

【作者】 李海波

【导师】 汪世虎;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 股东派生诉讼又称股东代表诉讼,是指在他人侵害公司利益之际,若公司不对其提起诉讼,公司股东可以以自己名义为公司利益向法院提起诉讼。在众多的股东权益保护体系中,股东派生诉讼是最为重要的一个。它产生于以私权保护著称的普通法系国家。但是,由于其在防范公司股东和“内部人”之间以及大股东和小股东之间利益冲突,保护股东特别是中小股东利益方面具有无可比拟的优势。所以,自诞生以来,就摆脱地域限制,向世界传播。派生诉讼赋予了微量持股的股东以一纸诉状即无可挽回地将公司董事等经营管理人员,甚至是公司本身送上审判台的权利。绝对的权力必然导致腐败,没有约束的权利必然被滥用。如果对这样一种权利不加限制,势必引发股东滥用股东派生诉讼提起权。实践也证明,派生诉讼被滥用的历史和派生诉讼的历史一样源远流长。一个股东可能仅仅是喜欢诉讼而提起诉讼,可能在信息掌握不充分,考虑不够成熟的情况下轻易地提起诉讼,也可能是为了追求优于其他股东的利益而起诉,甚至有可能是在律师的怂恿下为追求律师高额的代理费用而发动诉讼。如何保证派生诉讼这一制度的运行符合立法者的初衷,如何防范派生诉讼被“别有用心”或“无所用心”的人滥用,如何构建股东派生诉讼的约束机制是规定派生诉讼这一制度时不得不慎重考虑的问题。我国立法者借鉴国外先进立法例,于2005年《公司法》修正之际,引进了股东派生诉讼制度。但是,规定的过于简单,并且仅有的规定也有值得商榷的地方,对于派生诉讼滥用的约束机制更是付之阙如。为了更好地发挥派生诉讼防范利益冲突,保护股东特别是中小股东利益、完善公司治理的作用,有必要对派生诉讼的约束机制进行深入研究。笔者在广泛借鉴国外先进的立法和司法实践经验的基础上,结合我国的具体情况,对约束股东派生诉讼的各种方法的利弊得失进行深入探讨,以期对我国股东派生诉讼的完善有所助益。全文共分五个部分。第一部分:股东派生诉讼的产生和意义。对股东派生诉讼的产生进行探讨,主要解决两个问题。第一,为什么当一个具有完全民事行为能力的自然人在利益受到侵害时,不容许他人为了受害人的利益提起诉讼,而容许股东为维护公司利益得以自己名义提起诉讼?第二,股东派生诉讼制度到底是解决什么问题的?得出的结论是:由于存在着公司本身和公司机关担当人的自然人之间的利益分野,很可能导致公司的利益受到侵害而无人间津,特别是由于资本多数决背景下大小股东之间以及在所有权与控制权分离后股东与公司“内部人”之间的利益冲突,使得公司利益被侵害的现象更经常地发生,而且一旦发生往往无法得到有效救济。为了保护公司利益,保护公司股东特别是中小股东的利益,有必要赋予股东在公司利益被侵害而公司怠于提起诉讼时,股东以个人名义提起诉讼。对股东派生诉讼制度意义的探讨,目的在于表明作者对股东派生诉讼制度持肯定态度。约束并不含有否定的意思,而是在一定的限制条件下令其更好地发挥作用。笔者将从派生诉讼的一般意义、比较优势及在我国的特殊意义三个方面切入。第二部分:构建股东派生诉讼约束机制的必要性分析。本部分主要从两个方面讨论建立股东派生诉讼约束机制的必要性。一是从派生诉讼功能有限性的角度出发,首先分析派生诉讼相对于市场机制和行政监管的比较劣势,说明派生诉讼应当“有所为,有所不为”,如果其他利益保护机制的作用更好的话,派生诉讼还是不用为好。二:是结合我国实际,对派生诉讼在我国的有效性问题探讨,对派生诉讼能否在我国发挥应有的作用予以说明。“机制”,按照《现代汉语词典》的解释,是指“一个工作系统的组织或部分之间相互作用的过程和方式”。机制强调不同主体的互动,在互动中达到约束和制衡的目的。对于派生诉讼约束机制的构建,笔者仿照政治社会中权力的分立和制衡原则,通过对派生诉讼中各种参与人(包:括法院,原告,被告,公司)一系列权利、义务和责任的分配,达到约束和制衡的目的。于是,就有了本文的第三、第四、第五部分。第三部分:对派生诉讼原告的约束。首先,就原告的资格约束而言,应当舍弃那些逻辑上站不住脚,实践中有害的确定的资格约束标准,规定法院通过审查原告是否公正和充分的代表公司利益,决定是否容许股东提起诉讼。其次,应当对胜诉原告的费用补偿权进行适当限制,无论如何不能使原告及原告聘请律师通过诉讼获得额外利益。再次,应当明确规定败诉原告在特定情况下对公司和被告的赔偿责任,以遏制原告发动没有根据的派生诉讼。最后,在一定条件下,被告有权要求原告提供费用担保。第四部分:公司的防御。首先,充分肯定了我国《公司法》规定的绝对的先诉请求规则,同时,笔者以为,先诉请求应当向董事会而不是监事会提出。其次,应当借鉴国外的商业判断原则对公司董事等经营管理人员进行特殊保护。赋予公司在派生诉讼进行过程中请求法院驳回或终止派生诉讼的权力,法院根据指控对象和控诉理由的不同适用不同的标准进行审查,并做出是否准予股东提起派生诉讼的决定,以强化公司在法院的监督下对原告的制衡作用。第五部分:法院对派生诉讼的控制。首先对法院在派生诉讼中所享有的广泛的自由裁量权力做出说明,突出了法官在派生诉讼中的作用。接着,重点探讨了法院对当事人达成的和解协议的批准权问题,通过强化法院的监督,防止和解成为董事责任的“避风港”,防止和解成为当事人以公司利益为代价寻求个人不正当利益的合法外衣。

【Abstract】 Shareholder derivative action, also known as shareholder representative litigation, means shareholders could be in their own name for the interests of the company to sue if the company does not initiate proceedings against a person who hurt the interests of the company. In all kinds of methods of protecting the shareholders’ interest, derivative litigation is the most important one. It is used firstly by those common-law countries in order to protect the individual property And in the common-law countries, Shareholder derivative litigation still play an important role, but as derivative litigation have unique advantages in the prevention of conflict of interest, particularly the protection of minority shareholders, therefore, since its birth, it went out of those countries into the worldShareholder derivative litigation gives shareholders the right to start a lawsuit against the company managers, even the company. Absolute power is bound to lead to corruption, and the right will be abused if not binding. Derivative litigation will be abused if no binding. Practice has proven that the history of the derivative litigation being abused is as long as the derivative litigation itself. Some shareholders might be like to sue. Some may start litigation at the base of inadequate information. Derivative lawsuit may be in pursuit of their own interests sued improper, or even instigated by lawyers for the pursuit of high expenses.How to ensure that the derivative litigation is not abused and how to establish the binding mechanism of the derivative litigation which is two problems legislators must consider.Referring foreign advanced legislative experience .in the 2005 revision of the Company Law, we introduced the shareholder derivative litigation system. However, it is very simple and the only rule is not scientific. The provisions about the derivative litigation are inadequate. In order to give derivative litigation better conditions to play the role of preventing to the conflict of interest and the protection of shareholders right, especially minority shareholder. It is necessary to study deeply the restraint mechanism of derivative litigation. Referring to foreign advanced legislative and judicial practice and in light of China’s actual situation the author will study the advantages and disadvantages about the binding mechanism of shareholder derivative litigation. The author hopes that the shareholder derivative litigation plays an important role in our country.This paper is divided into five parts:Part I: birth of shareholder derivative litigation and its significance Study the birth of shareholder derivative litigation is to solve two major problems. First, when a natural people’s rights and interests have been infringed upon, the law does not allow others to sue bad man to protect interests of the victims but allows shareholders to initiate proceedings to protect the interest of company. Secondly, what are the problems that shareholders derivative litigation need to solve? The author draw the conclusion that, because the separation in interest between the company and natural persons who constitute the company authority is likely to lead to the violation of the interests of the company and no one would protect the interests of the company.By studying the meaning of Shareholder derivative litigation, the author aims to show that the shareholder derivative litigation system is positive, and restraint does not contain refusing and its aim is to protect.The author derived from the general significance of the proceedings, and the comparative advantages and its special significance in our country.Part II: analysis of the necessity of constituting the binding mechanism of shareholder derivative litigationThe author talks about the necessity mainly from two aspects. The first perspective is the limited functionality of derivative litigation .First of all, compared to the market and administration, shareholder derivative litigation have some disadvantages. So the derivative litigation should exercise restraint and give other mechanisms of preventing conflicts of interest enough space. Then, in accordance with China’s reality, the author explores the validity of derivative litigation in our country.Binding, in accordance with the "Modern Chinese Dictionary" means process and the interaction among the system of work organization or part. As to derivative litigation, the establishment of the binding mechanism of derivative action the author imitates the system of checks and balances by separation of powers .It is necessary to gives all people the right obligations and responsibilities in the proceedings, which will reach in the interactive constraint and the purpose of checks and balancesPart III: binding on the plaintiffFirstly, we should abandon those illogical and harmful restraint standards. Through the review whether the plaintiff represented fairly and adequately the interests of the company or not, the court decide whether or not to allow prosecution of the plaintiff’s rights. Secondly, the cost of compensation to the plaintiff should impose restrictions, in any case, not allowing plaintiffs and lawyers to additional benefits through litigation. Thirdly, should make it clear that under certain conditions, the plaintiff should shoulder the responsibility for the defendant and the company. Finally, the defendant has the right to request the plaintiff to provide guarantees, if eligible.Part IV: the defense from companyFirst of all, I fully affirmed China’s "Company Law" provisions of the absolute principle of the request. At the same time, I believe that the request should first appeal to the Board, rather than to the board of supervisors. Secondly, I believe that our country should introduce the commercial judgment principle to protect company’s directors and other management staff. Give the company the right to request the court reject derivative litigation. To the complaint, the court review by different standards. Its purpose is to strengthen the balance from company under the review of the court.PART V: control from the court on derivative litigationFirstly, the courts play an important role in the derivative litigation. Secondly the Court focused on the review the settlement agreement approved by plaintiff and defendant. By the supervision of the courts, it is to prevent the settlement agreement become a defendant responsibility haven.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】268

