destroys the own responsibility of traditional tort law, it reflects the changing concept which is from corrective justice to distributive justice.The second part is about the social insurance system to the impact of tort law. The impact of social insurance on tort law is more far-reaching than liability insurance. This part is divided into four aspects: First, the theoretical basis of social insurance is the theory of social risk. In the industrial society it has been widely recognized and quickly developed. Second, owing to lower operating costs, social insurance decreases the compensation capability of tort law. Third, because of the disengagement of liability and compensation, social insurance weakens the prevention and punishment function of tort law. Fourth, social insurance in some areas replaces traditional tort law and narrows the scope of tort law.The third part mainly concerns the relationship between insurance system and the crisis of tort law. At first the writer introduces the crisis of tort law by the scholars’ opinions. The so-called crisis of tort law that it mainly includes two aspects: one is the objectifying of the tort principle, the principles of presumption of fault and no-fault liability have a large number of application; the other is the loss of tort liability to the community, that is because the acting of liability insurance in the internal and social insurance from the external. Next the writer recalls the evolution and the development of modern tort law, and finds that the dramatic changes in tort law haven’t occurred .Tort law gradually makes adjustments in line with the social development. Then the paper analyses the crisis of tort law: First, because of tort litigation needs a long time, the high cost, uncertainty and the outcome of court proceedings responsible for the compensation capacity limitations, tort law has inherent limitations. Second, tort law has limitations on the prevention of accidents, and these limitations are not entirely caused by the insurance system. Third, in recognition of tort law on the basis of defects, liability insurance can not replace tort law because of its limitations and parasitic character. Fourth, in view of the social insurance system relying on the economic conditions and the limited scope of its own, it is impossible to replace tort law taking on the heavy responsibility of damages. The final conclusion is that the insurance system does not make tort law vanish. Tort law did not really in the state of crisis. On the contrary, it may be an important opportunity for tort law to make adjustments in accordance with changes of social life.The fourth part is our future tort law system that the organic integration of the insurance system and tort law. First the writer points out that only relying on tort law is difficult to achieve aims. It is difficult for completely "professor Jiateng’s design on relief system" to implement in current China, It should establish the comprehensive relief system of liability insurance, social insurance and tort law. Finally the writer gives corresponding improving measures from liability insurance, social insurance and tort law. China should improve the liability insurance system, expand the scope of liability insurance, establish direct litigation system, ,and step up the protection of the victims. It should establish social insurance system suiting for China’s national conditions. Otherwise, we should accelerate the pace of the "Social Insurance Law", adjust the internal structure of tort law, and expand the application of the presumption of fault and no-fault liability principles. At the same time we should pay attention to the cooperation of liability insurance, social insurance and tort law.Finally, the writer makes a brief conclusion. Liability insurance and social security have a far-reaching impact on tort law from internal and external. Tort law has to make a series of adjustments. But it is not enough to make tort law create a real crisis. However, in the allocation of loss and accident relief, relying on the internal reform of tort law has been unable to adapt to the needs of social development The loss relief system of China’s Tort law should say good-bye to the situation of only relying on the traditional tort law, and form the cooperative situation of liability, liability insurance and social insurance.

  • 【分类号】D923;D922.182.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】259

