

【作者】 张曼曼

【导师】 刘云生;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 受害人承诺的理论肇始于古罗马法学家乌尔比安在《学说汇纂》第47卷中所作的论断:“以受害人的意志所产生的,不是不法的。”后来这句法谚被概括为“得到承诺的行为不违法”。现实生活中,受害人允诺的现象是客观存在的。受害人的承诺对于行为人的责任承担具有重要意义,可以降低行为的可责性,甚至排除行为人行为的违法性。现代各国民法理论通常将其视为侵权行为法上的违法阻却事由。有的国家和地区在立法上明确规定了受害人承诺,将其作为法定的正当化事由,如意大利、韩国、中国澳门等;但在大多数国家和地区的立法中,对此问题并未予以明确规定,而是在理论上将其作为超法规的违法阻却事由加以研讨。在我国现行法律中,对于经受害人承诺的行为是否属于违法阻却事由也没有明确规定,致使在司法实践中对受害人承诺案例把握不准。理论上也只是将受害人承诺作为除正当防卫、紧急避险以外的其他排除违法性的行为之一予以论述。从实际情况来看,我国民法学界对于受害人承诺的关注不多,理论研究也相对薄弱,故有进一步探讨的价值。鉴于受害人承诺在立法以及司法实践中的重要作用,本文从公民私权利与国家公权力的博弈角度,考察二者的冲突与制衡,对受害人承诺进行综合的阐述。全文约三万四千字,除引言和结语外,共分为四个部分。第一部分为“受害人承诺的基本理论”。首先,讨论受害人承诺的概念问题。受害人承诺,是指受害人就他人特定行为的发生或他人对自己权益造成的特定损害后果予以同意的意愿。它不以具备法效意思为必要,非意思表示,是一种准法律行为,可以参照准用民法有关意思表示的规定。其次,分析受害人承诺的构成要件。从法律整体来看,受害人承诺在法律判断上具有多种含义,因此,受害人承诺的构成要件应当排除有关效力的限定性条件。具体包括五个要件:第一,受害人承诺须为预先作出。这是构成受害人承诺时间上的要求。第二,受害人必须具备承诺能力。受害人应当具备理解行为的性质、效果及其危险程度的能力。如果受害人不具备这样的能力,那么将出现替代承诺或推定承诺的情形。第三,受害人承诺必须明确作出。受害人的承诺应当足以为外人知悉把握,即必须达到一定明确程度才能成立。它可以是明示的,也可以是默示的。行为方式上可以是作为,也可以是不作为或单纯的沉默。第四,受害人承诺必须具有明确具体的内容。受害人承诺的本质是对个人人身、财产权利的自由处分,因此,处分权的客体必须是明确具体的,否则不能产生处分的法律效果。第五,受害人承诺应当真实、自愿。因欺诈、胁迫、药物控制而为的允诺,不能认定为受害人承诺。而受害人基于错误的允诺,一般不会影响承诺的成立,除非错误是行为人引诱的结果或行为人明知受害人有重大误解而不予纠正。再次,将受害人承诺同受害人故意、自甘冒险、免责条款这些容易混淆的概念进行对比,以加深对其内涵的理解。第二部分为“受害人承诺的效力基础”。本部分从法理上揭示了受害人承诺阻却违法性的根据,解释了为什么有的时候得到受害人承诺的行为就不具有违法性,而有些受害人承诺的情形却不具有阻却违法性的功能。关于这个问题,国内外理论界看法不一,主要存在以下观点:法律行为说、利益放弃说、权利处分说、法的保护放弃说、过错说以及利益衡量说。其中利益衡量说最为有力,它在其他学说的基础上产生,对其他学说的不足予以规避,并将其中合理性的部分加以吸纳。但是,利益衡量说也不尽完善,它提出的“一定法秩序的限度内”的前提条件需要进一步加以思考。因此,本文采用价值分析的方法,从权利自由、权利滥用、利益衡量三个方面着手分析受害人承诺的效力基础。承诺是由受害人作出的,但是利益比较的结果的确定却不是仅仅由受害人决定的,这其中既有外在的因素作用,又有内部的价值考量;既包含对法律规范的确认,又有对于各类利益的衡量,而受害人的行为则贯穿这种衡量的始终。第三部分为“受害人承诺的法律效力”。本部分重点讨论的是受害人承诺对受害人和行为人的法律效力。受害人承诺的效力基础反映到受害人承诺的法律效果上就形成了一个效力认定体系。当受害人承诺符合一定条件的时候,能够阻却行为人行为的违法性。这些限定性条件包括:第一,受害人承诺被侵害的权益应当是其可以自由处分的个人权益;第二,行为人的损害行为不得超过受害人同意的范围和限度;第三,损害行为不得违反法律的强制性、禁止性规定以及公共秩序、善良风俗。当受害人承诺不符合上述限定性条件的时候,承诺对行为人责任的定性没有任何的影响。行为人的行为将引发侵权责任、甚至是刑事责任的出现。此外,本文认为受害人承诺无对外效力是相对而言的,它必然会对第三人产生一定程度的影响,对此进行了一些粗浅的论述。第四部分为“受害人承诺的实证研究——以医疗行为为中心”。作为正文的最后一个部分,在理论研究之后,结合实践,本文选取了医疗行为中的患者承诺进行实证分析。首先,医疗行为阻却违法的依据是患者的有效承诺。医疗行为作为一种侵害性的行为,只有在得到患者有效承诺的情况下,才能排除其违法性。其次,分析医生的告知义务和患者的承诺。医疗行为具有很强的技术性,而患者通常不具备专业知识,很难就医疗行为可能带来的风险及其结果作出准确的判断。因此,医疗行为中的受害人承诺要阻却违法,在符合一般限定性条件的同时,还需要医生履行说明告知义务。医生的该项义务是患者有效承诺的必要前提。再次,论述医疗行为中患者承诺与医疗侵权责任之间的关系。患者的有效承诺排除的是医疗行为本身的违法性,不是医方的免责法宝。在医疗过程中,医方由于主观原因,违反法定义务或诊疗护理操作规范的规定,造成患者人身损害的,仍然要承担相应的责任。最后,由于自身水平有限,难免存在疏漏之处,恳请老师们指正。

【Abstract】 The theory of the victim’s consent evolved from the legal language "the behavior acquired the promise does not break the law". Realistic in the life, the phenomenon of consent is objective and existent. The responsibility which victimizes the person’s commitment a person for the behavior undertakes to have important meaning, can lower behavior of can responsibility, even expel behavior a person the illegal of the behavior. Modern civil law theories in every country usually regard it as the civil liabilities of defendant on torts. Some countries and areas definitely prescribe the victim’s consent in legislation, so take it as legal justifiability, such as Italy, Korea, and Macao. But most countries and areas’ code has no specific provision on this, only researches it as supra-law ground for elimination of misfeasance in theory. In our current lawmaking, general provision does not mention it and discusses it as one of preventing social jeopardize besides justifiable defense, necessity. In practice, our civil theory pays less attention to it and theoretic study is correspondingly inadequate, therefore it has the value of further research..Owing to the important function the victim’s consent in the lawmaking and the judicatory the fulfillment, this text investigates from the citizen private right and the national civic rights two of conflict and check and balance, elaborate towards the victim’s consent to carry on comprehensively.The full text is about 34,000 words, in addition to preface and conclusion, is divided into four parts totally.Part One: "The basic theories of the victim’s consent." Discuss the victim’s consent concept problem first. The consent of victim in torts law refers to the victim’s willingness for the particular conduct or harm to occur. Analyze its constitutive requirements secondly. Whole see from the law, it judges in the law up have various meanings, therefore, its constitutive requirements should expel the limitative condition concerning effect. There are five constitutive requirements. Firstly, the consent of victim beard for make in advance. Secondly, the victim has to have commitment ability. Thirdly, the consent of victim has to make definitely. Fourthly, the consent of victim has to have a definitely concrete content. At the last point, the consent of victim should true, voluntarily. The third section, will the consent together intentionally, assumption of risk and don’t need responsibility item these concepts which confuse easily to carry on contrast again, deepen as to it’s the comprehensions of content.Part Two: "The effect foundation of the victim’s consent." This part explains why get commitment sometimes of the behavior doesn’t have illegal, but some situations of commitment don’t have the function. Relevant this problem, the domestic and international viewpoint of theories field is different. Concerning its basis aspects such as freedom of the actor, abuse of rights, balance of interest, value of law should all be taken into account.Part Three: "The legal effect of the victim’s consent." This part of point discussions the legal effect between victim and conductor. When the consent matches three limit conditional of time, it can be used as a defense to exempt the civil liabilities of defendant. If not, the consent will not protect the defendant against civil action or a criminal prosecution. At the end of the part, the article discusses the legal effect of the consent referring to the third party.Part Four: "Empirical study of the victim’s consent: medical treatment." Medical treatment seem to injury human body, however, the subjective aim of medical treatment is to cure the disease to save patient, objectively in favor of both patient and society. Therefore medical treatment has justifiability in law. But in this situation, the principle of "Informed consent" has to be obeyed.At last, because my level is limited, there is careless omission unavoidably. Please a teacher to my some suggestions.

  • 【分类号】D913
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