

【作者】 肖海亮

【导师】 袁林;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 环境犯罪是一种较特殊的犯罪,我国1979年刑法没有明文规定这类犯罪,1997年新刑法在“妨害社会管理秩序”一章中以专节形式规定了“破坏环境资源保护罪”,但依然存在许多漏洞,本文将从环境犯罪的概念、特征、立法缺陷和完善等几方面问题入手,对我国环境犯罪问题进行研究,全文分为三部分,具体内容如下:第一部分:首先探讨了环境犯罪的概念与特征。在分析几种有代表性的环境犯罪概念后,笔者认为环境犯罪是指违反国家环境保护法律、法规,故意或过失实行污染、破坏环境和生态资源进而对环境、人民生命健康造成严重损失或严重威胁的不法行为。关于环境犯罪的特征,本文从环境犯罪的行政从属性、环境犯罪行为的多样性以及犯罪后果的潜伏性等方面进行了分析。其次,回顾了我国环境犯罪立法的历史与现状。该部分介绍了自新中国成立以来,我国立法机关在环境犯罪立法方面所取得的显著成就,为下文讨论环境犯罪的立法缺陷与完善作铺垫。第二部分:环境犯罪的立法缺陷。重点讨论了我国环境犯罪的四个缺陷。首先是立法模式及分类标准缺陷;其次是环境犯罪立法所保护的范围过窄,罪名太少,不能有效打击环境犯罪活动;再次,说明了未将危险犯入罪的危害;最后分析了刑罚体系设置上所存在的缺陷:刑罚普遍轻于近似的财产犯罪、刑罚种类过少、罚金数额难以确定、罚金的执行存在一定的困难。第三部分:环境犯罪的立法完善。重点讨论了环境犯罪的立法完善。该部分首先讨论了环境犯罪立法模式的完善,通过比较几种有代表性的立法模式,进而提出我国环境犯罪立法宜采用特别立法模式,应当在1997年《刑法》中以专章的形式加以规定;其次是应拓展环境犯罪立法的保护范围,增设一些有代表性的新罪名,如噪声污染罪、破坏草原罪、土壤污染罪、破坏湿地罪、污染大气罪、海洋污染罪等;再次是论述了将危险犯纳入惩治范围的四大理由,即基于环境本身的价值考虑应当设立危险犯;刑法本身的预测作用,要求设立危险犯;可以弥补只处罚行为犯和结果犯的不足;促进环境保护立法与国际接轨的需要。最后在完善环境犯罪刑罚体系上,应加大某些罪的刑罚力度;进一步健全环境处罚种类;明确规定罚金数额,增设行刑时效制度。

【Abstract】 Environmental crime is a special crime. But this type of crime does not clearly stipulated in the Criminal Code of 1979.The new penal Code in 1997 has a chapter called " Harm a society management order ", which include the section of the " Break the environment resources protection offense ". However, many loopholes still exist. This paper will discuss the concept of environmental crime, its characteristics, legislative defects and legislative perfection .The full text is divided into three parts as follows:PartⅠ: Focus on the concept and characteristics of the environment crime. By introducing different definitions and views on the environmental crime, then put forward my own views and perspectives. Namely, environmental crime is malpractice which violating state environmental protection laws and regulations, with intentional or negligent implementation to damage the environment and people’s life and health and cause serious losses or serious threat. On the characteristics of environmental crime, this paper will pay attention to the attributes of extensive object and complex, abstract, and several other aspects for this crime. To get a accurate and scientific understanding of environmental crime. Second,Introducing the history and status quo of China’s legislation on environmental crime. Recalling China’s legislature in environmental crime legislation for its remarkable achievements since the founding of New China. Paving the way for improving the environment law as discussed below .PartⅡ: Defects in legislation for the environmental crime. Focus on China’s environmental crime in the law on the four defects. Defect of the legislative model, act of polluting the marine as an example to illustrate that the scope of China’s environmental crime is too narrow and the counts is too few. Example of pain of Japan’s Fujitsu to illustrate that the law were not include dangerous environment criminals. Unreasonable penalty system settings: general penalty is too light compared property crime, the penalty type is too small and it is difficult to determine the amount of fines, the implementation of a fine there are some difficulties.PartⅢ: Perfection in legislation for the environmental crime. Focused on the perfection of the law in environmental crime. Starting with perfecting its legislation model for environmental crime, by comparing several representative models of the Legislation, and proceeded to put forward that our environmental crime legislation should adopt the model of special legislation, it should in the form of a special chapter to be provided 1997 "Criminal Law" .Second, the legislation should expand the scope of protection , some representative and new charges, such as noise pollution crimes, crimes undermine grassland and soil pollution crimes and destruction of wetlands, the crime of atmospheric pollution, marine pollution crimes should be added. Then,put forward that the dangerous criminal convictions should punished. Finally improving the system of criminal penalties for the environment crime, the penalty system should give full play to the role of non-punitive . To achieve the purpose of prevention of environmental crime. Then discussed the four reasons that the dangerous criminal act should be punished, which is based on the value of the environment , forecast of the criminal law. Promote environmental protection legislation and the international legislation have the same track . make up for the shortfall for acts committed and the outcome. Finally improve environmental crime penalty system, we should increase the penalty for certain crimes intensity, improving the environment punishment types of fines with clearly defined amount and the addition for time system execution.

【关键词】 环境犯罪制度缺陷立法完善
【Key words】 EnvironmentSystem defectLegislative perfection
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】345

