

【作者】 刘艳艳

【导师】 邓纲;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界国际竞争日益激烈,为加强区域经济合作,增强自身的国际竞争力,成员方纷纷利用WTO对区域经济一体化的例外规定,与其他国家或地区建立各种区域经济一体化组织。金融合作是经济合作中极为重要的一块。随着区域经济一体化的发展,区域金融一体化浪潮逐渐高涨,香港与内地也卷入其中。1997年亚洲金融风暴和“9.11事件”后欧美经济的衰退,催使香港与内地携起手来,建立牢固的合作机制,以在世界银行业市场上占据一席。2003年6月29日《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic PartnershipArrangement,以下简称CEPA~1)应运而生。CEPA文件对两地之间银行市场准入问题的规定,与两地各自银行法中的相关规定一起构成了CEPA框架下香港与内地银行市场准入法律制度。市场准入制度是两地银行进入对方市场的第一道门槛。内地与香港是一个国家内的两个单独关税区,彼此之间应降低准入门槛,加强合作。内地利用WTO区域经济一体化的例外规定,通过CEPA给予了香港银行比其他WTO成员方银行更优惠的市场准入待遇,让其提前占据了在内地银行业市场中的有利位置。2004年CEPA正式实施后,两地银行在对方市场上的蓬勃发展说明CEPA框架下香港与内地银行市场准入法律制度对两地银行业合作的发展起到了极大的推动作用。但是,CEPA刚建立不久,还需要在实践中不断完善。此外,CEPA的最终目标是惠及“两岸四地”,促进共同繁荣。所以,台湾与大陆也应借鉴CEPA框架下香港与内地银行市场准入法律制度,尽早构建两岸之间的银行业合作体系。本文立足于此进行研究。全文3万余字,分六个部分,要点如下:第一部分,概论。本部分旨在为后文详细阐述CEPA框架下香港与内地银行市场准入法律制度作铺垫,首先介绍了“外资银行”与“市场准入”这两个基本概念、外资银行市场准入的法学理论依据、香港与内地法律中对“外资银行”的不同界定;其次介绍了CEPA及四个补充协议的签订背景及协议文件构成情况;再次,通过在香港金融管理局网站、中国银行业监管委员会网站及各家银行网站上搜集的数据资料,展示两地银行在对方市场上的发展历程及现状,肯定了建立并完善CEPA框架下香港与内地银行市场准入法律制度的积极意义。第二部分详细论述了CEPA框架下香港银行内地市场准入法律制度。首先简要介绍了规制香港银行进入内地市场的主要法律法规:《外资银行管理条例》及其实施细则、CEPA及其四个补充协议、《境外金融机构投资入股中资金融机构管理办法》;其次,阐述了新设准入和并购准入两种制度下的准入形式、准入条件及准入程序;再次,着重探讨了CEPA对“香港银行”这一主体资格的界定标准和认可程序,提出因采用“注册成立地标准”界定“香港银行”而可能产生的“溢出效应”可惠及两地乃至台湾银行业的观点。第三部分详细论述了CEPA框架下内地银行香港市场准入法律制度。首先简要介绍了规制内地银行进入香港市场的主要法律法规:香港《银行业条例》、《公司收购、合并及股份购回守则》等;其次,阐述了新设准入的准入形式、准入条件及准入程序;再次,简要介绍了内地银行并购香港银行所要遵循的法规。第四部分探讨了内地给予香港银行市场准入优待的合规性问题。首先对比分析了香港银行与其他成员方银行在中国市场的不同准入条件,展示了内地通过CEPA给予香港银行的准入优待;其次,介绍了WTO最惠国待遇原则的例外,着重阐述了其中的一项——区域经济一体化;再次,以演绎推理的方式,论证了CEPA属于区域经济一体化组织,从而证明内地给予香港银行优待属于经济一体化组织内部成员方在服务贸易领域给予彼此的优惠,符合GATS最惠国待遇的例外规定,不违反WTO规则。第五部分通过介绍由一系列银行法指令构建的欧盟外资银行市场准入监管体系,在借鉴欧盟经验的基础上,提出了完善CEPA框架下香港与内地银行市场准入法律制度的建议。第六部分对台湾银行进入大陆市场进行了展望。在分析台湾银行进入大陆市场的必要性和紧迫性基础上,提出:台湾银行可搭乘CEPA顺风车,借道香港进入大陆市场,以解眼前之急;从长远来看,两岸之间应尽早对话,构建两岸之间银行业合作的制度体系,促进两岸银行业的共同发展和繁荣。

【Abstract】 As the international competition becoming increasingly fierce, the WTO members, making use of the exceptions of regional economic integration, establish regional economic organizations with other countries or regions to strengthen regional economic cooperation and their international competitiveness. Financial cooperation is extremely important in economic cooperation. With the development of regional economic integration, regional financial integration has becoming a rising tide, in which Hong Kong and Mainland are also involved. Affected by the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the economic recession of Europe and America after the 9.11 Incident, Hong Kong and Mainland decided to build a strong cooperation mechanism to occupy a seat in the world banking market. On 29 June 2003, the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (hereafter referred to as CEPA) was signed. The legal system of Hong Kong and Mainland banking market access under the framework of CEPA is constructed by the regulations about banking market access in the documents of CEPA and related regulations in the banking laws of the two regions.The market access system is the first threshold for banks entering the other’s market. Because we are different customs regions in one country, the access threshold should be lowered. Through CEPA, Mainland, making use of the exceptions of regional economic integration, rendered Hong Kong banks more preferential market access treatment than other WTO members’ banks, whom can occupy a favorable position of Mainland banking market in advance. After the implementation of CEPA in 2004, the vigorous development of the banks in each other’s markets, show that the legal system of Hong Kong and Mainland banking market access under the framework of CEPA has playing a great role in promoting the development of economy in the two regions. However, the CEPA framework was established for a short time, which needs to be improved continuously in the practice. At the same time, the ultimate goal of CEPA is to benefit Four Regions of Cross-Strait, and to promote common prosperity. Therefore, Taiwan and Mainland should learn from the legal system of Hong Kong and Mainland banking market access under the framework of CEPA, construct cross-strait banking cooperation system as soon as possible. This paper is based on it.There are more than 30000 characters in this paper, including six parts. The important points are as follows:The first part is introduction. This section seeks to foreshadow elaboration of the legal system of Hong Kong and the Mainland banking market access under the framework of CEPA. First, it introduces two basic concepts: foreign banks and market access, the legal theoretical foundation of foreign banks market access, and the different definition of foreign banks in the laws of Hong Kong and Mainland. Secondly, it introduces the signing background of CEPA and its four supplemental agreements, and the composition of their documents. Thirdly, through the data collected from the websites of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, China Banking Regulatory Commission and individual banks, it displays the developing course and status quo of Hong Kong banks in Mainland and Mainland banks in Hong Kong, to affirm the positive significance that establishing and improving the legal system of Hong Kong and Mainland banking market access under the framework of CEPA.The second part discusses the legal system regulating banks from Hong Kong entering Mainland market under the framework of CEPA. First it introduces the main regulations about banks from Hong Kong entering Mainland market: the Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks and its detailed rules for implementation, CEPA and its four Supplemental Agreements, the Administration of Equity Investment of Overseas Financial Institutions in Chinese-funded Financial Institutions Procedures. Secondly, it expounds the form of access, the qualifications to access and the procedures of access under the two conditions: establishing an independent bank and buying partial or all property or stocks of another bank to be a stockholder. Thirdly, it focuses on the standards for defining and procedures for approving of Hong Kong banks in CEPA. And then it proposes a point of view that the Spill-over Effect caused by adopting the Criterion of the Registered Places to define Hong Kong banks can benefit the banks of two regions, and even Taiwan’s banks.The third part discusses the legal system regulating banks from Mainland entering Hong Kong market under the framework of CEPA. First it introduces the main regulations about banks from Mainland entering Hong Kong market: the Banking Ordinance, the Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases. Secondly, it expounds the form of access, the qualifications to access and the procedures of access for establishing an independent bank. Thirdly, it briefly introduces the rules regulating the Mainland banks merging Hong Kong banks in Hong Kong market.The fourth Part discusses the legality that Mainland rendered Hong Kong banks privileges on market access. First, it compares and analyses the different qualifications for enter Chinese Mainland banking market of banks from Hong Kong and other WTO members, which illustrates that Mainland rendered Hong Kong banks more privileges on access through CEPA. Secondly, it introduces the WTO exceptions of Most-Favored-Nation Principle, with focus on regional economic integration. Thirdly, by deductive reasoning, it demonstrates that CEPA belongs to organizations of regional economic integration, to prove that Mainland rendering Hong Kong banks privileges is based on the exceptions of regional economic integration, which does not violate the WTO rules.The fifth Part introduces the EU supervision system on foreign banks market access formed of a series of Banking Directives. On the basis of referring to the European Union experience, this paper proposes some suggestions to perfect the legal system of Hong Kong and Mainland banking market access under the framework of CEPA.The last part looks into the future of Taiwan banks entering the Mainland market. It analyses the necessity and the urgency of Taiwan banks entering the Mainland market, and then states that Taiwan banks can take a hitch-hiker of CEPA to enter the Mainland market in the name of Hong Kong banks to alleviate the immediate urgency. From a long-term perspective, the Cross-Strait should negotiate as soon as possible for building a banking cooperation system and promoting the common development and prosperity of the Cross-Strait banking.

  • 【分类号】D922.281
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】307

