

【作者】 黄珊珊

【导师】 陈彬;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 赢得民众的支持、信赖,是优良司法效果的重要标志。在司法诸领域中,民事司法介入社会生活的范围广泛,内含的利益冲突和社会矛盾多样、复杂,社会各方面对民事司法效果给予了越来越多的关注。在这种背景下,促进民众对民事司法的支持与信赖具有特别重要的意义。民事司法陪审作为连接司法与民众的纽带,有助于在法律思维与大众思维之间找到一个平衡点,让司法接近民众,让民众接受司法,从而促进民事司法的良性发展。人民陪审员制度是人民法院在审判案件的过程中,由人民陪审员参加组成合议庭进行案件审判的制度。本文以实施《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》(以下简称《决定》)为主要背景,以实务考察所获取的信息为主要支撑,以增进民事司法效果为主要目标,剖析影响民事司法陪审发挥预期作用的因素,探寻我国民事司法陪审制度的重构思路。文章除引言和结语外,分为以下四个部分论述:第一部分:司法陪审一般考察。这一部分分为域外司法陪审与我国人民陪审两个部分,在介绍中外司法陪审产生与发展情况的基础上,揭示了陪审与司法民主的关系,域外司法陪审是司法民主的体现,具有较强的生命力;在考察《决定》施行情况的基础上,剖析了影响民事司法陪审发挥预期作用的主要因素。文章认为,实行陪审是实现民主、增进司法效果的历史经验,受制定法影响至深的职业法官尤其需要仰赖陪审员的介入,以矫正其不断膨胀的职业趋向;对人民陪审政治价值的片面强调,既催生了人民陪审制度,也妨碍了人民陪审制度实际作用的发挥。只有增进司法效果,人民陪审制度才具有生命基础,才能显现其政治价值;增进司法效果,是《决定》的价值追求。但无论是《决定》中的制度安排还是《决定》的施行,从实践中运行的情况来看,都还与制定者的期望存在较大差距。第二部分:陪审与民事司法的一般关系。这一部分着重论述了民事司法陪审的重要性。文章阐明,陪审与民事司法具有高度契合性。实行民事司法陪审,有助于更好地适应民事案件分布面广、类型多元、集聚基层、关系民生等特性,有助于更加充分地尊重民事案件当事人的意思自治,有助于更加适当地促进民事职业法官自由心证、自由裁量与民众认知的趋近,有助于更加有效地保障民事司法中便民措施的落实。此外,在参考相关文献资料的基础上,该部分还对我国民事司法陪审的必要性进行了阐述。文章认为,民事司法陪审制度的建立是我国民事司法民主性的必然要求,是优化民事审判制度的需要,并有利于案件的执行。第三部分:陪审与民事司法效果的实证分析。该部分首先对民事司法效果及其主要评价标准进行了探讨。文章认为,民事司法效果,是民事司法行为作用于社会以及社会接受或排斥民事司法行为的综合效应。审视民事司法的可接近性、可接受性、可执行性,涵盖了对民事司法效果主要方面的评价。其中,最重要的评价标准是公正与效率。其次,该部分还根据来源于多个地区、多个层级法院的统计数据,分析了陪审对民事审判周期和民事案件上诉率、再审率、改判发回重审率、调解结案率等方面的实际影响。文章指出,《决定》实施一年多以来,陪审对民事司法效果的影响参差不齐。其中,陪审对民事司法效果的积极影响指引了民事司法陪审发挥作用的方向,即民事司法陪审应当有助于从总体上缩断民事审判周期,降低民事案件上诉率、再审率、改判发回重审率,提高民事案件的调解结案率;陪审对民事司法效果的消极影响反映了《决定》及其实施过程中存在的问题,只有解决这些问题,才能发挥民事司法陪审的潜在优势。第四部分:我国民事司法陪审制度的重构。通过前面的考察,发现我国现行的民事司法陪审制度在运行中还存在较多不尽如人意的地方,一部《决定》的出台,起到了一定的促进作用;但还是不够的,该部分针对我国民事司法陪审存在的问题,以推动其渐进发展为目标,提出了重构我国民事司法陪审制度的建议:一是制度改革。首先从宪法上恢复确立陪审制度,统一完善相关的立法;其次,也是最重要的,就是民事司法陪审具体制度的重构,笔者从选任条件、人数、权利义务等方面提出了若干建议;第三就是要有实施民事司法陪审制度的其他相关制度保障,如经费、补助、培训安排等。二是环境改良。文章认为,民事司法陪审制度的运行必须放在良好司法制度的大环境中,民事司法陪审制度的良性运行必须以改良环境为前提。三是工作改进。有了良好的制度和环境保障,还需要司法实践者在工作中提高认识,认真落实和实施好民事司法陪审制度,这样才能将人民陪审制度在促进民事司法效果中的作用真正发挥,文章针对民事司法陪审工作中的一些具体问题提出了改进的意见。

【Abstract】 Win the people’s support, trust, is an important symbol of very good judicial. In the administration of justice in the areas of civil judicial involvement of a wide range of social life, the implicit conflict of interest and social contradictions diverse, complex, and all sectors of the community to face the effects of the civil justice system more and more attention. In this context, the promotion of people’s civil justice system with the support of trust has special significance. Jury civil justice as a connecting link of justice and the people, ideas and help in the legal community to find a balance between thinking, let justice closer to the people, so that people accept the judiciary, so as to promote the healthy development of civil justice.The people’s jury system is the people’s court cases in the course of the trial, jurors by the people formed a collegiate bench to participate in the trial system. In this paper, the implementation of the "on improving the people’s jury system" (hereinafter referred to as "Decision") as the main background and practical information obtained by the study as the main support, to enhance the effectiveness of civil justice as a major objective , Jury to explore China’s civil justice system remodeling ideas. In addition to the introduction and conclusion article, the exposition is divided into the following four parts:PartⅠ: General inspection of jury. This part is divided into extraterritorial jury system and our people’s jury system. In introducing the development of the jury, revealing the relationship between democracy and jury, the jury is the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the judicial democracy and has strong vitality; Basing on the inspection of implementation of the "Decision", analyzing the main factors of impacting the civil justice jury. The article maintained that Jury is a realization of democracy, jury is the historical experience of enhancing judicial effect, the law enacted judges in particular need to rely on the jurors to intervene in order to correct his growing occupational trends; Only promote judicial effect, the people’s jury system will to be shown its political value; promote judicial effect, is the value of the "Decision". But not only in the Decision’s arrangement but also the implementation, there are difference between maker’s expectations. PartⅡ: The general relations between Jury and the civil justice system. This part focuses on the importance of civil justice Jury. The article stated that the jury and the civil justice system have a high degree of fit. Jury implementation of civil justice, and contribute to better adapt to a wide range of civil cases, the type of odd, gather grassroots, and the people’s livelihood characteristics contribute to the civil parties to fully respect the autonomy and help more appropriate to promote civil professional judges free evaluation of evidence, freedom and the public’s understanding of the discretionary approach, contribute to the effective protection of civil justice measures in the implementation of convenience. In addition, the reference to the relevant literature on the basis of that part of our civil justice system is also the necessity of the jury described. The article maintains that the jury system of civil justice is the establishment of China’s civil justice the inevitable democratic demands, optimize the needs of the civil justice system, and will be conducive to the implementation of the case.PartⅢ: Empirical Analysis of Jury and the results of civil justice. Firstly, the civil justice effects and its main effect of the evaluation criteria were discussed. The article maintained that civil justice effects, the role of civil justice in the community and the civil society to accept or reject the combined effect of Judicial Conduct. Look at the civil justice accessibility, acceptability, and enforceability of the civil justice system covers the main aspects of the evaluation results. The most important evaluation criteria is fair and efficient. Secondly, from a variety of areas, multiple levels of the Court of statistical data, analyzing the impacting of jury and the hearing cycle, the retrial rate, the appealing rate and so on.. The article pointed out that the "decision" has been implemented more than a year, the jury on the effect of the civil justice uneven.PartⅣ: Reconstruction of China’s civil justice system Jury. Through previous inspection found that China’s current civil jury in the operation of the civil justice system still have many unsatisfactory, the appearing of the "Decision" played a certain role in promoting, but it is not enough, The part existing problems of civil jury, in order to promote their gradual development, giving some suggestions as follows: First, the reform of the system. Firstly, establishing the jury system in the Constitution, unify and improve the relevant legislation; Secondly, and the most importantly, reconstruction of civil justice jury system, the authors selected from the conditions, the number of rights, obligations and so put forward a number of recommendations; Third is the need for the implementation of the jury system of civil justice system to protect other relevant, such as funding grants, training arrangements. Second, the environment improved. The article maintains that the jury civil justice system must be placed on the operation of the judicial system in a good environment, civil justice benign operation of the jury system to improve the environment must be the primary prerequisite. Third, it is working to improve. Have a good environment and institutional guarantee, it is also necessary judicial practice in the work of raising awareness, seriously implement and enforce civil justice jury system, in order to promote people’s jury system in effect in the civil justice system play a real role. The article give some views about some specific Problems

  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】185

