

【作者】 陈爱华

【导师】 李健;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 正当防卫是各国刑事立法对公民个人所规定的一项重要的私人救济权利,对于保护个人、集体、国家的合法利益有着积极的作用。但该权利由于是公民个人行使,难免会因夹杂个人的感情色彩等而运用不当,因此,世界各国在规定正当防卫制度的同时,对于正当防卫都规定了较为严格的条件。如何正确掌握正当防卫的限度条件,区分正当防卫与防卫过当,这是司法实践中的一个重要问题。我国现行刑法对防卫过当作了重大修改,如何在司法实践中正确判断防卫过当,引起了人们的关注。本文从防卫过当的产生入手,辨析了防卫过当的概念、性质和表现形式,着重探讨了防卫过当的主、客观构成,以求在司法实践中能够正确把握防卫过当,正确区分罪与非罪的界限,使人民群众正确、积极地行使防卫权。全文共分五大部分(约40000字):第一部分:防卫过当概念的产生。防卫过当的产生源于防卫权受到限制。该部分按照历史与逻辑相结合的方法,考察了防卫权在中外刑法发展中的演变过程,从而揭示了防卫权的演变规律,即国家在防卫权的的问题上,都经历了从本能行为到没有限制,由限制过宽到限制较严的演变过程。并进一步通过对防卫过当概念的辨析,明确了防卫过当的概念是“明显超过必要限度,给不法侵害人造成重大损害应负刑事责任的防卫行为。”第二部分:防卫过当的本质、特征及表现形式。该部分通过对我国刑法理论中防卫过当的本质特征的几种主要观点的比较分析,指出防卫过当一方面具有防卫性;另一方面又具有社会危害性及主观罪过性。进而介绍和评价了防卫过当表现形式的理论观点,明确了防卫过当是防卫行为与防卫结果的统一,不存在行为过当与结果过当之分。第三部分:防卫过当的成立条件。该部分首先指出防卫过当的前提条件是正在进行防卫,明确界定了防卫过当的范围只能是针对“那些社会危害较大、具有紧迫性且可以用防卫手段避免或减轻危害结果的犯罪违法侵害。”通过对不法侵害的分析,指出不法侵害既包括作为犯罪,也包括具有紧迫性的不作为犯罪。进而从必要限度的含义、现行刑法对限度条件的规定以及司法实践中如何认定防卫过当三个方面分析了防卫过当的限度条件。通过介绍和评价国内外刑法的立法及学说,指出根据我国现行刑法,理解“必要限度”应持“适当说”,而对“必要性和相当性”的判断标准应偏向于“折中说”,要着重考察实行防卫的客观情况、不法侵害的情况以及防卫人的情况。最后分析了防卫过当的主观要件,通过对各种观点的辨析,指出了防卫过当的主观罪过既可以表现为过失,也可以表现为间接故意,不可能表现为直接故意。第四部分:防卫过当与正当防卫。该部分分析了正当防卫与防卫过当的联系与区别,通过对各种观点的辨析,指出防卫过当与正当防卫具有不同的性质,两者是对立的,但两者又统一于防卫的范围之中。第五部分:防卫过当的定罪与量刑。该部分介绍了国内外刑法对防卫过当的处罚规定,分析了对防卫过当处罚及减轻处罚的规定,指出我国对防卫过当减轻或免除处罚是基于对防卫性质、防卫的客观情况以及刑法的目的考虑。并进一步分析了对防卫过当定罪量刑应当把握的要素。

【Abstract】 Self-defense is the national criminal legislation on the individual citizens under the private relief an important right for the protection of individuals, groups, the legitimate interests of countries will play a positive role. But since it is the right of individual citizens, will inevitably result of the inclusion of personal feelings, such as color and improperly used, therefore, all countries in the world provides the system of self-defense, self-defense require a more stringent conditions. How to correctly grasp the limits of self-defense conditions, the distinction between self-defense and over-defense, which is the judicial practice of an important issue. China’s current Criminal Code on the over-defense made major changes in how the judicial practice in the correct judgment over-defense, and caused concern among the people. In this paper, have gone too far in prevention of the start of the over-defense Analysis of the concept of nature and manifestations, has gone too far in prevention focused on the main objective constitutes, in the administration of justice in order to adhere to the correct practice of over-defense, correctly distinguish crimes and the limits of non-crime so that the masses of the people correctly, and actively exercised defense rightThe full text is divided into five parts:First. The formation of the concept of over-defenseDefense Right from the selection of over-defense is restricted. According to the first part of history and the method of combining logic, inspected the defense right in the world in the development of the Penal Code evolutionary process, and thus reveals the evolution of defense right, that is, countries in the defense right on the issue have experienced from the instinct to act not restricted by the restrictions too strict restrictions than to the process of evolution. Through the over-defense and to further the concept of analyzing the over-defense clear the concept of "significantly more than necessary to limit illegal infringes on the people to cause significant damage to the defense of criminal responsibility for acts."Second. Over-defense nature, characteristics and manifestations That part of the Chinese Criminal Law adopted in the over-defense theory and the essential characteristics of the several main viewpoints of the comparative analysis, pointed out that over-defense on the one hand with defense; on the other hand, is harmful to society and subjective sexual sin. Turn on the over-defense and evaluation forms theoretical viewpoints, and clearly the defense is over-defense and defense of the results of reunification, and does not exist when the act and the result of excessive hours.Third. The establishment of conditions for over-defenseThe first part of that over-defense is a prerequisite for ongoing defense, and clearly define the scope of the over-defense only "those criminals, and the urgency of defensive means can be used to avoid or mitigate harm the outcome of the criminal law against." Against illegal by the analysis pointed out that both as a criminal against crime, but also does not have the urgency of a crime. Further from the meaning of the necessary limits, the limits of the existing Penal Code, as well as the conditions of the judicial practice of over-defense How to identify three areas of the limits of over-defense conditions. Through the introduction and evaluation of the domestic and international legislation and the Criminal Code doctrine, said that under China’s current criminal law, and understanding "necessary limits" should have an "appropriate", and on "necessity and considerable" should be the criteria for judging bias in the "compromise", we should focus on implementation of the defense inspected the objective conditions, as well as the illegal defense against the situation. Finally gone too far in prevention of the subjective element, through the various viewpoints Analysis, pointed out that the over-defense subjective sin can be expressed as fault, performance can be indirect intentional, it is impossible for the performance of direct deliberately.Fourth. Over-defense and self-defenseThat part of the legitimate defense and over-defense relations and differences, through the various viewpoints Analysis, pointed out that over-defense and self-defense of a different nature, the two are antagonistic, but also integrated in both the scope of defense among.Fifth. Gone too far in prevention of the conviction and sentence On the part of domestic and international criminal law gone too far in prevention of penalties, punishment of the over-defense and in mitigation, pointed out that China’s over-defense to reduce or waive the penalty is based on the nature of the defense, defense and the objective situation in the Criminal Code The purpose of consideration. And further analysis of the over-defense conviction and sentencing should grasp the elements.

  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】759

